May 21, 2021

The Quaccine Horror Scene and a Possible Quaccine Antidote?

  Corona KILL SHOTS Are Horrific Beyond Belief
* Suggested By Dr. Chainsaw Millerman *
 Christine Grady is Fauci's Wife - Guess What Her Job is?
 Amazing Polly
Is This a Possible COVID Vaccine Antidote?
By Makia Freeman
* Suggested by Zeebra *
Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality
Joel Smalley
The Fraud of Germ Theory and Virology
By Amanda
Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients:
 The Covaids Manifesto
The Dollar Vigilante
 Straight To The Point
Covid Truth Teller!

The Fraud of Germ Theory and Virology
By Amanda
Amanda wrote:

Great post!! Thanks so much for compiling all of this info. I totally disagree with Zeebra and greatly appreciate the shows that expose the fraud of germ theory and virology--it's high time and it should have happened during the HIV/AIDS hoax. It people woke up to the scam of virology back then, they wouldn't have been able to pull off this covid hoax.

IMO, it's imperative that people wake up to the fraud of germ theory and virology (including the HIV scam, polio being caused by DDT, Zika being used to cover for experimental vaccines given to pregnant women) because these virus psyops are what they plan to use to enslave us. And I'm sure they are not going to stop with Covid. I would not be surprised if they tell us Ebola is here someday (even Dr. Suzanne Humphries thought the talk about Ebola outbreaks in Africa back in 2014 was just a PR stunt for big-pharma--they staged that fakery overseas and the whores in Congress probably gave hundreds of millions to pharma to work on a vaccine for that fraud).

And even if humanity wasn't being taken down with Covid, I would still think it was extremely important to expose the fraud of germ theory and virology because it's the basis for the ramped up vaccine schedule that is causing an epidemic of autism, which in my mind close to murder because you are stealing that person's chance at a life. They have basically been using these viruses as cover for mass murder and they have been getting away with it for decades.

Though the "who" was behind 9/11 was the most important part of 9/11 research, I never thought the research into how the towers were taken down was a distraction. IMO, we need to study these deception operations, so we learn their tricks and don't get fooled again. I thought Simon Shack's September Clues was really important, in terms of looking at the video fakery angle.

Great comment Amanda and Thanks for your support!

Amazing Polly

So they're just figuring out that the Gucci Goon funded the gain of unction research at Wuhan Lab. haha well, better late than never. This video is about ANOTHER huge BOOM that I uncovered in May 2020. A year ago!

unction: noun, smug self-serving earnestness. 


Safe & Defective!

Covid Truth Teller!

Joel Smalley

An animation of COVID mortality across the world to examine the impact of vaccination, testing the hypothesis that they are up to 97% effective in reducing mortality.

Credit @britishbennyboy on Twitter for the animation.


10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Apparently, there are many times MORE UNREPORTED deaths and injuries than reported ones so...go figure...

"Doctor" Kill Hates
This book is undoubtedly one of the Holy Books of the COVID-1984 religion.

 Corona KILL SHOTS Are Horrific Beyond Belief 
 * Suggested by Dr. Chainsaw Millerman *

 These Kill Shots were predicted long ago.
A man of justice, Eustace wasn't useless!

By Makia Freeman
 * Suggested by Zeebra *

THE STORY: With all the horrendous effects caused by the COVID vaccines, is there a possible COVID vaccine antidote?

THE IMPLICATIONS: To be aware of natural herbs, plants or other substances which can reduce or eliminate blood coagulation and RNA replication is powerful knowledge.

Is there a possible COVID vaccine antidote which could protect those who have been injected with the concoction passing itself off as a COVID vaccine? Dr. Judy Mikovits thinks so. Mikovits, who was featured in the Plandemic film, recently revealed the name of it (which you can hear in this video excerpt): suramin.
 A Few Comments:

What have I learned since researching Covid1984? Not only is this covid19 a hoax, so is the seasonal flu. No virus has ever been isolated for the seasonal flu, (a body detox) HIV/AIDS, rabies, Measles...Hepatitis C...polio... of the boogieman viruses exist. The millions of people who died during the Spanish Flu, died from the vaccine, not the flu.

