April 23, 2021

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #41 2021.04.23

Giuseppe Vafanculo, David Scorpio and Chris Weinert with guest: Dr Amandha Vollmer

64k CF Download


  1. Was Itel primetime a repeat yesterday?

  2. Vollmer uses the title of Doctor but
    "But on Feb. 7, the College of Naturopaths of Ontario issued Vollmer a cease and desist warning as part of its complaints and investigation process."

    The College cited Vollmer for “Advertising, practising, and/or otherwise holding out as a naturopath” and ordered her to stop, according to its public registry."

    Do what gives?

    1. There's another one that goes by Dr Johnny Delirious and he's no MD and avoids making that clear.

  3. That's an interesting find - she made it clear on the show she's not licensed on the show.
    Anyone in the medical field questioning covid has a target on them.

  4. Swedish - English translation of Vafan
    Spanish - English translation of culo

    Don't believe me? Look it up dood

  5. Meanwhile in real news:
    9/11 Commission head Phillip Zelikow to spin COVID bio false flag op

    On Tuesday, the University of Virginia announced that its Miller Center for Public Affairs will serve as a base for a COVID Commission Planning Group, led by UVA professor Philip Zelikow, the former executive director of the 9/11 Commission.

    The planning group hopes to prepare the way for a potential National COVID Commission set up to help America and the world learn from this pandemic and safeguard against future threats


    Credit to Dr Kevin Barrett for the tip

  6. A coffee enema a day keeps the doctor away.
    Is that hot coffee?

  7. "Its a Sin" Live w/Neil Tennant and Scorpio. lol


    Im only 10 min in but regarding Glycophate. Glycine or Chlorine Dioxide. Ive pointed out the interview in the past with Mike "its the chicoms" Adams interview with Andreas Kalker . They do get pretty deep on the chemistry end regarding CLO2's ability to break down Glysophate. If you have any interest in Chemistry this is pretty intense. Like him or dislike him, Mike Adams does have a state of the art Lab. Its very interesting to listen to 2 people who have solid backgrounds in Chemistry. If you want to get to the CLO2/Glysophate discussion (and related to Autism) start at 22:00 / Apparently Glysophate molecule is as tough a cookie to crack as a T-90 tank . This is well worth your time. Scorp i know i pointed out before i think Kalker is in Ecuador . He states in Interview somewhere.


    1. "It's a sin" is a bit too gay :)
      Domino Dancing otoh has a hot Cuban seductresses




  9. Dr Amandha Vollmer is a GREAT Guest !!!

    And Spot-On to Explain How: "Germ Theory" is (((bunk))) !!! :-)

    It is Especially-Lolz THIS Talk: Listening to "motormouth"-"chris" spout sooo many "mirrors" of Other-People's Ideas, and Talking of How ((("we"))) have a "Soul" ...

    When "chris" is Soooo Obviously LIKE: (((mark-zuckerberg))) ... TRYING to "ACT": "HUMAN" !!! ;-)

    -- But, WITHOUT ANY True HUMANITY !!! ;-)

    --> The MORE that He TRIED: The MORE "Robotic" He Sounded !!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

  10. * Glyphosate ...

    ( IUPAC name: N- (phosphonomethyl)glycine) is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant...

  11. It is NOTABLE: That it is ALWAYS ((("OK"))) to Beat-Up:

    On Christians, and Christianity !!! ;-)

    This "stuff" about: "merging", "we're-all-ONE", "we're-all-the-SAME" ...

    --> That WE are LIKE: Children* ....... is Definitely Spot-On though! :-)

    * NOT ALL Children Have the "SAME" Parents though, of course !!! ;-)

  12. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7itTAe7lz5Ol/

    Vollmer states clearly ~24:30, there is no "shedding" or "contagion" for those who are confused and haven't dug deep enough yet.

    Mr Panzerfaust, please, roll up your sleeve and get your damn shots.
    Its about time, your are a contagious super fear spreader, or is it your vaccine envy?

  13. @Brizer

    Regarding your question with "shedding" which Vollmer suspects Pheromones to be responsible, could well be. I would offer simply the interaction between the human's electromagnetic field with the environment, plants, animals, other humans, other EM fields, in my view field pressure mediation.

