March 15, 2021

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1471 - 2021.03.15

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Paul English – The Limeys #13 – Anti-Semitic Seagulls

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  1. Great show.
    Thank you.

    Communist women's movements...

    In the 1960's these extremely ugly Bolshevik Communist lesbian Jew women, Susan Sonntag, Bella Abzug and the 'normal' looking Gloria Steinem were the movement leaders in the USA.


  2. Btw:

    If Great Britain had not betrayed Europe by declaring war on Germany in 1939,

    GB and western European Nations wouldn't be on their way to total destruction.

  3. Here is another Jewess:

    "I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has

    not yet learned how to be multicultural.

    And I think we Jews are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must

    take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last


    Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make.

    They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our

    leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

    And this slimy creep is allowed to live among us....

  4. In case you are interested: Her name is Barbara Lerner Specter.
    Look her up!!

  5. @ Unknown aka John Miller....Yawn!

    Pretty much everyone who are regulars of this site know all about Barbara Lerner Spectre, they know about Henry Ford, they know about Charles Lindbergh and most certainly they know all about Adolph Hitler. Why do you continuously post the same stuff over and over again? None of your posts are inany way relevant to the show you post under. Not one! Please tell me how productive that is? Seriously it's getting so bloody boring now.

    Now can I ask you a question? And please answer this or feck off. What will you do in the coming years when hordes of masked zombies, black, white and muslim (not jews because they will be laughing their asses off in their ivory towers), come into your space with very sharp machetes wanting to slice off your head and eat it? Quote them Barbara Lerner Spectre and hope that they go away?

    Now put that in your pipe and smoke it and think hard on that. If you can provide solutions we're all ears but please stop all this other shit.

    Anymore fuckin quotes that you post that we have heard time and time and time and time and time again will be spammed. Ok? Got that? Capiche? Enough is enough.


  6. Hello A.C.H, great show, as always!
    I just finished reading "The Synagogue of Satan".
    Thank you for this fantastic Great work you did!

    For those that act like they know what's going on in this world, here is what it says on the back of the book:

    'World events do not happen by accident. World history is planned far in advance by a conspiratorial Cabal, an Invisible Hand, working secretly behind the scenes.

    Here is the record of how the Synagogue of Satan has stealthily moved to dominate and control the world's money and banking.

    It has set up secret societies and organizations such as the Bilderbergers, Freemasonry, and the Council on Foreign Relations to do its dirty work.
    And now, this age-old conspiracy is prepared to plunge mankind into the utter depths of all-out destruction.'

    Unfortunately, the masses, some call them 'herd animals', don't read books any more.
    They believe what some talking heads in the Jew controlled media are telling them.

    Btw: My quotes, comments, here at Mami's, often repeated, are actually posted to be read by guests, maybe thousands, that are looking in to Mami's shows.

  7. Hi @ Brizer ..

    I just noticed your warning...
    oy vey

    "..who are regulars of this site "...
    How many 'regulars' are there, posting comments, maybe 6 ,7, 8 ??

    "they know all about Adolph Hitler. "

    I don't think so... it's NOT Adolph, it's Adolf Hitler :))

    And how many of those 6,7, or 8 "regulars" are complaining ? Maybe a 'Jewish regular' or 2 ??
    And WHO is "we are all ears.." those 6,7,8, 'regulars ??

    Thanks for infos and to use your advice: "seriously, calm down, please."

  8. Hi @ Brizer..
    Live is not easy nowadays...
    Understand? Ok, Capiche ?

  9. @ Unknown

    Please answer my question.

  10. Hi @Brizer..
    Your question ?

    Certainly, here is my answer :

    I would wave a Swastika flag !!

    Those hordes of masked zombies, black, white and muslim will throw their sharp machetes away,
    start goose stepping around my house and yell "Heil Hitler",

    while those slimy, lying International parasitic Jew creeps in their ivory towers are

    pissed off, pack their bags and go home to Birobidjan. (check Wikipedia)


    Now, I've got a question for YOU, please answer:

    Why do you start your shows always with that mad laughter???

    I see already a comment on your show, I think it's the zebra....
    It was certainly a great one and there will be a lot more of praise, I am sure!

    Now have a great day over there in Ireland.
    Calm down and have a beer, cheers....


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