May 01, 2021

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #42 2021.04.30

Giuseppe Vafanculo, David Scorpio and Chris Weinert with guest: Dr. Kevin W McCairn PhD

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  1. In the first 30 minutes Dr. McCarin makes note of COVID-19 disinformation skeptic plants being catapulted early on in the timeline with the 5G trigger and fake viruses nonsense. The 9/11 example has a direct mirror image strategy to lead astray investigation into the obvious evidence of nuclear destruction by burying the alt media with designated expert heroes pushing the nanothermite and directed energy beams.

  2. Well Fucking Done Panz!!! Maybe someday Scrorpio will take comments like that to Fetzer's show , like Fetzer does. Like i pointed out about a week ago, something i found something Berwick said in one of his walks with Lucy. Paraphrasing, we been given a gift of all time here. Back in the day, it used to take a long time to figure out whos a total idiot. Today, its pretty fast. Wastes less time than 30 min usually.. Its like now, theres some good culling opportunities. Any alt media that gives me the Bad Bad Russia, its auto click off. Your either too stupiid for me to listen to or a shill. Years ago that would have taken more time. I swear,God my witness, or however use say that, when he trashed Kauffman and Madaj especially regarding Fivglee, i thought WTF ? Is this Brendan McConnel's twin ??? In fairness to Brendan..Brendan is a bit odd. Hey he does think outside the box. Give him that. He trashes Putin so it keeps me with one ear to the rail there. But he doesnt understand that when you spend 40% of his time bitching about everyone else it only puts YOU in the spotlight!
    Is it me or did i not hear someone talk so much and say so little. ? Not trashin the guy. He did have a head injury. Myself. I better just leave that as is.
    Did seem 3 amigos were less engaged with him than other guests,but i did get this vibe the hamster wheels were churning in overdrive, kinda, ok like wtf do we do here. I could be totally off base. I havent seen chat . It just seemed,odd?

    1. Are chat transcripts available? Merbaily seems to run every chat across platforms but she's in the viruses are fake camp so who knows...

  3. That last paragraph lol my thoughts exactly. The guy was pretty eloquent so maybe there was just no good time to interject.

  4. Yup! Well maybe i didnt burn one too many after all. I think it was at break ? It was "Chris , your thoughts " Seemed like it was in his mind to start havin some fun, but instinct of being classy ,respectful took over (i know Albert ,diss on me, all good) . Im not Johnny Carson, in Karnak . Im just relaying what my mind thought it heard at the moment. The perfect opportunity would have been the point in which we heard Kaufman and Medaj were crazy regarding their 5g theories and interjecting , "ahh ok so explain what part about FiveGlee your theory different from theirs and why they are wrong"? Hed have hung himself, BUT , we need to understand he is their guest. Its a difficult position. I dont do a show so i cant say. Interviewing is an art , Its not easy at all. Most of people on alt media are script./note readers. To interject on a whim is tough.. and not piss your guest off. Again im not speaking of experience. Mine is only having exact background as Zeppie regarding education but also in other fields. I mentioned while back here i learned from a sports talk radio host in my city. Total Kazar. Most cant stand his personality. If your name is "Brew" you might know the name, BUT is a masterful interview. . Like when they become "challenging" so to speak
    Great seg, though speaking of master interviewers. Look, you may not like Rense but he does great at that job IMHO. He and Dr. Judy there. Judy Droppin the F bomb. Priceless .Anyone else check that out, dont tell me Judy didnt have a bottle of Chateau Bouscasse by her side. Fuck,shes earned it.
    Dan Dicks instead Dollar Vigilante doing a gig at the Beach at Sea of Cortez? Its your site, not mine. The Canada theme. Id rather hear , "oh fuck em, let the stupid die ", than what felt like a promo for the Chicago Cubs. The most brave man in your entire country is a Pastor in Calgary (now theres an idea for a real interview) Until some learn concept of sleepless nights for some, this will be last season to watch Hockey Night in Canada on frigid sat night. Im starting to think id actually pay to give "whatsherface" to get her a green card so she could get the fuck out of there. Shes a rock star. For any of you all that want to get the fuck out. Berwick has this service, where if you contact his peeps, they can set you up with place to live, maybe jobs... etc He thinks the world of her. If i were him ,id be on the horn with her fast , before we all loose her. That, if shes all legit. No matter what always engaging.