    In the same sense, that DNA is not a data storage, but an antenna, receiving and sending data from and into the magnetic field of earth, ie construction plans like the typical Fibbonacci sequence or the Phi ratio so visible in all life.

    Thoughts are EMF, would be reasonable that these can be transmitted to others, like radio broadcasts. Hence, "social distancing", "out of range, no signal".

    With the gene mods, this all is hijacked and hacked by pirates.

  14. Isn't it a fallacy to assume some mysterious particle that is not alive to be responsible for illness at the same time in eg the family, workplace?

    There can be very individual reasons for the illness, in the environment. en-viron-ment, it has viron, the latin word for circle/circuit built in.
    Many factors could cause the illness, has the place air conditioning, has the place recently been painted, sprayed with pesticides?

    Has the place a strong EM field, wireless transmitters, radar nearby, 5G towers, so EMF as source? Even a fridge or TV, phone near the sleeping room or bed could cause illness, it's electrical field could be a source.

    Food, water, air, all factors too, as well as psychological conditions, eg violence in family, trauma, constant tensions at work whatever.

    Do you live near a chemical plant, do you live near an airport etc, etc?
    What about "vaccines" recently or in childhood, their "adjuvants" and heavy metal nano particles get triggered by say EMF?

  15. Ms Vollmer said on this Giuseppe show that people are picking up symptoms (inflammation/bruising etc) from contact with 'kill shot' stabbed persons, she called this phenomenon 'shedding'. Shedding, contagion - what's the damn difference - expect more confusion for an answer. Whether it's bacteria, virus or a piece of broken up DNA causing the symptom transfer, it's obviously some form of contagion, just splitting hairs to insist otherwise - or does the English meaning of 'contagion' need to be rewritten to suit the 'no germ contagion' crowd. If a piece of DNA from the kill shot can be transmitted from one person to another (by being in contact with a stab victim) no doubt infectious bacteria and viruses will transmit in a similar fashion.

  16. Pheromones my arse! ha ha

  17. It's my suspicion, and it's becoming more clear, that there's a turd drop operation at work in the troof community much akin to the 9/11 era.

  18. Yes Panzerfaust, ^^^ the 9/11 criminal, Phillip Zelikow (the maker of myth expert) could well be connected.

    1. Definitely connected but I'm referring more to modern day likes of Dr Judy Wood who had huge book sales (shadow bulk purchases) and a crew of shills that would immediately pop up in conversations in damage control mode.

  19. I recently had a tooth infection and went to the witches in lab coats who inserted a needle in my vein and administered mind-controlling antibiotic which cleared up the non-existant pathogen.

  20. Plenty of people in chat rooms continually recycle the various 'turd drops' in the troofer movement. Especially the 'no planes' and 'directed energy weapon' bullshit that crops up again and again. Fetzer for example, says the planes could not have broken through into the towers and should have bounced off - well it's a first rule of physics that any force always has an equal and opposite reaction. In order for a plane to 'bounce off' the steel columns it would have to be as strong as the tower, ie made out of construction grade steel (and constructed in a similar lattice arrangement), so obviously no plane that weird or heavy could ever leave the ground. The reasons the softer aluminum alloy planes penetrated the towers the way they did, is because of the very high speed/momentum of the planes and because the close lattice of strong steel columns in the towers largely sliced up each plane fuselage and wings like sharp knives - the plane debris (cut to pieces) being sprayed/distributed throughout the floors of the towers where the impacts took place. There were fake and bad quality videos of the 9/11 plane crashes circulating at the time also, which added to the confusion.

    1. I'm still on the fence concerning the planes issue leaning more towards not the aircraft seen in footage which may have been superimposed. The debris and lack thereof don't correlate with Boeing airliners not to mention the flight parameters by the aircraft and pilots. Good points however.

    2. A parallel between 9/11 and COVID. Two fatally flawed choices are pushed to the forefront.
      Either the official narrative or everything is fake.
      Either hijacked planes or no planes, both of which avoids documented activity on part of the government.

