April 09, 2021

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2021.04.08

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd  - 'Vaccines' And Auto-Immune Diseases

Download Hour 2 - Gerald Celente  - The Trends Aren't Good (LOL)

Download Hour 3 - Gary Holland  - At Least 11 Hit The Ground Right After Taking J&J Kill Shots In Denver Nurses Under Pressure

64k CF
Rense's site


  1. Divvy let her sister take care of her mother and but demands power of attorney - what a cunt. No wonder she's always sounded like an evil cunt.

    Hack up your lungs and spare us you two old liar fools!

  2. This piece of shit lies within 20 minutes. He says over and over again Obama is running the show, then says oh no Obama is too dumb. Lying sack of shit

  3. the hour I'd most like to hear, #3 with Gary Holland, giving

    9500 Internal server error

    the first 2 hours are fine; listening to Devvy now.

  4. ^ that "Obama (& Rice) are running the show!" slogan is popular w Fetzer too!

    me thinks they give O'BummerCo way too much credit -- jooz, CIA, usual suspects running the show as always

    zap u still haven't posted yesterday's:

    The Event - Guest Dr Judy Mikovits 07 April 2021
    Raw Deal + Wisdom Circle = The Event. Jim Fetzer, David Scorpio, Giuseppe Vafanculo & Brutal Honesty Chris Weinert welcome the legendary medical truth hero Dr Judy Mikovits. Sal from CO, Paul from CA, & ScaredeeCat from MN called in the final hour.

  5. yep error for me on hr. 3 too will give celente a go though. i like his attitude.

  6. Jon Rapaport nails it! He asks "why aren't these people charged with MURDER?" It should be clear to everyone why the corporations, in lock step, were against the recent election law changes made by a democratically elected government in Georgia. https://www.bitchute.com/video/MnBfKbyXfamf/ Why isn't Biden looking into this?

    1. Oh yeah but Floyd died of fentanyl - that did nothing until he was stomped 🤷‍♂️

  7. "you're government is lying to you" says a retired Big Pharma exec!

    Jeff Rense is lying to you!!

  8. Gerald still sounds like one of Alex Jonestein's farts after all these years. It's the nazis, and time for Auschwitz. He and Rense still believe in the lies, or are just slick gate keepers.

    1. I thought Celente was Italian but read he is Jewish.

  9. Hour 3 in error....NOT opening/downloading--------------

  10. HOUR 3 not downloading/opening

  11. I posted "the event" one hour after it aired. What are you smoking? LOL


  12. Rense knows that the "holocaust" is a lie but does have many guests on that do not know this or pretend that they don't know.

  13. The audience will note KnownUnknown's abject hatred towards white people with every post yet he defends George Floyd - the drug addict who was high on meth/fentanyl, passed a bogus $20, made porn vids and had a rap sheet as long as your forearm. He seemed offended Obama was called 'dumb' as well. See a pattern here guys?
    muh dik!

  14. Froz - those are all great points, especially The universe/God wil provide. So many people have been brainwashed into thinking 'they are their job' or that they have no choice. Very difficult decisions await all of us - that much I can guarantee.

  15. zap: "I posted "the event" one hour after it aired. What are you smoking? LOL"

    ahh... my bad! apologies.

    Good first hour, clarified some of the question surrounding the "SPARS Plandemic 2025-2028" document which AJ broke last weekend, to praise coming from unlikely sources like Rense, Makow, & Jim Stone.

    Those who missed Jim Stone's article about this ^, it's still near the top at

    "ONE LINE EXPLANATION: The Covid vax programs your body to produce a spike protein, which just so happens to be the prion for mad cow disease."


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