Here's somebody who spoke very highly of Dr. Fauci, calling him a fraud and con man...

"If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document."
- Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Flies appear on dead matter but are not the cause of the dead matter. They are scavengers that break down dead matter. In this way, viruses and bacteria operate in the same exact manner within the body. Without scavengers on Earth to clean up waste, Earth’s air would become toxic. The same processes are carried out in the body on a microscopic macro level.

"Natural Hygiene contends that germs do not cause disease. They are not the originators. Most diseases occur when people allow themselves to become enervated, that is, low in nerve energy. As a consequence, the organs of excretion fail to function normally and waste material accumulates in the body. When this waste continues to build up, exceeding the body's toleration point, a crisis arises. The body, to offset this overabundance of poisonous matter, begins to react. The result of this reaction is sometimes a cold, the flu, pneumonia, or some such, depending on the individual. At this crisis point of elimination, germs may or may not be present. They are sure to come later, not to attack, but to assist in the cleanup or cleansing process." 
- Dr. Alec Burton

Today's alopathic doctors are useful idiots and pharmaceutical salespeople, who willfully keep us in a state of disease, using a vaccine "shot" full of poison to create serum sickness. “illness was practically always due to errors of diet or manner of living, the germs being present solely as scavengers of dead and waste tissues and foods, and not as the cause of the disease.” 
- Wendy Meyers

The vaccine is based on junk science and superstition. It causes so many health problems, without them the Medical Industrial Complex would collapse.

Ron Marr Lynn:
Excellent comment, Tom. Unfortunately Consciousness is our only Salvation and sadly the "the age of deception" dates back to Sumer and beyond. Everything is fake except us. We bring the life to their fake reality. Without our participation THEY cannot exist. Together, through our consciousness, we form the human spirit, the most powerful force on earth. Is it any wonder why THEY fear our awakening...that THEY try in every way possible to distract, destroy, maim and kill humans all the way from the womb? NO...when people all over the world remove themselves from the cloud of deception... only then can we prevent the coming medical/military Inquisition. They have no new ideas without us. Again, it will be life killing life so the hybrids can maintain control of THEIR fake reality. But, we will awaken. I believe in life. I believe in you

Tom Clark Ron Marr
So true...lies cannot create reality, they create illusions. We are inundated with mathemagicians, illusionists and writers of historical fiction....mad scientists and sociopaths, entertainers and premeditated distractions.
For the rest of the story and more good comments:

The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Coverup

This is huge, folks. I like the author’s suggestion to go after EVERYBODY who has been pushing or promoting this toxic shit. There must be plenty of hungry attorneys out there who’d like to take a chunk out of all those bloviating assholes promoting the lethal injection of toxic sludge.

What a relief to know the toxic sludge doesn’t contain egg. Phew. It only contains a fatal toxin and a bunch of other chemicals I wouldn’t even be legally allowed to pour down my drain, let alone inject into someone’s body…

Loccie on May 19, 2021

In that same OSHA filing, the manufacturer declares SM-102 “Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.”

15:36 to 15:40
21:06 to 22:32

 jerry on May 18, 2021:

Samarium hexaboride, SmB6, is a topological insulator that may find use in quantum computers.

Since we are on the path of trans humanism already via covid jabs it would make sense to inject us with components to turn us into quantum computers as samarium is a critical component of quantum computing and its connectivity via light to the global net via luciferase quantum dot chips on the skin, it boils down to the trans humanist agenda.The ingredients says it is so.And yes its all toxic.Once connected to the grid even more so.Seems like lifespan is not important neither your health but connectivity to the grid and control over us seems paramount.Population ill Health and non well being is a small price to pay for total control over many by the few.


In summary, I think this is as close to the truth as it can ever come, they are using gain of function spike protein disease aka shedding from the vaxxed, a biological weapon to make more people sick, blaming it on new variants constantly, more lock downs, more economic collapse, more fear to herd to sheep into taking the transhumanist quantum dot samarium quantum,luciferase, luciferian initiation cocktail vaccine. Aka MRna luciferase lipid, samarian transhumanist vax, which in turn also creates spike protein shedding,,, spreading the biological Fauci virus ,forcing more people to get transhumanized. Its a 2 in 1.