      Either COVID-19 spontaneously sprang out of Wuhan from a bat and raced around the world or viruses are a hoax. This also skirts government activity, in this case bioweapon research.

      Both 9/11 and COVID-19 served merging agendas of powerful institutions and wealthy psychopaths in high places.

  21. Just one example of the many red herrings that keep cropping up in the alternative truth media.

  22. Hallo everybody..

    The physicist Fakk is going to receive the Nobel Price in Physics.

    'Hermann the German'

  23. @ Fakk. Yes there is contagion and it's called fear. Negative energy spreads like wildfire. Fear causes stress and stress causes illness. Simples. Vaccinated people have been injected with soul destroying toxins which creates a bad energy within them. That will spread or "shed". Remember we are energetic beings so this does make sense.

    @Panzer. So you can't prove that contagious particles exist you just resort to cheap childish ad hominem attacks on the guest and show host and then implying that people who talk about this topic are somehow shills and "muddying the waters". Really? What makes you an expert on this topic? Just because you caught something that a jew doctor told you was a virus and you believed him? C'mon man. You can do better than that!

    Very bad form and below the belt man.

    If yourself, Fakk and others want to believe in almost invisible particles lurking around every corner and waiting to attack us go right ahead. I could not give a shit. If you don't like these types of shows, don't listen. There is a button called OFF...use it. But don't be coming into chat forums and denigrating people just because they happen to shatter your paradigm. Very childish and immature and I thought better of you.

    Why don't you contact Stefan Lanka, Amandha Vollmer. Tom Cowan and others and have it out with them directly? I guarantee you will be leave with your tail between your legs.

  24. why so paranoid brizer, jeez that's what chat rooms are for man, you know free speech and all that - you sound and act like the censorship shut your mouth crew at fakebook, judtube and twatter - if you don't like my comments don't read them - as if I give a shit ha ha

    you may not like criticism and disagreement with your silly pet theories - well I don't like hearing about all that crap either and it gets more and more common, live and let live man and send your lectures somewhere else please


  25. more than likely 'germ theory' has been exaggerated and definitely there is much more to disease creation and transfer, things like 'bad energy', secret bio weapons etc etc

    but brizer & co and all their guests have many venues and shows to broadcast their views about all that - all I have are little chat rooms like this, and I even get clobbered by mr big guy administrators like brizer for doing that - jeezus h christos ha ha

    1. You will not question the official unofficial narrative or you will be lectured and banned from the free speech platform.

  26. Free speech is one thing but denigrating people and snidely accusing them of being shills just because you disagree with them is quite another.

    Constructive criticism is always welcome but the tone of some of the comments on this thread went way below the belt.

    Over and out.

    1. You know Brizer you have done exactly that to yours truly, including yesterday but not only then.

  27. I am often critical of Dr Barrett but not today! When the show is posted will point to the segment related to this discussion.

    1. Here it is
      COVID is a fake scam. Delves into isolation of the pathogen


  28. @Brizer I certainly didn't intend to denigrate or accuse Ms Vollmer of being a shill and as far as I know I didn't - I only heard the last part of the show, and I thought her a very capable and interesting speaker - I only disagree with hers and others belief - which is certainly all it is - that there is no such thing as infectious or contagious disease

  29. Great discussions all! Great to see everyone chiming in. Unknown. wtf got into you ? Your making such sense !! Some great points.

    Panz. Thanks for the PSB link. Will for sure check that out ! I know where your going with that. Thats about how it is with their concerts/vids. Depends what generation you are from . Ill post what i find as their best which will be better than the Cuban seductresses.The 2 English Blonde twins steal the show .. and there is Scorpio, oh uh sorry, Chris Lowe, there, like he doesnt even notice them, cause hes too chill. If you grew up PSB this is classic


    When you can bring it for 38 years you have respect., BUT i will find an interview later, in which one can draw a conclusion Neil Tennant may have been involved with some "pizza" things. its a bit creepy

