May 19, 2021

The Brizer Show 2021.05.17

Brizer's featured guest: Rie who works with last week's guest John Jay Singleton.

Cornwall Stream


  1. Hallo
    interesting show.

    'Brizer's featured guest: Rie who works with last week's guest John Jay'

    May I ask:
    What type of work?

    'Hermann the German'

  2. Hey Mikey,
    They both piss on Brizer in his bathtub. Oooops, I mean urinate. Enough hate speech though. I feel bad for Brizer, and many here. Brizer is chained down from speaking true free speech, but they all don't hit the bullseye and just dance around the target telling each other how well they dance. - They need to hit the bullseye and "EXPOSE THE JEWS FOR THE FAKE HOLLOW COST AND 911. NOTHING ELSE!!! Otherwise, we're all fuked and dead.

    1. Siding with the Palestinians against Zionist at the current time is a workaround but for some weird reason there's some who do but others who avoid the issue.
      Has it been addressed by Brizer, ACH, or anyone connected to Eli James?

  3. Hallo @ Bartholomew Beauregard the 3rd
    great post

    Its time, I mean high time, that WE THE PEOPLE (1,5 Billion - 7 500 Million worldwide) go after this tiny clique of parasitic bastards and their gentile lackeys, that are chaining us down from speaking freely, -a natural human right!!- and HANG these stinking creeps publicly !!
    Have a good evening.

    'Hermann the German'

  4. Had to make a comment on how idiotic this "show" was , unlike your usual types of interesting realistic political podcasts are ... - maybe "they" finally got to you ? - i hope not....

  5. Thank you Albert. That was fantastic! Listening to more of Mike now. :)

    Maybe Zap will begin posting these podcasts. TALK about hitting the Bullseye, Mike is a regular ROBIN HOOD.

  6. @ Mike Smith

    interesting show.
    'Brizer's featured guest: Rie who works with last week's guest John Jay'
    May I ask:
    What type of work?"

    If you listened to the first 45 mins of the show you would have got that answer. Obviously you didn't listen to the show despite you saying it was interesting. So what was the point of this comment?

    @ Bartholomew
    A childish snidey comment from you as usual. How about yourself and Mikey teaming up and doing a radio show or a podcast? Or how about printing up fliers and distributing them in your neighbourhoods, setting up networks and meetings so you can wake everyone up to the hoax and 9/11. Let us know how you get on and when you expect final victory to be attained so we can all fall to our knees in gratitude. And remember at those meetings, please ensure to follow government guidelines to mask up, sanitize your hands and maintain social distancing ok?

    @ Finn McCool
    Ok so you found the show idiotic. Sorry I don't hit it out of the ball park every week. If you don't like the content hit the OFF button. Simple! And no...I haven't been "got at".

    @ Panzerfaust

    I don't know Eli James and have never even spoken with him. I do know ACH and Paul English as I have been on their show as they have mine. The only connection I have with Eurofolk Radio is that they simulcast the show and that's it. Stop making assumptions. You seem to make a habit of doing that.

    I get the impression that some folks that visit Mami's are just looking to be entertained and that somehow we show hosts have a duty to entertain them on every show and also carry the can when the hate speech goons come after us. Well let's see how entertaining it gets when you people are rounded all up into the gulags. That should be great fun shouldn't it?


    1. Eli James is well versed in Yew World History and more.

      Wouldn't be less than a positive if he would agree to join an on-air conversation with you.

  7. "Stop making assumptions."
    You assumed I was a Jew right here in Mami's. Care to apologize?

  8. Hallo Brizer,
    I may have misunderstood that part about "working together".
    English is not my mother language.

    Btw: You don't need to apologize in case you assume I am German. :))

    'Hermann the German'

  9. @Panzerfaust It seems to me that kind of thinking is the default position. My guess is sixty percent of this little community takes this position when they are challenged on something. LOL, You are no different! I've seen you do it! No?

  10. Difference is being accused of being a Jew for becoming sick with COVID-19 vs acting like one Chains

  11. Well following the co called thought process of many of the dumb asses here, if you believe covid is real you must be a jew pushing a Talmudic agenda to further corporate control. You know like a controlled demolition to put it into language I know you understand.

  12. There is a brick right out of your own personal "Wall of shit" LOL

  13. @ Panzerfaust.

    I did apologize and took back what I said at the time. You accepted my apology. I have moved on since, but obviously you haven't seeing as you're bringing it up again. So no, I will not apologize again.
    You surreptitiously accused me of being a shill just because I talk about the no virus theory. Care to apologize for that?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hallo,

    I also noticed people are afraid of being called 'Nazi'!
    What is wrong with being a 'Nazi'?

    If a &%$#@# Jew calls me a 'Nazi' I would call this stinking creep a Bolshevik Communist. Those dirt bags, enemies of humanity, that murdered estimated 40 Million Russian Christians including the Tsar Family.

    Now again...
    have a nice evening

    'Hermann the German'

  16. Jon Miller/Unknown/Mike Smith and possibly even Bart, who just showed up again recently!
    Anyway, your posts are empty other than a shit load of flagged terms each and every post. You are clearly an agent. You use noob info in rotation day after day after day. Like a shitty AM radio station. LOL it's pathetic

  17. @Chains .. You are dead on. @Mike Smith. Will you just go get a fucking job already. You really think people here cant tell, you , MikeSmith./UnknownUnblown have the brain and mentality level of a fucking child. Go somewhere else already. Because you WONT, we all know your pounding your pud at mommies basement in Haifa. Go get in the way of some Hamas Rockets or something. You and your fucking "hallo" Cant you spell ? ENGLISH, Do you speak it? . what the fuck is that ? You have nothing to contribute here other than showing all you barely graduated from High school. !! If your going to continue to pollute this blog with your nonsense at least send some shekels to Brizer ,since he at least has the guts to not just troll all day with braindead nonsense .In the mean time, go get your shine box !
    @Panzerfaust. I found it a bit surprising of your post and replies. Maybe i missed some past gripes or misinterpreted, in which your justified. Benefit of doubt.

    But ill tell yall who criticize that maybe Brizer is "chained down", ill tell ya what.. Put your little keyboard down you hide from , pack your luggage. Ill gladly give a ride to the airport to where he is. You can have a little balls and start a podcast there, and i guarantee youll run like a little girl. Just to show you what class act Brizer is. I wouldnt waste 2 minutes apologizing to anyone. Dont like it leave!! .You want to criticize in the situation hes in? Fine. Go for it. Start your own podcast , send me the link , and tell me how it works out for ya. Bunch of little old ladies with your panties all soiled. Of course 99.99% anyone might clarify you weren't giving shit to someone that has guts, youll come after me, which will only prove my point.

  18. Hey I see Jon Miller/Unknown/Mike Smith and possibly even Bart removed his post about "show business"! I guess Shoah business was not the right fit for the wee yard monkey! LOL

  19. @ inthemix16.

    Thanks man. Appreciate your support.


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