March 24, 2021

The Raw Wisdom Circle 2021.03.24

Simulcast on studio A and B with Jim Fetzer, Scorpio, Giuseppe And Chris. Guest: Joe Olson. The usual suspect called in hour two.

64k CF Download


  1. There is ALWAYS an (((echo))) around (((chris))) ;-)

    Is THIS Show LINKED to a WEEK-OLD Show?!

    Biden-Mic-Hand etc, I FEEL Like I Heard it BEFORE!

    Deja-vu ;-)

  2. Yes! ...

    THIS is DEFINITELY-LINKED: To LAST-Week's Show !!! :-o

    Zippity Zappaty Make-it-RIGHT !!! ;-)

  3. the "Rising TideMedia" link points to this current show with Joe Olson at ln.sync


    First published at 01:56 UTC on March 25th, 2021


    Review of evidence that strongly suggests the Boulder, CO, grocery store shooting is a "false flag" intended to affect the Supreme Court in ruling on a case with the potential to strengthen 2nd Amendment rights, where the shooter is older than claimed (by a considerable margin) and, although he has been described as a "white Christian domestic terrorist", appears to be a Muslim born in Syria, who was anti-Trump, pro-migration and a supporter of ISIS! Twitter said that those (grossly inaccurate) descriptions of him did not violate their guidelines regarding misinformation, which reveals its dishonesty and corruption.

  5. @Albert. Got a great idea. Lets get @UnknownknownnotknowMiller to fix it. It, has nothing better to do from his "job" blowin kneegrows all day.... Yea Zeebs , how convenient , born in Syria and supporter of ISIS ? (((they))) dont even try anymore. Guess its the excuse to let loose the pussies in the USAF isnt it . Perfect job for them. Theres enough innocent civilians for the sake of Israel isnt there?

    1. I wonder what his family background is? I heard his familiy house is pretty impressive. Remember the Sandy Hook, Aurora, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Boston Bombing families all had atypical backgrounds. Just saying.

  6. Thank you Zeebra for pointing out my mistake while I was sleeping. I went to bed early and woke up to take a leek and read an email from scorpio about it. I fixed it and went back to bed. lol

    Now working on the Rense show and maybe others.

    1. Thank you for your efforts Zap, sincerely :) Mistakes happen.

  7. Search Bing for Holly Seeliger portland board of education lgbt, her facebook says shes an lgbt activist. Great catch Chris.

  8. Scorpio are you or Giuseppe going to have Clint Richardson on again? You also might want to see if you can get Mike King on from

  9. @ Gawain - We had Mike King on a while back -
    We'll work on getting both him and Clint on again.
    They are both good guests

  10. Joe Olsen shut down Saul pretty effectively. Why are the callers to Jim's show like this?

  11. WHY oh WHY does ANYONE "Allow": "Scaredy-SHAT" to "Call-IN" !!!? :-o

  12. I fucking hate Jim's intro song!

  13. Most people in the truth community believe there is a depopulation agenda. The Georgia guidestones call to maintain world population at half a billion not reduce it. I suggest that they are artificially inflating the population numbers mostly because the White Western countries particularly America have been the wealthiest, most hygienic and sanitary with access to fresh clean water, rich soil for farming, and in the past White families were large. Yet with all the right conditions our official numbers don't come close to touching India and China. These two relatively poor nations especially before the 70's have/had rampant disease, no sanitation, limited access to clean water and fresh food, crammed in cities, and a one child policy. It is just not possible for there populations to be so high under such conditions.

    Now even if their numbers are true there were around two billion people after WWII if there is a white racist depopulation agenda to kill off the non-whites why have the people who run the show increased the colored population by six billion with all the foreign aid and welfare we give them just to kill them off, all the while White families ARE visibly shrinking every decade?

  14. If they really wanted the guns they would have taken them by now. These gun grab threats always have the effect of increasing sales. They know Americans will never use those guns against them, they openly steel elections and label half the country domestic terrorist, so if now is not the time to use all those weapons then when?


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