    Ill be totally honest. I might be best listening to the entire show another time but i dont recall any discussion about solutions. The title of the show had "Healing" , So i thought id hear about answers which is great, hence my post way up above,...I really was only 10 minutes in , so i figured id just add to the solutions part . All i heard was bitching? We dont need more of the same. The show led off with the evils of Glyphosate so i thought id provide some answers in my post yet i heard nothing of remedies the entire show. Guys. Im serious. I would never be disrespectful to the show. Every show is must listen . Did i miss something ? Feel free to correct me. Chris asked her at the beginning. Give us some answers ? it was sidestepped. Basically the show was opened about the evils of Glyphosate and other things yet, i found very few solutions . She mentioned at the very end when she spoke of "MMS" . that is CLO2 Chlorine Dioxide, yet there was no discussion . She mentioned Chlorella ,Spirullina combo regarding detox from metals, but i could swear there was no discussion how important Cilantro is in that mix..Just my .02 which means nothing ....you missed a golden opportunity to provide the listeners with very valuable info . If you spend the 50 minutes to listen to the Adams/Kalker interview above youll know why. Still a great listen , too much regurgitation of things we already know when you had the opportunity to provide answers Everyone gets a mulligan and i dont expect my opinion to mean shit. Take it with grain of salt

  30. bla bla bla bla blabla bla bla.....
    Have a nice weekend, you jabbering blabbering smart asses...

    'Hermann the German'

  31. Perhaps Brizer or someone else such as the recent guest could step out of the comfort zone and appear on Truth Jihad for a "germ theory" debate.

  32. @Unknown

    6 Years ago ... in VERY Dire circumstances ... I spent a Month in an Old not-Health-Approved Below-Ground-Level "Men's-Shelter" ...

    Some Guy FREQUENTLY Sprayed-All-Around: For "Cockroaches" etc....

    I was Eating Pretty-Well ... But, for almost the ENTIRE TIME I would WAKE-UP:

    With HUGE-SWOLLEN Ankles-Feet Like-an-ELEPHANTS !!!

    ... Within the FIRST DAY of NOT: Sleeping THERE anymore ... it Totally Went-AWAY!

    Another Guy There was Using a Breathing-Machine for some-hours each Evening! :-o

    Yes! There are MANY Types of POISONS that can BE:

    In Various places in Our ENVIRONMENT !!!

    And Folks EXPOSED to Such: CAN indeed DEVELOP:

    Various Diseases (Breathing etc.) and also Very-SIMILAR to each other too !!!

    I can Also CONFIRM: Having Felt "a bit funny" for a Hour-or-two:

    AFTER talking quite-close to an Old-Woman neighbour 1+Year ago ...

    Who Had "just": "Got-the-Flu-Shot" POISON-SHITE-Injection !!!

    These POISON-SHITE: Covid-HOAX-KILL-Injection Folks ...

    --> Will indeed be a BANE to the rest of us SANE: "No WAY in HELL are You Going to STAB ME!!!" Folks !!!

    Hence the Red-Cross Saying: NO HOAX-"Vaccinated" Blood "Donations" !!! :-o

    ----> INJECTING POISONOUS-((("witches")))-Brew-Concoctions ...

    IS the $-Billion: "Bio-Warfare" (((PROGRAM))) !!!

  33. Ohh nooooo. MikeSmith/BlownUnblown is leaving for the night , going to try another Massage Parlor in Haifa to see if he gets lucky..lol. Lets see what kind of mood he comes back in . Will he finally... come back...and not have better things to do than blow people shit.. We are all on pins and needles Unblown. Come on. Dont let us down.

    I did see on Berwick's latest , around `14 minutes he questions the existence of Nukes. Only reason why im bringing it up is because one Russ Winter's site is the only place ,me personally , have ever seen it questioned. Yes. I know. I dont get out much and barn ownls have more active social lives than myself but, first.. You may want to run that by the 3k that perished on 9-11, the pilots on the TU-95 that dropped the CzarBomb, but especially those people that lived in Pripyat. Nagasaki does look pretty pristine these days doesn't it ? Yet, bring a giger to Pripyat and the thing still goes bat shit. Yes . You can pay a good buck for a tour. Just like Ukie women. You pay , you get what you want.
    He does have a good point there. Anyone else have any intelligence on that? It is a thought kinda new to me.
    Albert. Intriguing story. Odd so many things we just cant explain then years later,something snaps. Im assuming you didnt make that up. I think your on to something . No matter what , what can be taken out of what you said, assuming that there is much more in this world we have no clue about, is that is the right way to think

    1. Russ Winter went there with the fake nukes? I can't bear to go see. I wonder how those nuclear powerplants around the world function? Are they just hoax covers for Tesla plants or ET technology? I was aboard a nuclear aircraft carrier, it never refueled. I guess the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki had their skin and flesh seared or peeled off were actors.

