July 12, 2021

DON'T INJECT ME! 😨 Celeste Solum, David Martin, Dr. Mikovitz, Prof. Bhakdi, Dr. Hoffe, Russ Brown, Noor al Haqiqa, Tim Truth, etc...



COVID Shots Are Going to Make the Body Attack Itself
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi
 The End of the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative?
Professor Bhakdi
Dr. Charles Hoffe
 The Bigger Picture 
David Martin & Judy Mikovitz
Meria Heller, Dan Dicks, Max Igan, Ed Opperman, Freeman Fly on...
The Ochelli Effect 6-29-2021
 More Quaxxed People Are Acting Like Zombies
Graphene Could Turn Us into "Something Unimaginable"
Celeste Solum - Noor al Haqiqa
 Graphene Oxide Covid 19 Vaccines Confirmed as Poison
Russ Brown
 The Descent into Utter Madness
 Stephen Karganovic
Posted by Noor al Haqiqa

Lets Talk Kangaroo Court and fighting fines
Amanda Forbes

The Freedom For Truth Conference - July 9
Amanda Forbes & The Fighting Moms

Line In The Sand – It’s Time
David Icke
Don't Inject Me
The Health Ranger
“We just have to stop everything now.”
Dr. Bhakdi - "We have never seen this before, however, the vision is so horrible and so awful and terrifying that I myself I don't even want to know what happens next ".

The Doctor emphasized the urgent need to share the following information that has emerged from new scientific literature.
Video Also Available Here:


HEAVY STUFF! Dr. Charles Hoffe reveals his research and warns of the damage that the mRNA Covid Shots are producing in people. "Blood Clots are a guarantee in all who took these mRNA Shots, it starts on the micro-level and we can see them" he stated.

The Bigger Picture
channel image
 The Ochelli Effect 6-29-2021
Meria Heller – Dan Dicks – Max Igan – Ed Opperman – Freeman Fly

More Vaxxed People Are Acting Like Tranced
Zombies...Many Seem Mentally Debilitated


Not just heart issues are showing up after people are COVID vaccinated — myocarditis but unusual tumors are emerging.

People are in a trance as if they've been hypnotized, according to one doctor observing his vaccinated colleagues. What is going on here?

What happened to all the lab managers who forgot how to do their job.  Why didn't they object? 
What is happening is the killing and sterilizing of humanity.

Lab people still can't isolate or find the virus. Why didn't the virus spread across whole cities?  This is more likely a synthetic contact genetic poison which caused the initial surge.

They then called the effect of the contact poison COVID renaming many other illnesses like flu.  The contact poison could now be in the vaccine.

Why do people need booster shots?  SPIONS are in the vaccine, (Charles Lever nanotechnology connecting brain cells to electronics) designed to control people from outside.

SPIONS could even be put into toothpaste.

They were able to change the behavior of mice through magnetic effects (nano-particles).

Reports show that it's not only through the vaccine that people are being magnetized.

Nano-particles in the ovaries, testicles, spleen and the adrenal gland have been observed.

The adrenal being targeted would be slowing people down, and could explain why doctors and university staff are being zombified.

Doctors and nurses were vaccinated first.  Was that a device to switch their brains off?

Or are they simply in denial?  They cannot bring themselves to admit they were wrong, and the potential liability.

Hospitals instruct them not to discuss adverse reactions to the vaccine.  Grants to hospitals and universities are based on them not disclosing the real situation.

A lot of dogs are suddenly attacking people..their vaccinated owners.  Babies are rejecting their own vaccinated mothers (reported in Israel).

Full Story - https://tapnewswire.com/2021/06/why-are-so-many-people-who-took-the-vaccine-now-behaving-like-mind-warped-zombies/

20 Things I’ve Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The ‘Pandemic’



Doug Plumb said (July 8, 2021):

I know a little bit about radio waves and beam forming, I doubt very much that they could control your thoughts now by radio, but maybe some day in the future.

I think that the injection will make people more trackable and traceable, and make us vulnerable to "electromagnetic death rays" - where they could fly over a city and microwave everyone in one night.