  5. Panz i did check out the chat. I waited till when thought id see people go batshit, what they heard but ,crickets. it could have been a technical thing.

  6. Anyone wanting a gem. Fetzer's 04/30 cast. Scott McKay got the ScardyKat Blitzkrieg. Stukas,ME-109s, HE-111s. He didnt know what hit him..Later in the show ,seems like shes feeling like a female Micheal Hastings . Hey . She tries. All one can ask. I dont know where she is but if i were her, id find Rob Braxman and get herself a de--googed phone. Lets say she genuinely feels that way. If anyone out there knows how forward that info to her, please do. Might do her some good.
    Scorp. You to. You thinking of coming back consider before you do. At least a Tor Router sounds good in the minimum.

    1. I thought it was a ScardyKat Pearl Harbor with Zeroes and Vals and Kates

    2. Imagine Paul's mental anguish at the start of hr 2 lol LMAO

  7. If this dude debates Stefan Lanka and wins the argument that viruses and Covaids 19 exist I will hold my hands up. He has allegedly challenged other doctors but he hasn't challenged the main man...Stefan Lanka. Why? Because Lanka will destroy him.
    So again Panzer go and spout shite that there are people out there "muddying the waters" over non-existent viruses and comparing those same people to 9/11 disinfo agents and shills. You are entitled to your opinions but that does not give you the monopoly of what "truth" is.
    Btw, how do you know that nukes even exist? Did you ever see one go off? A good question and I don't know jack shit about nukes or even viruses and that's another debate but you seem to have all the answers and if people don't agree with you, you resort to logical fallacies. I mean a jew doctor once told you that you had Swine Flu (an obvious hoax even admitted my the jew MSM) and you believed him! WTF? Methinks that's a sign that you have lost the argument.
    Just sayin...

    P.S. Am I a shill for disagreeing with you? If so, document and verify. Thanks.

  8. Cheers does not mask your angst.

  9. Basically, the guest said we are screwed and powerless to resist, to put it in a nutshell, but it's part of the growing process to entertain other points of view. Scorpio did a good challenge to the mask wearing though.

  10. Hallo,
    Everybody NEEDS to know the following:

    This &%$#@% Internationalist/Communist/Zionist Jew, Israel Cohen, was a writer and journalist who served as Secretary for the World Zionist Organization.
    Already in 1912 he published:

    “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSION. By propounding into the consciousness of the DARK races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party.

    In America, we will aim for a subtle victory.
    While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros.

    We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the PROFESSIONS, and in the world of SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to INTER-MARRY with the Whites and begin a process that will deliver America to our cause."

    AUTHOR – Israel Cohen
    “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century”, Published in 1912.

    On June 17, 1957, Vol. 103 p. 8559, the above passage was read into the United States Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy!!

    'Hermann the German'

    PS: I think Mami's has been infiltrated by these &%$#@# creeps.

  11. This guest was a great salesperson promoting the mainstream narrative. Wear your mask to be safe ? WTF !

  12. I "WEAR" my SIX-Masks to "PROTECT" YOU !!!

    -- From S.P.A.R.S. !!!

    S.P.A.R.S. is "REAL" Folks !!!

    BE AFRAID !!!

    Be VERY AFRAID Folks !!! ;-)

  13. Yawn Irvin posted this on his Facebook page just the other day:

    "Today I received the final judgement in the mail for nullity due to fraud.🥳 It never happened. Was just a nightmare."