      Germs are a hoax
      Nukes are a hoax
      Planet Earth round is a hoax
      The US and USSR Moon Race was a hoax

    2. So Fukushima was a hoax too? How about the fake execution of the Rosenbergs convicted of fake nuclear espionage?

  34. Ooops. DV's latest. Notice. No throttling. Wow. Bitcrap, what an interesting concept! But i will tell ya something. Mike Adams is justified in bragging about all the horsepower and mouse traps he put in Brighteon ,but what is obvious is he cant make simple SQL code to work in his search function. What a clusterfuck that is or is it me ?. For some reason quite a few of those alternates to JT

    Anyone out there? Berwick needs a bit of a history lesson. He stated that IKE killed over "1 million German soldiers" was his words. I could swear there were total 15 million Germans killed from 45 to 51..and just think we have to hear about 6 million all the time .Maybe he meant just that. Soldiers. Anyone? I mean Dr Day did say IKE was a jew didnt she ?


  35. @inthemix16


    I DON'T Like: K-((("ike")))

    I will NEED to Watch it Again ...

    But a Video Explained that: "Bacteria-Phages" (ie: Clean-up-tiny-particles MADE by BACTERIA within-our-Bodies) LOOK sort-of Like: the "classic" "crystal-with-6-thin-bent-legs ...

    And by "Clever"-Association: Folks are (((led))) to beLIEve that:

    Round-Spiky-"viruses" are Floating-through-the-air ...

    ... and THEN Enter-Your-BODY-Cells ... to Massively-"Reproduce"

    Sort of a similar "clever" association to: HARMLESS-Flu ...

    and "Pneumonia" LUNGS-Filling-with-FLUID, which HAPPENS to LOTS of Folks When they Become-Close-to-DEATH! ;-)

  36. I think a germ theory debate is a good idea but I don't think Barrett's show is the right venue.
    I'll see if G and myself can find two guests who would be good representatives for each side.
    ....and then.....let's get ready to ruuuumble.....

    Overall, really good discussion above. Things sometimes get a little heated here at the wild west of Mami's which is fine with me, especially when I see insightful comments coming from all sides. Repetitive Low IQ muh dikkery and malicious intellectually dishonest trolling seem to be on the decline. Our world is deliberately being steered into a kosher iceberg and the time for goofy, content free trolling is coming to an end, imo.

    1. Has an invite to Dr Alan Sabroski been extended? I think he would be a great guest as the 9/11 anniversary approaches.

  37. Ok debunk this guys. Stefan Lanka demonstrates with science how the germ theory is bullshit.

    The voice is translated from German:


    And more:



    1. Wasn't he already ordered to pay another doctor who sued?

    2. Yep:
      A German biologist who offered €100,000 (£71,350; $106,300) to anyone who could prove that measles is a virus has been ordered by a court to pay up.

      Stefan Lanka, who believes the illness is psychosomatic, made the pledge four years ago on his website.

      The reward was later claimed by German doctor David Barden, who gathered evidence from various medical studies. Mr Lanka dismissed the findings.


  38. https://davidjamesboston.com/why-i-investigated-pastor-eli-james/

  39. This conversation has been archived


  40. Thank you Brizer for mentioning Dr. Stefan Lanka.

    He has powerful enemies in the Jew controlled "Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex", ratface Faucci!!

    'Hermann the German'

    1. Yeah just like the ADL vs Mike Cohen of the Nazi Party

  41. In any case, Lanka was specifically talking about measles not being caused by a so called measles virus. I fail to see that this would be a smoking gun for the theory that viruses don't exist.