The magnetic particles could be made to move and shake and heat up from interaction with waves - perhaps only on the surface of the skin. I think controlling our thoughts with this is a little "Buck Rogers" but I can easily imagine the utility of giving everyone the experimental injection.

I take Celeste Solum very seriously but the biological robot is too expensive, it would be easier to kill us with electromagnetic waves than to turn us into zombies. That Zombie holocaust is already happening, the zombies are forcing the experimental injection onto us.

Peter N said (July 8, 2021):
Prophetic writing of Rudolph Steiner: Spiritual Matters

"I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people's souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body.

Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.

Rudolph Steiner, LECTURE 13; The Fallen Spirits' influence in the World. Dornach, 27 October 1917


 What Could Go Wrong?!

Technocratic Takeover & Hijacking Of Humanity

A Vaccine to Sever the Spiritual Connection in Mankind - Rudolf Steiner

It HITS you! It's Amazing! I feel like a Trudope!
Anonymous said (July 8, 2021):
Thank you for this excellent article of critical information in regards to this "mystery vaccine" that our own government is trying to forcefully impose on its people.

The 40% of the unvaccinated are still hanging tough and aren't changing their stance for a lottery ticket or a free happy meal. Their bodies mean more than that to them.They are to be commended.

This is an all or nothing exercise for the CDC and the WHO. The government and the MSM have been enlisted to peddle their "master plan" to get every man woman and child jabbed. The government didn't hand out all these trillions of dollars and go through all these lockdowns only to have you refuse their vaccine. The MSM didn't go through all the covid coverage and all the fear mongering for nothing. They want 100% public participation in this control project.

Expect more aggressive measures from the Covid Government to achieve this end. Plain and simple, this is all about you taking the jab.

Everybody must get shot!

Graphene Could Turn Us into
"Something Unimaginable"
Celeste Solum
Graphene Hydrogel & Quantum Dot Application (mirrored) on YouTube
A Few Snippits:
"Once you are injected with GBH it is impossible to remove it as it binds to the body, which is unable to reject it as it is not recognized as a foreign substance. Its structure allows it to invade all parts of the body, including crossing the blood-brain barrier."

Solum says:

"In essence, you become a canvas for the pharmaceutical artists to create a synthetic artistic masterpiece subservient to the alien system not resembling anything human-like whatsoever."


5G may be used for more nefarious purposes than simply monitoring all digital activities and sickening us with electromagnetic radiation. Thanks to GBH, 5-G can be used for biosensors to track and monitor our bodies as well. Those injected with GBH will become nodes within the "internet of things".

Another possibility is that GBH will allow the 5G network to control our bodies and minds.

Not only does 5G give the elites surveillance over nearly everything we do, but the fact that GBH can enter all parts of the body, including the brain, combined with its properties of electrical conductivity means that it can be used to induce muscular contractions and affect thoughts.

In a worst case scenario, you will be reduced to a slave with no will, an automaton.

Controlled by the 5G system, GBH can also be manipulated by a process called "electrospinning." New mutations can occur. Your body will no longer be yours, and changes can be made at any given time.


The side effects and potential implications of mRNA vaccines were bad enough, but the prospect that the vaccine contains graphene-based hydrogel rather than mRNA adds an even more horrifying dimension to the scamdemic.

Are you willing to voluntarily submit your body and mind to the globalists?

This is the question people need to ask themselves before considering taking the so-called covid-19 vaccines.

With the roll-out of every COVID-19 vaccine program around the world, it's now clear that the explicit purpose of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda was to conduct a slow-motion extermination of the human race.

Complete Essay Posted by Noor al Haqiqa at:

 July 12, 2021

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

In the featured video, which aired June 22, 2021, independent reporter Stew Peters plays an audio recording1 made by a young woman who suddenly developed Guillain-Barre syndrome after her Moderna injection. Her neurologist believes her condition is the direct result of the COVID shot.

While the neurologist filed an adverse event report with the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the woman decided to report it to Moderna as well. The Moderna rep does not appear the least surprised by the injury, and appears to admit he’s received similar reports before.