  14. Extremely important broadcast!
    The mask advocation is unpleasant, but as the scientist advises, it's fairly obvious masks do offer minimal protection in crowded situations, better than nothing maybe. Dr McCairn obviously put some damage into the Lanka/Kaufmann type 'no contagion' model, which is fine imo. But REALLY not good that Gates, Fauci, their superiors, and hordes of slithering subordinates (scientific, political and journalistic), have REALLY exposed the whole world to the fiendish covid-1984 lab made bio weapon.
    McCairn comes across as a vastly experienced high level scientist, and unfortunately spills the beans on diabolic (((nwo))) plans for one world government and depopulation, especially of European gene pool types. In comparison Lanka appears much less important, and frankly much more devious.
    No surprise major governments are executing full spectrum Machiavellian assault on the populations, the same controller types brought about the 'World Wars' of course, and took their 'Big Game' plans from 'The Protocols' etc.

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  17. @ Fakk Please explain why Stefan Lanka is devious. He's working on a project right now that will blow the Big Pharma cartel wide open. Devious?? Seriously???

  18. @ Fakk In your opinion it's fairly obvious that wearing a mask in crowded areas is better than nothing and offers minimal protection? Against what exactly? A bullshit makey uppey disease? And in the meantime while the masks allegedly offer "minimal protection" the mask wearer deprives himself of oxygen and is breathing in plastic particles that lodge in the lungs. I have not worn a mask through this whole nonsense and guess what? I'm doing just fine and so are many thousands and thousands of others who have done the same. I can't believe I'm reading this shite. FFS man!!
    The good Dr.McCairn needs to go back to school. He obviously missed a lesson or ten. My bet is on the "devious" Dr. Lanka will destroy him in any argument. I'm working on arranging a debate in the foreseeable future. Watch this space!

  19. @ Brizer
    I'm not so sure Covid-1984 is a 'makey uppey disease' - supporters of Lanka are likely to support that idea of course and the 'no virus' theory. Maybe I'm being duped, but I suspect all those billions spent on bio-weapons research have probably come up with useful nerve-agents etc which the crackpot (((controllers))) may have added to common diseases like the flu and common cold. I suspect chem-spray technology has been dosing the world for decades and they have perfected that technology so they can now spread diseases at will, and possibly they've done that with covid-1984.
    As McCairn mentioned in his interview, Dr Kaufmann is charging large fees for speaking about his work on the 'no virus' theory, perhaps Stefan Lanka is doing the same, it's not as if there's no motive to promote these new 'no contagion' ideas.
    As for the masks, I agree they are definitely not good for health and probably not much protection against disease anyway, but I see McCairn's point that in crowded trains or busy streets a mask my offer some minimal protection. Dr Judy Mikovits advises the wearing of a copper/silver mask when in a crowded environment.
    I suppose 'devious' may be too strong a word to use, and apologies if it offends, but I have watched some of Stefan Lanka's presentation and to me he doesn't come over as very trustworthy. I may be completely mistaken and I'm not certain of hardly anything, but Lanka is putting forward controversial and possibly dangerous ideas, especially if a contagious bio-weapon REALLY has been released.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I'm not ruling out all of Lanka's and Kaufmann's findings (as if they could care less) things aren't just black and white of course, no doubt virus contagion is very overplayed by modern medicine and there are definitely many other causes of illness; psychosomatic, environmental, bad diet etc. But it's difficult to rule out contagion completely imo, however it comes about, see thE short list of epidemics:

  22. Well someone likes Wikipedia. LOL

  23. BTW. Are you still using Google as a search engine Fakk?

  24. I use duckgo ... as if it's any better, all that crap about epidemics is in any encyclopedia.
    Had to put the links separately, because jewgle wouldn't accept it otherwise.

  25. Tried Qwant but didn't like it for some reason, can't remember why.

  26. They do their own indexing and do not rely on google's algorithm like most of them do. And if it's not google then it's Microsoft. What a choice.

  27. @ Fakk, ok you're entitled to your opinion and that's fine. I don't want to cause any discord around here and I understand that the no-virus argument is hard to get the head around. I'm just putting it out there for everyone's consideration. It's not disinfo, all it is doing is questioning and challenging the current Big Pharma narrative and could bring the whole thing down which I believe is definitely worthy of a lot of consideration.


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