    I'm gonna tell all my friends and neighbors that viruses don't exist just to see how that goes. Wish me luck! lol

  42. Interesting videos Brizer, the second one touches on subjects that may take several lifetimes of research to fully understand :)

    Being not particularly interested in the 'no germ theory' doesn't profess any support or interest in allopathic medicine or virology either. Personally I stay as far away from white coats as possible, and haven't taken any of their pills or vaccines for at least 30 years - I'm touching wood oh merciful great spirit. But I do take some interest in history and without doubt their have been 'black plagues' and numerous other epidemics in Europe throughout the centuries. I certainly don't think that these terrible scourges, some killing millions, were caused by some sort of group cluster-think feelings of stress, as Dr Day and Dr Vollmer (love her cool surname by the way) seem to want us to believe.

    No doubt most virologists spend most of their day fulfilling creepy contracts with various (((globalist))) bio-weapons agencies worldwide, so why have any trust in those bastards, and I certainly don't know one end of a virus from the other, but I tend to believe that microorganisms do play some part in many illnesses, eg. measles and chicken pox parties bla bla, etc etc. I'm an old git in my 60's and I self diagnose having serious influenza at least 3 times and very bad colds about a dozen times. The flu which I had in my late teens and twenties seemed to come out of nowhere it's true, but the bad colds could definitely be connected to those brought home by wife and children from their work and schools - I traveled a lot for work so avoided most common cold contagion like that.

    To bore you even more, I'm much more of a 'space cadet' than most of the other dorks out there, and tend to believe that many microbes and/or epidemics have come from outer space








    1. That runs counter to domed flat earth. 😉

  43. Hallo @panzerfaust

    High Courts in Germany decided that Dr. Stefan Lanka doesn't have to pay Mr. David Barden any money because Mr. Barden's "findings" are obviously not accepted as being science.

    'Herrmann the German'

    1. I will accept you as a German Nazi with photographic evidence. A profile of the nasal structure with timestamp will suffice.

  44. "I'm gonna tell all my friends and neighbors that viruses don't exist just to see how that goes. Wish me luck! lol"

    lol Zap - this is funny but also very true. Make sure to inject "....oh, and by the way, the earth is flat, bro" into the conversation at the right moment.

    In many ways, this parallels the flat earth narrative. Just because NASA has lied to us about many aspects about space, the universe and the moon landing, doesn't necessarily mean the earth is flat. Just because we have been lied to about human health, disease and contagion doesn't necessarily mean viruses don't exist. As I stated earlier, we live in a sea of lies and dissecting the truth from fiction is going to be a difficult process. Jumping to extreme conclusions might not be the best course of action.

    1. You have to ask yourself why are these ridiculously absurd notions inserted into the alt-media. What is the agenda, who benefits, what is the motivation.

  45. Hallo @panzerfaust..

    No. I am NOT a 'Nazi'!
    I am a proud German National Socialist!!

    Have a nice day.

    'Hermann the German'

  46. @panzerfaust Dr Lanka didn't dismiss the findings and refuse to pay - it doesn't work that way LOL The first hearing was conducted in the lower court system and Dr Lanka knew he would lose that one as they don't go into the science of the papers submitted. He was fully expecting to have to appeal the findings and take it to the Higher Court, which the judge employed the 'expertise' of scientists from the Robert Koch Institute ( Germany's CDC ). The ruling was that the papers did not prove that the measles virus exists. Dr Barden was ordered to pay Court costs. My understanding is that the RKI went on to conduct their own research into the measles virus but refuse to publish their findings. Although i could be wrong on that point.

    As for the Sars Cov 2 virus, Dr Sam Bailey has mentioned on her YT that there is 1 million euro's on offer for anyone that can produce a scientific paper proving the virus exists - so anyone that believes it does simply file a FOI to your govt health officials asking for the paper that shows the virus has been isolated / purified, if it exists there will be a paper showing so. Should be the easiest million anyone can make.

  47. You may find these useful:





  48. Hallo @Steve
    Mr. Barden has NO 'Dr.' degree !!

    'Hermann the German'

  49. @mike - thanks i wasn't aware of that, thought he was a doctor.


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