March 17, 2021

The Raw Wisdom Circle 2021.03.17

Simulcast on studio A and B with Jim Fetzer, Scorpio, Giuseppe And Chris. Guests: Eric Thompson and Russ Winter. Lots of talk of Covid.

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  1. Rense's 2nd hr guest last night Dr Erica Khan, MIT grad bio/nano-technologist told of her 'suspicion' re that Dutch vax developer doc who's made a splash this past week over his timing & association, & now we have...

    Rebuttal: The ‘Not-So-Hidden Agenda’ Behind Bossche’s Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination

    In her rebuttal to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s open letter to the WHO, Rosemary Frei, MSc, outlines what she says are “a few of the dozens of clues” suggesting that Bossche’s argument “is a continuation of the overall COVID deception.”
    By Rosemary Frei

  2. Interview 1624 – James Corbett on Our Digital Gulag
    Corbett • 03/17/2021

    Today James joins Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond to talk about the latest bouts of social media censorship and Patreon skullduggery and how it ties into the bigger picture of the digital gulag. What does it mean when every human interaction is intermediated by an electronic device? And what does it mean when our access to those devices and services can be turned off at the flip of a switch?

  3. Excellent Zeebs! Great catch. Something about that Geert thing did smell like a rat. So does Smalltree. Hes turning on Gates now and is still breathing ? Why now? Im sure there are more scientific reasons. Im sure Zepp will have the right questions for Judy regarding that.
    Just some quick observations of an always great show.. Trust me, not patting myself on the back but .. lost my notes, but just wanted to chime in about the ongoing "what was Trump" debate. I have never been political .Could care a less. Never voted, never will.Having been a trader for 20 years post-orchestrated -08 financial crisis , there was some intrigue with Bammy. The night i read in WSJ that all the bonuses would still be paid cause "its how we retain talent" i knew nothing mattered for sure like i long suspected. When the entire Trump phenom started, i cant lie, i was intrigued . I heard co workers starting to get lathered up. I admit i was thinking "finally"? It was a day in Feb or March of 16 when i heard Trump blew off a debate to speak to AIPAC i just yelled to them ,your wasting your time. Its pointless. The entire Trump against them was always an act IMHO . If his intention was to really drain the swamp hed have told them to go pound sand

    Regarding Wars with particularly Russia all spoke of. Ive tried to ring the bell to friends with teenage sons to no avail years ago , regarding, you better figure out what is really going on there. It be nice to hear about how Ukraine is really getting hot regarding the train loads of heavy artillery etc going to Donbass. I would get the "oh no they would never start a war with Russia and get ourselves nuked!" oh yea? Well think again. What a better way to blast a few hundred thousand or even million white Christian men! I doubt young jewish men will be sent to Eastern Europe/Iran. No. On the contrary . I believe TPTB are dying for Russia to, Justifiably , roach a few B-52s over the Black Sea . It be the perfect excuse. That is why i have said here before.. Boys. Ya got 2 choices and ther isnt options C , D or E , Die here protecting your family or die there. In fact ill take it even more crazy .. dont think that the Banker wet dream would be war with Russia and Iran at the same time.. Ooops.Gotta send every male there. Wow what a great way to make the nation utterly defenseless. So it wont be like WWII boys,where your girl that you put on your nose art of your hunk of shit B-52 or F-35, will be home waiting for you.. No, shed been pawned of as a sex slave long time before if you ever come back ! If you even do

  4. Cryptos. Glad you covered it. Im so indifferent about crypto. Lets just say when i heard, (correct me if im wrong) when Fraud Street got a hold of Futures , that was it for me, but open to being wrong. Ive been open about saying i like Berwick's vids. Its entertaining. I send his stuff to my newly read pilled friends. He gives enough truth and they wont be going out buying bitcoin. I do always tell them , i dont totally trust him. Heres why and maybe content creators like Scorp know more.. Any creator whos content is way too professional i get suspicious. IMHO he has to have pro writers, editors etc. Where is the money come from ? It has to cost some good change. He may fall into the Zionhedge category. Judas Goats where they give you 80 or 90 % truth to lure you in ,and keep you , but leave out the most important 20%? Berwick doesnt really go near the Ew subject.. What is he afraid of ? He talks as if nobody can touch him , so why is that subject mostly hands off ? Its probably why ive been a bit impartial to the Ted and Austin Broer show. They go there, and go there hard! If anyone can point out why i shouldnt put them at a higher level id very much welcome to know your point. I know that show was here for a bit and then disappeared and have to see Dr Duke do nothing but talk talk talk i cant figure out. But respectfully its not my website. Im sure there are legit reasons.
    Hope the Unknown - Brizer spat is over. We fight each other we play into their hands. Unknown. I just tend to not go after people who have earned respect over time. Until they dont.I cant tell you what to do, but there are more justified dogs to fight. You can even go after me. Its not like im spending time to produce shows like Brizer does. Hes just asking to have an original intelligent thought. I think you can ,and if you want to get panties ruffled ,and i think there is lower hanging fruit out there for you. Peace out bro!