Its a biological spike protein shedding weapon system making the non vaxxed sick.
It also transforms the vaxxed via luciferase and samarium into quantum computer robots,
We are looking at a duel system working together as one. Genius at play.Two seperate systems. One a biological weapon which only few survive. Two, transhumanist ingredients to change you into a new being. If you manage to survive the first stage of the vaccine. So the strongest will inherit the NWO. But thanks no, not interested..

Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients:
DEADLY POISON “SM-102 – Not for Human or Veterinary Use”
(With many great comments)

The Same Pattern Everywhere?

Mike Whitney – The Unz Review May 15, 2021

Worse than India? How can that be? And why have 8 “fully vaccinated” members of the New York Yankees tested positive for Covid? Here’s the story from the Associated Press:

“New York Yankees shortstop Gleyber Torres tested positive for Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated and having previously contracted the coronavirus during the offseason. Torres is among eight so-called breakthrough positives among the Yankees — people who tested positive despite being fully vaccinated.” (NBC News)

And if that’s not confusing enough, check out what’s going on in Cambodia. Cambodia began its vaccination campaign in early February after having compiled zero fatalities. That’s right, the country had no Covid deaths until March, a few weeks after it started its vaccination program. And that’s when the deaths started piling up as you can see in the eye-popping chart below.


So, let’s see if we can figure this out. There were zero fatalities before the launching of the vaccination campaign, but soon after the injections began, the fatalities started to mount. Do you think there might be a connection here? Do you think that, perhaps, the deaths are linked to the vaccines?

Of course, they are. And, that’s why the media is trying to sweep this story under the rug. 

“Now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lowered the CT even further, in what appears to be a clear effort to hide COVID-19 breakthrough cases, meaning cases in which fully vaccinated individuals are being diagnosed with COVID-19.” (“CDC embarks on a new Covid Coverup”, Mercola. com)

The FDA KNEW that vaccinated people were more likely to contract Covid than those in the placebo group, but they approved the vaccines anyway?!? Is that criminal negligence or just plain old stupidity?

The complete article can be found here along with good comments:

The Dollar Vigilante
From Each According to His Obedience,
To Each According To His Submission

Chelsea Clinton goes on a crusade against "anti-vaxxers". 



  1. "Dr. Chainsaw Millerman" LOL

  2. I do have a doctoral degree from the “School of Hard Knocks” Lost several brain cells but the remaining ones payed close attention! LOL

  3. I STRONGLY-RECOMMEND: At-Least the First-HOUR ... of This Recent "Black-Pilled" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    THIS is the STRAIGHT TRUTH-on-RACE ...

    In a WAY that "Gets-THROUGH" ... VERY-DIFFERENTLY to MOST:

    "Race-Realism"-"LARPING" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There is hope

    Past research has shown that genes play an important role in the disorder, but it has proven difficult to isolate individual genes that contribute substantial effects. These results indicate that further investigation into restoring communication between neurons could be a critical step in developing novel treatment options for schizophrenia.

    The discovery was made possible by the special genetic characteristics of the samples studied by Dr. Lencz’s team; patients with schizophrenia and healthy volunteers drawn from the Ashkenazi Jewish population. The Ashkenazi Jewish population represents an important population for study based on its unique history. Just a few hundred individuals who migrated to Eastern Europe less than 1,000 years ago are the ancestors of nearly 10 million Ashkenazi Jews today. This lineage, combined with a tradition of marriage within the community, has resulted in a more uniform genetic background in which to identify disease-related variants.

    “In addition to our primary findings regarding PCDHA3 and related genes, we were able– due to the unique characteristics of the Ashkenazi population – to replicate several prior findings in schizophrenia despite relatively small sample sizes,” said Dr. Lencz, professor in the Institute of Behavioral Science at the Feinstein Institutes. “In our study, we demonstrated this population represents a smart, cost-effective strategy for identifying disease-related genes. Our findings allow us to zero in on a novel aspect of brain development and function in our quest to develop new treatments for schizophrenia.”

