July 03, 2021

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2021.07.03

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Hour 3 - News And Current Events

64k CF Download

518-906-1039 Studio A Listen Number
Revolution.Radio Studio A



  1. Someone knows someone who got the jab and became an electromagnetic.

  2. The Washington DC jail is now a Gitmo for patriots.

  3. I still haven’t personally met anyone who became magnetic, so I will remain skeptical. I did find some magnetic chicken breasts in the fridge, though. Strange times we find ourselves in.

  4. Sometime last week I said on either TPC or Op Scorpio that birds are avoiding the local 5 gee tower. A few days ago I drove by it at sunset and there were Turkey Buzzards covering the damn thing with more flying in. I guess buzzards can deal with it idk.

  5. The hard physics: a given amount of ferrous metal or a huge source of electricity is required to magnetize a coil, much less human flesh. Now NANO MAGNATITE is used in the vax. Nano as in infinitesimally small. Enough to attract a kitchen magnet, and remember polarity must be - to +, nope.

  6. Panz this magnetic thing is likely overblown, but IF there are nano magnetic particles in the V, can you be sure there are no downsides given the increasing electromagnetic pollution coming our way? Maybe there is a possibility you become a better receiver/antenna for some of the technology headed our way. Unlike you, I don't know. Could be nothing but it could be something. The fact that we are even here at this present time is nuts.

    Not sure why you say

    "The hard physics: a given amount of ferrous metal or a huge source of electricity is required to magnetize a coil".

    Every child knows how to make a magnet with an AA battery (1.5v) a nail and a foot of wire.

  7. Hey Chains. Hit me on Chatango. It seems like your Chainsaw miller man thing has been off for 16 days.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. As i said magnetic fridge magnet bullshit could be designed to make you dismiss the whole topic of in the future.

    Engineering a Genetically Encoded Magnetic Protein Crystal

  10. Resistance is futile and i need a right hand man for the cult I'm starting. Are you interested?

  11. Chain - I have a friend in real life who saw someone do the magnet test after being vaxxed - it is real
    I was skeptical too

  12. I too have a coworker who's sister also had a successful magnet challenge. I have a "Cornet ED88T Plus Tri-mode RF LF EMF E-Field Electrosmog Gauss Meter Data Logger" and thought it might be interesting to start measuring the dumb asses that I love and consider misguided friends! This topic really is much like flat earth. Even though it has merit there is no point getting too carried away discussing it with most people. I maintain there is very likely a part two maybe part three etc in this area of magnetogenics.


  13. Cornet ED88

  14. Once again this is not proof, but it is interesting.



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