  5. I am halfway through ...

    and LAUGHED: When ...

    Yet AGAIN: Naive "Trusting"-in-the-System/Plan/Way-things-are-Supposed-to-Be: Jim puts "Faith" in the Courts, and "Just-(((us)))" !!!

    Jim's OWN "Case": with a $1,100,000 "Ruling" AGAINST Him ... where HE was NOT "Allowed" to even PRESENT Evidence in His DEFENSE!

    The Supreme Court's "Decision": That: The Election, and it's Integrity: were "No business, of Texas, any-other-State, OR the American-People who "VOTED!"

    Holohoax "Denial" "Trials" ... where DEFENDING Oneself, with the TRUTH, ... is: Yet MORE "CRIMES".

    Jim: "I 'Predict' that the Hague-World-Court will 'Rule' AGAINST: Forced Vaccinations!"

    How MANY TIMES does One REQUIRE to SEE: The (((pattern))) that the "COURTS" "RULE" ...

    --> As They are (((TOLD))) to "DO" !!! :-o

  6. Scaredy-SHAT actually Made a Valid, and ironic Point:

    jews seek to infiltrate and LEAD:All Groups!

    Yet SHE with Her "Long-drawen-Out": "Filibustering" ...

    Ironically Seeks to: "Compromise" / "intimidate" ("I am a brown-muslim-indian-woman ... so DON'T SAY ANYTHING which might "offend" ME!) / Take-Over:

    OUR: White Nationalist Talks! ;-)

  7. We simply MUST: Always be "AWARE":

    That: jews, AND "non-whites" ...

    DO-NOT: Have OUR: Best-Interests: at / in-their-'hearts' !!!!!!!!!!

    jew WISE and "race-Realist" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    --> WITHOUT SEEING: How "People" ARE: DIFFERENT (And OPPOSED to OUR Best-Interests!) ...

    Everything that is Said: Becomes a LIE ... and thus "only": contributes to OUR: DOOM !!! :-o

  8. ITM, Zeebra -

    excellent points. I have been having similar questions go through my mind. One possible (likely) scenario is that not that many people will die from this vaxxx. Long term effects from it will not be connected because they will manifest years if not decades from now. This first round of quackzinations will be declared a success, making alarmists look like conspiracy nuts. Each new round of vaxx will be increasingly deadly and work synergistically with previous jabs. If you look at it from a long game perspective, this is the better strategy for the conspirators.

    Unfortunately, my crystal ball is in the shop right now so we will just have to wait and see which scenario plays out. The scenario being pushed by Bossche is certainly an extreme one that might not manifest into reality. To her credit, Dr Erica Khan chose a cautious approach, even though Rense spent the first 6 months of this hoax ringing the alarm bell, running around with his hair on fire and yapping about how deadly this 'virus' was. Honestly, we should be careful in believing anything we hear regarding Operation Covidhoax, be it pro or con. We don't even know what really causes the symptoms or how it is being spread or if anything even exists beyond the common flu/cold. Why does Ivermectin appear to be so effective in treating this condition? It is a medicine for blood parasites, worms etc. HCQ was designed to fight Malaria, which in not a virus. Something does not add up in this equation.

  9. Yes Albert, there is no question in my mind that they are now using the antivax angle to prolong the "pandemic" and keep everyone in face diapers.Not only that, there is a fast approaching expiration date on a large chunk of undistributed vaccines. Its all working like a charm.

  10. MLK and the joo media.

    1991: Rodney KING
    2012: Trevor MARTIN
    2021: ...... LUTHER

    Could happen.