    Schizophrenia, characterized by delusions, hallucinations and disorganized thoughts and behavior is one of the leading causes for disability in the United States. Schizophrenia usually requires lifelong treatment, including medication and psychosocial therapy.

  6. I think there may have been a post left out by accident. This is the Dollar Vigilante "Covaids Manifesto" Its sooo important especially for a newbie with limited time. He goes over the Protocols, in his own way, and yes names names in a sneaky clever way

    Need to "circle back " like Zuckfuck's little sister but the Westall interview... There was talk of autism cure. Baffles the shit out of my why the reluctance to mention Chlorine Dioxide. I know. It puts you on the radar just mentioning but the hell with Suramin. Hows anybody going to get it ? NACLO2 is 30$ on ebay. No script required.. Autism and obliterates Glysophate molecule You dont believe me just find Kerri Rivera's site. There is even an interview with Dr. Stepanie Seneff if your twitchy and think its bleach.

    Albert thx soo much for the PT link. I remember when Zep said he was doing that , i though, Im not sure if the F-bomb filter with that interview has an after burner level it can go to, and how long. 2 ultra loose cannons. Voxx and Zepp . Dont know but i bet hilarious at least. Shame you never got his buddy Helen on. Still think Harry was tappin that lol

    @Chains.. So i guess we both did lots of shrooms in college eh? In all seriousness. Maybe Scorp can send this to Chris if he sees this. Former player from, yes , 3 time Cup winners;) He had to retire early .. Brains got scrambled. He said he tried everything . Spent tons of money with the white coats. Wanted to commit suicide. Shrooms DID IT. Amazing story . DC now making it his life cause to get it legalized for medicinal purpose.

  7. Mix, I did my fair share :) but I also had my brains scrambled at least 3 times over the decades from hockey motocross and I fell out of a tree quite a ways up! LOL not good. Maybe I need to do some of that microdosing of shrooms and maybe some LSD? Seems like the way to go these days! eh?

  8. @inthemix,

    I added The Dollar Vigilante. I forgot it. Thanks for noting the missing video. Shrooms are magic. In my next post, I will include The Perfect Triangle with Harry Vox.

    " Chlorine Dioxide. I know. It puts you on the radar just mentioning but the hell with Suramin. Hows anybody going to get it ? NACLO2 is 30$ on ebay."

    There's a cheaper way of getting Hypochlorous Acid into your stomach, the desired end result of using Chlorine Dioxide. The cheap alternative, mentioned by Jim Humble himself, is Calcium Hypochlorite, used as a pool disinfectant.

    You put 2 or 3 grams of Calcium Hypochlorite in a capsule, swallow it and drink a glass of water. I pop one of those once in a while; I should do it more often...

    @Dr. Chainsaw Millerman: keep those chains sharp and keep your stick on the ice and remember: if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!

    Nighty night.

  9. Oops...about Jim Humble's budget Miracle Mineral Supplement (or Miracle Mineral Solution, or Master Mineral Solution): I over guesstimated the weight of the Calcium Hypochlorite to put in each capsule: a capsule will hold a maximum of 1/2 gram. I put in about 1/3 gram, not 2-3 grams. - Dr. Voltman Plutonymus Rex

    A word from Jim Humble

    "It is important to note that MMS does not cure disease. MMS is an oxidizer, it kills pathogens and destroys poisons. When these are reduced or eliminated in the body, then the body can function properly and thereby heal. I often say, “The body heals the body”. MMS helps to line things up so the body can do just that."



    Who are you addressing with this comment: "Awesome thanks! Mind-blowing"...?

    I'm sure it ain't me, so who the hell are you talking to? Yourself? {{{smiles}}}

    What is awesome? What is mind-blowing exactly?

    What was you wanted? Tell me again so I'll know.
    What's happening in there? What's going on in your show?
    What was it you wanted? Could you say it again?
    I'll be back in a minute, you can get it together by then.

    Whatever you wanted, What could it be?
    Did somebody tell you, That you could get it from me?
    Is it something that comes natural?
    Is it easy to say? Why do you want it?
    Who are you anyway?

    Is the scenery changing? Am I getting it wrong?
    Is the whole thing going backwards? Are they playing our song?
    Where were you when it started? Do you want it for free?
    What was it you wanted? Are you talking to me?