Everyone Who Gets the Jab Is Part of the Safety Trial


Jon Rappaport:

“Graphene — What Is It? …Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man at one atom thick, the lightest material known… the strongest compound [ever] discovered… the best conductor of heat at room temperature [2]… the best conductor of electricity known… potentially an eco-friendly, sustainable solution for an almost limitless number of applications. Since the discovery…of graphene, applications within different scientific disciplines have exploded, with huge gains being made particularly in high-frequency electronics, bio, chemical and magnetic sensors, ultra-wide bandwidth photodetectors, and energy storage and generation.”
Graphene Face Masks Dangerous; and We’re Living in a Graphene World
July 12, 2021


Russ Brown
The Graphene Nano Hive Mind


The Descent into (Utter) Madness

By Stephen Karganovic,

The Strategic Culture Foundation

July 4, 2021

Waking Times

Little wonder that here and there sanity nostalgia is gripping the Western world, at least those isolated portions of it that are not internalizing the sinister “new normal.” But it is seemingly to no avail. 

All commanding positions are firmly in the hands of lunatics, who are determined to turn a once great and exemplary civilization into an asylum.

As George Orwell has taught us, language manipulation is at the frontline (yes, I have just broken one of the cardinal rules of his “Politics and the English Language,” but not his final injunction to “break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous”) of politicized mind-bending.

The sort of language we are permitted to use

circumscribes the thinking

that we shall be allowed to engage in.

A female university student Lisa Keogh in Scotland who said in class “women have vaginas” (who would be better informed than she on that subject?) and are “not as strong as men”, who is facing disciplinary action by the university after fellow classmates complained about her “offensive and discriminatory” comments?

Or Spanish politician Francisco José Contreras whose Twitter account was blocked as a warning for 12 hours after he tweeted what some would regard as the self-evident truth that “men cannot get pregnant” because they have “no uterus or eggs”?

As Peter Hitchens noted recently 

“the most bitterly funny story of the week is that a defector from North Korea thinks that even her homeland is ‘not as nuts’ as the indoctrination now forced on Western students.”



Join Amanda and Christine as they talk Court, Fines, Mandates at University Dorms, CHDC Liability form, and Canada Day.

Amanda Forbes

Streamed live on Jul 9, 2021

The Fighting Moms discuss, among other things, their Canada Day Concert in Vancouver organized by Alicia "Delicia" Johnson & Friends.

(the Swine Flu Vaccine Song) 
by the Health Ranger
Warped Zombie Tree After Quaccination

Quantum Entanglement
Magic Treasure Box
I Should be Sleeping Like a Log

  “We just have to stop everything now.”



  1. Thanks Voltman. Question: why do you not post the full URL for the pieces you recommend? Or am I missing something here?

    Isn't that child absolutely beautiful and clear?

  2. Noor al Haqiqa said...

    "why do you not post the full URL for the pieces you recommend? Or am I missing something here?"

    I don't know what you're talking about: as far as I know, I do post the URL's.

    Give me an example.

    Yes that child is absolutely beautiful and clear.

    You're welcome.