  11. Part-1:
    @Chainsaw :-)

    I was Talking to a Friend Yesterday How (((they))) DON'T really "MIND":

    (((their))) Infiltrating-(((agents))) 'Saying'-WHATEVER-(((they)))-NEED-to: To GAIN "Creds" with the TARGET-Group,

    "Predictive-Programming" Apocalyptic-Movies etc. (Buildings 'Collapsing' ["Fight-Club" et al] and 'Zombies', Food-Shortages, and 'Virus-Outbreaks'

    ... Indeed (((they))) Sort-of NEED: the 5-10% of Awakening-Folks to-OPPOSE whatever STEP on the (((agenda))) (((they))) are "Implementing"!

    (((they))) USE: "Divide-and-Conquer" and "Chaos" to Step-by-Step Tick-o-US: "Save the World" !!!

    --> In a very REAL Sense: The RESULTS ARE: ALL that MATTERS in the END! :-o

    Ultimately there are TWO "World-Views":

    ONE, a Relatively "EASY"-Criteria: The "wishy-washy" Infiltrated/Twisted/Inverted/FAKE-"Christian" Con-cept of: "Having "Good" / "Pure" "INTENSIONS" ....... Whilst, LIKE "Con-servatives" ... Step-by-Step "Progressively-LOSING: "Ground" / the Entire-Battle/WAR !!!

    The Other: "IF one is Going to FIGHT ... ("No-Holds-Barred" [Where one: "Becomes just like (((them)))!" ;-) ) FIGHT-to-WIN !!!

    An Example: IF "Aborting" IS REALLY MURDERING-Babies ...
    -- A Christian KILLING a (((doctor))) (((who))) has GLEEFULLY "Done" 60,000-"Abortions" ... and the Clinic Subsequently-CLOSING ... is MORE-Moral than .....

    ULTIMATELY IF WE LOSE ... ALL of the "Informing" our-People, and Elucidating on the Step-by-Step-"UNFOLDING": Of OUR DOOM ... Was ACTUALLY HELPING: "Fulfil (((their))) EVIL-(((Plans))) "Predictions" !!!

    --> Thus, this SECOND-Criteria: Judging (NOT by "Intensions"/"Feelings"! but)
    BY RESULTS !!! ... is a FAR MORE DIFFICULT Criteria ...

    Not Only Because it REQUIRES: Actually EFFECTIVELY "Combatting" a (((problem))) ...
    But, ALSO Because We CANNOT SEE-the-the-FUTURE ...

    And, thus DO NOT even KNOW Whether OUR Intensions/Part-WE-Play: ARE indeed ULTIMATELY-In-a-WAY that ACTUALLY-"COUNTS"!: TRULY-"MORAL" !!!

    Albert Schweitzer, like sooo/tooo Many "Good-Intentioned"-"Christians" ... HELPED INCREASE the NUMBERS of "Subsaharan-Africans" ...
    "People" Whose "Culture" is "in-a-nut-shell": DESTROYING-Whatever THEY-Come-Near-to/"Touch" !!! :-o
    ie: Literally: "Hunter-Gatherer" Small-TRIBAL-Direct-"Interests" of:
    ATTACKING a Neighbouring-Tribe: TAKING-to-HAVE!, Killing and Enslaving, and WEAKENING the NUMBERS and STRENGTH of THAT-Rival-Tribe !!!

  12. Part-2:
    Like: We NEED: Short-Term, and LONG-Term "Goals" ...

    WE sort-of NEED BOTH:

    The "Personal-"Morality" of "Having-'GOOD'-Intentions" ... For OUR-OWN: Happiness / "Morality" / "Going-to-Heaven"-Salvation ... (To KEEP US: "Sane"!) ...

    The the ONLY "Morality" the ULTIMATELY-MATTERS: PRESERVING OUR Folk, OUR FUTURE-GENERATIONS ... OUR Actually-PRECIOUS-Adorable-CHILDREN, Grand-Children etc!!! :-o

    Thus "Clever"-((("Demoralisation"))), and "FLOODING" ALL of Our (Rapidly-Becoming Formerly!)-WHITE-NATIONS ... With Soooo-MANY: "Non-Whites" (who in tiny-Numbers: "Monkey-SEE--Monkey-DO" Somewhat-IMITATED Our GOOD-Culture!) ...
    BECAUSE such is "ONLY": EFFECTIVELY: Making "Things"-BETTER For, and STRENGTHENING: OUR Self-Identified-and-"SWORN"-ENEMIES !!!

    ie: "Diversity" is (((OUR)))-STRENGTH !!! :-o

    On the "Spiritual"-Perspective:

    IF we "PLAY" a "Game-of-Monopoly" With-OUR-FAMILY/Friends ... Being-a-Good-Sport, and just Enjoying the Joy of Such-Camaraderie ... IS indeed the Actual-POINT !!!