    What Was It You Wanted
    Bob Dylan

  10. @Chains.. You da man. Very open minded. I mean , come on, who didnt do that back in the day? I guess its something i had no idea about ? Yes. Everyone. Go to Danny Carcillo Twitter site.. Im not being biased caused i used to walk to the UC lol . Trust me on that. If you follow hockey , yes, you always thought he was a bit of a goon. Read into it. Super nice , intelligent guy. Maybe someone here like Zepp , who should be interested that therapy, or Chris, can get him on. Its something i thought was a joke , but serious. Lets just say DC is like all of us here. He speaks his mind, it sometimes gets him in deep shit ,but he wont back down from what he knows is true. Ill just link it again for shits and laughs. I never imagined shrooms would be such a cure !

    @Volt. The shit you pick up amazes me ! You are always so classy and cordial . That DV was from over 2 weeks ago! I dont trust him entirely but , the fact that he laid out the Protocols in a sneaky way was one we must keep in mind. Its soo important

    With all due respect. Maybe its me. I swear i did have a severe head injury like Carcillo. You may be making fun of me there. Its your website. All good. If i disagree, not gonna blow you shit but just leave, but the "calcium hypochlorite" is very wrong but maybe i misinterpreted something. Thats dangerous words there . NaCLO2 is either a combo of Sodiuum Clorite and Hydrochloric Acid or Sodium Chlorite and Citric Acid . Calcium Hypochlorite IS Bleach. I believe im giving correct info. I flunked chemistry. Do your own research and follow someone like Andreas Kalker for more clarity.I do believe what you put there can get someone killed, but i mean no disrespect, and could be wrong. DO NOT take my words as anything other than shit on a blog Im linking Kalker here so nobody gets confused. If your interested in that therapy, go there. Sometimes we all just have brain farts with words. Your good @Volt. Maybe someday you can post Carcillo's site so everyone can get turned on to alternative therapy we need to know. Dan is our kinda peeps here at Grizz, trust me on that. . In the mean time.


  11. inthemix16 said:
    "the "calcium hypochlorite" is very wrong"

    In his quest to find the simplest and cheapest way to get Hypochlorous Acid into one's stomach, Jim Humble (The Man) came up with calcium hypochlorite, the pool cleaner. So I bought some at a pool equipment store. The concentration was 75% calcium hypochlorite; another common concentration is 65%. (75% is better than 65%). The other constituents are not categorized as Toxic. I can't say whether or not it is as good as Sodium Chlorite (what some call Chlorine Dioxide) (Na is sodium)...

    Thanks for the appreciation.

  12. I believe Jim Humble only advocated chlorine dioxide, known as MMS by many.

  13. Dr. Scorpicus,

    From Jim Humble's site:

    What is MMS2?:

    MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite, Ca(ClO)2, when mixed with water turns into a solution of hypochlorous acid which is an oxidizing acid that the human immune system naturally produces to destroy disease germs and clean up poisons in the system. Today, many people are deficient in hypochlorous acid, and therefore proper supplementation with MMS2 has proven beneficial to help eradicate disease.

    I found a place where you can get 99% pure calcium hypochlorite which, I would assume, would be even better.

    Calcium Hypochlorite 99% PURE MIN. (70% Chlorine Min.) 5lb Bottle

    yall fuckin with me. All fun and good :) Its time . Been a slice guys. Some really cool people here.

    What is CDS?
    CDS is a concentrated aqueous solution of 0,3% (3000ppm) of chlorine dioxide gas, with no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) content in the solution and has a neutral pH.