  3. I did want to put this out there which is so off topic. I know. Most wont give a shit and I don’t expect you to.For some reason this story came across me today which had kinda floored me a year or 2 ago..
    I know recently I mentioned I am concerned about Dr Fetzer’s health. Like I said I do not agree with everything he says, but I can never diss what he is. Which is a true warrior . When he does go, which we all will,, Fetzer comes across as someone who will be fighting for us till the day he drops, probably while arguing with someone on his podcast.haha We all owe our respect to him. To all that fight
    I had found this story originally on The Drive . Yes. I have little respect there because its just another MIC rag. This story had me floored. Seems I wasnt alone when I read the comment section related to the story .. I guess i wasnnt the only one there that fought back tears.
    Who knows. Maybe you are familiar with the story. .Maybe you recognize the video from one of those WWII series back in the day. This was the story of Aviation Machinist Mate 2nd Class Loyce Edward Deen. From what I understand Loyce was injured previous , and was not required to go back to combat.. But he did. That was the mentality of young men back then to do anything for his country ! I do paste the link to The Drive story but I don’t think they mention he was decapitated . He was a turret gunner on a TBD Avenger that took some .20 millimetre Japanese flack. His pilot flew 2 hours to get back to the carrier . 2 Hours in hell imho. He was so mangled so bad that the Commander of USS Essex did a burial at sea. If that scenery doesn’t get you thinking you aint human!
    I just cant think of what Loyce Deen would see what he does today and would weep. He gave his life for this ??? Ive never met Dr. Fetzer but im confident if he had to jump in that Avenger for us he would have done the same thing! With Pride!
    Where are these people these days ? If you were in the military these days how would you feel ? If Lance Deen had these despicable traders knocking at his door , asking him if he took a jab that would poison him what he would do ?? What if he had Clause Fucking Schwabe telling him what to do ? He saw death like we do today and lost.. Just follow the story… the guy at 22 years old, entire life ahead of him , had his head blown off so we can be free! For fucking chicken swingin bankers. Just ponder that if you can for a second. Apologies in advance for being so off topic ,Just never forget the sacrifice this young man made for us!!!


  4. "t's amazing to think that Deen launched off the carrier on another mission that day not having any idea that he would not return to the carrier alive, let alone that his mangled corpse would be rolled into the sea along with the aircraft he was flying in.

    The sheer number of lives that were sacrificed, many in a cruel flash of happenstance, to win World War II is truly chilling, but metrics alone, and even still images, can't tell the story of just how brutal the conflict was and how undiscriminating and sudden tragedy was doled out during it, like this short piece of footage.
    War is a very nasty business and the glory that goes with it is largely manufactured after the fact. Being blown to pieces and tossed off the stern of a ship inside the broken aircraft that you died in just hours earlier is a somber reminder of that.

    Just remember that yall. We are at war just the same

  5. LOYCE DEEN TRIBUTE—TBF Avenger Gunner, Killed In Action, Burial At Sea, USS Essex (CV-9)—NOV 5, 1944


    Just grab that for a second.. You cant allow your country to fall, when millions gave the ultimate sacrifice , FOR US !

  6. "The young people of today will never know the true sacrifice of the fight for freedom. R.I.P. Machinist's Mate, Deen. Your ultimate sacrifice will forever be held in our reverence."

    Well Fucking said !!

  7. ITM16: Thanks for posting that story. It made me think of a vid Jeffrey Prather posted recently about a young Air Force special forces guy who won the medal of honor in Afghanistan. The incident was filmed by a drone. Then he posted another video with that man's wife, which made me go misty eyed. So, there are still heroes out there. I won't go into my own thoughts about that war, but I think you will find those videos worth looking at. Go to jeffreyprather.com and you will see. Also on bitchute.

  8. Hey Volt good to see you back. Have you seen this?


    It's a pretty cool program. I use to practice on my roland kit. Cheers!



  10. I do AGREE that Folks Thinking-for-ThemSelves ...

    IS indeed: Extremely-Dangerous to (((their))) (((Demon-mock-crazy))) !!! ;-)

    BECAUSE it Did-NOT claim to be: 100% "True" ...

    The National-Enquirer etc. COULD Print SOME Truth ....

    "Humorously" Folks STILL "Watch" the-"NEWS" etc.... BeLIEving that THAT is "Serious" / "TRUE" Con-tent ...

    While it is Thus: 100% Effective-ly-LIES ... and the MOST POWERFUL: Govern-ment MIND-Control !!! :-o

    --> I have ASKED some people:

    When you Watch: Superman, and Wonderwoman in the Movie-Theatre you DON'T "Think" that it is "REAL"
    WHY would you BeLIEve that what You SEE on "TV" is "REAL" !!!?

    But, they "just" don't / Can't "Get"-it !!!

    It is EASIER to FOOL people ... than to Convince them Later that They have been FOOLED !!!