    --> But, IF WE ACTUALLY-CARE: About OUR FAMILIES, and OUR NATIONS Built-UP Thereof ...

    UNLESS WE Actually SUCCEED in PRESERVING OUR-FOLK ... Well, it is "Euphemistically"-Speaking:
    --> "NOT such a GOOD-Result, Ultimately!" -- Or, indeed So "MORAL"! :-o

    Thus, in the Beginning of Brizers' Show Where the "idea" was presented to Have "Scorn" for Our FELLOW-PEOPLE: Who are PRESENTLY "wearing"-a-Mask etc...
    -- I ONLY HEARD: "clever"-jew-POISON-having-been-"Internalized" !!! (NO! -- THEY, are NOT, Ultimately, OUR "internal-ENEMY" --- For WITHOUT OUR-Precious-PEOPLE, OUR-Folk: There IS indeed NO: FUTURE, or POINT!

    BUT, That Said: The GREAT German-PEOPLE, especially in "WWII" Were NOT at-Fault, in ANY WAY ... for "LOSING" "WWII" !!!!!!!!!!!
    (NOR was Adolf-Hitler, thus "Proved" to BE: An ((("Agent" / "Rothschild")))

    For, who was to ACTUALLY-"PREDICT" that the British-PEOPLE would BE: So TRULY-"Suicidal" ...
    As to "Stoically"/"Patriotically ENDURE/"Tolerate"/"Follow": (((church-ill))) ...
    (((WHO))) was in EVERY-WAY: The MOST LOATHSOME-(((creature))) ever !!!!!!!!

    And there were in MANY Other Instances where: ((("Traitors"))), and Traitors ... Having-NOT-BEEN-"in-Place" ...

    --> The Actually-GOOD-SIDE/Forces, ie: ALL of ACTUALLY-CHRISTIAN-EUROPE !!!
    WOULD indeed HAVE-Prevailed ... and OUR PRESENT, and thus FUTURES ...

    WOULD indeed Have Been VERY Wonderful and MORALISING indeed !!! :-) :-) :-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  13. *"Tick-on-US": "Save the World" !!!

    -- A Pun on: "Tikkun Olam"

    *Intentions! (Intensions is 'being intense!')


  14. part 1
    Hi do you do?

    part 2
    (((We))) here at Mami's are like a family...

    part 3

  15. I want to take a poll. Who among us believes the following:
    Earth is flat
    Space is fake
    Moon is fake
    Human space flight is fake
    Viruses are fake

  16. Relistening right now, this really is an eye-opening show. Imagine Jew wind-up Aztec soldiers cutting out the hearts of evil white conquistador children.

  17. First time I heard of bitcoin was on the Alex Jones Show sometime in the summer of 2012. A "caller" (arranged time buy guest) with a high verbal IQ infomercial salesman pitch went on for 20 to 30 minutes about this great new medium of trade he was promoting while driving on Hwy 66 in a drop top Camaro.

  18. @ Panzerfaust

    Earth is flat? It could be, I'm not sure. What do you think?
    Space is fake? Could be, I'm not sure. What do you think?
    Moon is fake? I do not think the moon is fake but I'm not sure what the facts are surrounding how it all works. What do you think?
    Human space flight is fake. I think space flight is fake yes. How does rocket propulsion work in vacuum?
    Viruses are fake. Viruses could be fake, I'm not sure. What do you think?

  19. @Chainsaw

    I always thought that the TWO Points:

    1) 1,000+ miles-per-hour "spin" (at-the-Equator)

    (A plane Landing from the FRONT of an Aircraft-Carrier moving at: 20+Knots would be considered CRAZY!
    -- Yet NO Airport Landing-DIRECTION Advice to Pilots!????)

    2) Navy Ships: THREE Targeting systems:
    a) 360° Radar for SEEING any Foes
    b) 2° STRAIGHT-LINE Targeting-Radar
    c) Optical Line-of-Sight Targeting.

    ie: NO:
    "Spin", OR "Curvature" DETECTED !!! :-o

    But, the "Paranormies" show today Pointed-Out:
    That the Straight-Line Beautiful-Golden-Line of a Sun-Set on the Surface-of-the-Sea ...

    --> Is ONLY POSSIBLE: On a FLAT, Not Curved, Surface!

    🌝 🌚 🌞


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