    10ml is diluted with 1 liter of water obtaining 0,003% (30ppm) in 10 shots of 100ml every hour as a daily dose. (= 3mg ClO2 per dose)
    What is MMS?
    MMS is the mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with citric acid that contains sodium chlorite and is of acidic pH. MMS It is the name Jim Humble gave to the mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with citric acid at the time. It works excellent for many illnesses, but there is a stomach reaction and it can cause diarrhea as a side effect and its taste is unpleasant for many. It is the basis for manufacturing CDS
    What is CD?
    CD is a more advanced form of MMS. It is the mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with hydrochloric acid that contains sodium chlorite and has an acidic pH. It is better in taste and can be useful for its easy transport but it has a secondary stomach reaction. It is the basis for manufacturing CDS

    What is ClO2, Chlorine Dioxide?
    Chlorine dioxide is just the gas from the reaction of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with an acid, which is very soluble in water and evaporates at 11 ° C

  15. What is known about chlorine dioxide?
    First of all, it is an oxidant, that is, a substance that facilitates combustion because it adds oxygen to all processes, unlike other medicines.

    Oxygen does not accumulate in the body and therefore it is a very different pharmacodynamic process.

    Furthermore, oxidation is used in a similar and natural way by our defense cells, such as neutrophils in the process of phagocytosis, which is nothing more than engulf and burn the enemy, in a very simple way.

    At the moment we can find 1326 scientific studies on chlorine dioxide in pubMed, where most of them focus on the safety of toxicity in consumption.

    There are relatively few papers that are investigating therapeutic efficacy to date.

    It has been observed that many media, especially in large chains, warn of the danger of chlorine dioxide based on an anecdotal testimony that is not scientific at all from an FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) statement.

    This release warns against taking chlorine dioxide without specifying the amount, concentration, or duration of the suspected toxicity. Claiming that a substance is toxic without even stating the amounts has no validity whatsoever.

    Nor can Health agencies around the world cite scientifically proven cases that prove it or studies in this regard and this warning has been distributed throughout the world where health agencies warn copying and pasting this data without any verification.

    A medical professional or toxicologist knows that any substance in extreme amounts or very strong concentrations is toxic to the human body and when we compare the toxicity of chlorine dioxide (340 milligrams per kilo in male mice) it is practically the same as caffeine (367 milligrams per kilo in male mice). It means that a healthy 70kg person should take around 23.000mg for 14 days to become intoxicated, which is absolutely impossible.

    According to studies reflected in a report by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) NOAEL is 3 milligrams per kilo of body weight per day. This is equivalent to 70 mg in the 210 kg person and 50 mg daily in a 150 kg person without having any toxic effect.

    The maximum amount of the recommended protocols does not exceed 20 mg daily in adults. To speak of a danger due to the ingestion of chlorine dioxide at these amounts is completely absurd and even more after 13 years of experiences I do not know of any serious problem with CDS. There are thousands of people who have also given their testimonies on the Internet confirming its efficacy and safety at the same time.

    One of the most important aspects is that chlorine dioxide is extremely soluble in water without creating chemical bonds, that is, it is a gas that really dissolves completely in water. This is because it has a molecular structure that is extremely similar to the water molecule so that for this and other reasons, it dissolves completely.

    Chlorine dioxide is known to be the best known disinfectant, since it is capable of eliminating both bacteria, fungi, viruses, and small parasites, in a wide pH range. It has been used for 80 years to disinfect drinking water, without causing problems in all these years.

    It is widely used in industry for disinfection.

    It is also used for paper bleaching, but in extreme concentrations and amounts that have nothing to do with the dose of ingestion.
    CDS is just the gas in the mix bubbled by the water that is pH neutral and has many advantages, as it does not usually cause irritations or side effects like MMS or CD can. However, both have their therapeutic properties.

  16. Volt - I stand corrected -very interesting info - thanks

  17. HERPES INFECTION CURE IS 100% AVAILABLE WITH THE HELP OF DR OGBERAESE HERBAL MEDICINE.Joy and happiness is all i can see around ever since i came in contact with this great man Called Dr Ogberaese. i complained bitterly to him about me having herpes only for him to tell me it’s a minor stuff. He told me he has cured thousands of people but i did not believe until he sent me the herbal medicine and i took it as instructed by this great man, only to go to the hospital after two weeks for another test and i was confirmed negative. For the first time in four years i was getting that result. i want to use this medium to thank this great man. His name is Dr Ogberaese , i came in with his email through a friend in USA called Edith Rose and ever since then my live has been full with laughter and great peace of mind. i urge you all with herpes or HSV1&2 to contact him if you are willing to give him a chance. you can contact him through his email or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073818653


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