    Because Their "Ego"/"Self-Respect would "Prefer" to: CONTINUE: Actually BEING-Contemptibly-FOOLISH !!!

    Fool me once, shame on YOU ... Fool me ... You Know that Thing! ... Dog-faced-Soldier, ... come-on-MAN! ;-)

  11. The ((("folks"))) (((who))) did this ("Brought Down" the Trade-Towers) ...

    (((they))) HATE us for Our "Freedoms"! ;-)

    Hence the "Patriot Act", and "Homeland Security" !!!

    ONCE you Understand WHERE (((they))) actually "fit-in" .....

    MANY Statements by (((them))) ... are actually Quite-TRUE!

    "An unrelenting 'Flow' of 'immigrants' ...

    and that's NOT a BAD-thing ...

    it is the SOURCE of (((our))) STRENGTH !!!"


  12. Dr. Chainsaw Millerman wrote:
    Have you seen this? https://moises.ai/

    I hadn't seen it but it looks interesting. I don't think I'll be needing anything like that in the "foreseeable future"... I surmise that there will be a glut in the musical equipment sales department... All those bands are dressed and rehearsed with no place to go and play except the garage in the back yard.

    I posted TELEVISION WATCHING NEWS BELIEVER - CONSPIRACY MUSIC GURU a while back. I don't remember which post.

    Hasta la Rasta

  13. Here is "TheCrowhouse" link, GOOD update situation in jew Satan stronghold Australia. In 37 minute is clip of absolute proof that the building in Miami was control demolition.

  14. I'm really liking that program volt. I've never seen a program that can remove any or all instrument of your choice and isolate the remaining with reasonable clarity. For me I remove the drum track and play along on my e-drums. I can record with the drum module and playback. Really handy app! Good to see you posting a warrior calls too Volt!

    The Myth is Canada Explained, Part 1

    The Myth is Canada Explained, Part 2

  15. Also a must read, The Shadow Magic Show.


  16. Wow- who knew that all these countries are actually corporations?? Groundbreaking stuff, groundbreaking!! I have also heard that 9-11 may NOT have gone down the way they told us it did- stay tuned!

  17. Get me some sealed indictments, STAT!

  18. If you really want to get up to speed, I suggest Zeitgeist, endgame and loose change!

  19. Well Sean, the the actual timeline might be of interest to some. Not surprised by the sarcasm!
    Most of the hook nosed elite that were/are directing/benefiting from the Hudson's Bay Company charter have long since covered their tracks with name changes and shell companies I'm sure. I suspect their posterity are running some of the very large corporations today not limited to mining and natural resource extraction. In fact Canada has been sold off to intentional corporations, with no significant alarm coming from our noble elected officials.
    The parallel you draw between 9/11 and this conspiracy, illustrates your ignorance and overall assahaulic nature. Most people have no idea that the only charter Canada has that is valid is the Hudson's Bay Charter. This can be easily proven and we could easily move on this if "Canadians" (more like HBC employees) didn't share your level of ignorance.

  20. Turns out that there is a blueprint for your TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT!

  21. They’re turning the frogs gay, and nobody is doing SHIT!!

  22. So now you are equating me and this information with AJ? I'm not the shill here. The time line is there for anyone to see in public historic legal documents. Me thinks you protest too much. No? What's your game Sean? Not sure why you mention Zeitgeist, Endgame and Loose Change but it's irrelevant and once again you appear to me to be a small minded, petty, wee man.

  23. @Dr. OriGinal Larry..hope this somehow finds you. Some of us have jobs here so sorry for sending the thanks . I had a hard time following where you were going but ill investigate. But you see the posts after. ..? Pointless . Thats the root of the entire problem.. You post a story about a young man with his entire life ahead, that had an excuse to bow out, but stuck to his comrades, and country just to have his head blown off by flakk. All you see here is crickets... which shows the #1 problem we have these days and shows you why we are done. Stick a fork in it. I mean after that top notch show last night with scorp and zep , and im the only one that had even a thought a day later..waste of time here .. but yea. go to the jutube versions of that story, read the comments..you will be inspired and saddened all in one.


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