July 07, 2021

My way Sinatra vs Elvis


  1. I just wanted to put it out there before they drag me out for hate speech. Look up Bill C-10 in Canada.

  2. C-16 too.

    Orwellian bullish to the extreme.

  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9762519/Media-tech-moguls-appear-day-one-exclusive-Sun-Valley-billionaire-summer-camp.html

    The chi-coms are meeting in sun valley to plot genocide.

  4. Get the polycracker on the case!

  5. I have it under good authority that Q has penetrated the event with Alex Jones and are reporting DIRECTLY back to Benji Foolford. Who is, right now under the cone of silence with none other than Donnie trumph, deep in Binjamin Laudins converted underground bunker in Kanjewhar province. The swamp drain will commence at 01200 hrs. Sharp, but they can’t do it without your support, folks, so get over to disinfowhores.IDF.com now and sign up for the newsletter, and get you dick support powder while supplies last. Remember YOU are the resistance!

  6. Hello friends,

    Genocide? mass murdering the worlds people?

    The book 'If I were an Animal', by Fleur Cowles,

    has a foreword written by this parasitic &%$#@#, HRH Prince Philip, husband of 'Queen' Elizabeth II:

    "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."

  7. Btw, this parasite, this creep, "HMH", passed away!!

    Now, have a 'great day', also those clowns who are constantly doing their ROFL...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 30 minutes into "event" ...

    --> "mako" rhymes-with: "Lying jew!" ;-)

  10. 25:00

    Scorpio: Have YOU experienced "back-lash" for Pointing-Out: the jewish aspect of this con-spiracy ... have you been called a self-hating-jew etc...

    "mako": "My grand-parents were "Holocausted" and my parents pretended to be "Christians" ...

    ... and Hitler was a jew / (jew-puppet) ..."

    LOL !!! ;-)

  11. what a slippery "eel"! :-o

    "jews jews communists communists freemasons freemasons satanists satanists ....... EVERYONE is "becoming" a "satanist"!" ;-)

    --> and THEN halfway-through "he" .... tries to RUN-AWAY !!! ;-)

    yes ... perhaps (((he))) is "right" ;-)

    maybe we should ALL "just" LET the "satanists": DESTROY: EVERYTHING ... and KILL: 'EVERYONE' ...


  12. "good jews" ...

    LISTEN to THIS 1+Hour of Scott-Roberts ...


    and YOU will NEVER again be "satanistically"-TEMPTED:

    to sooooo FOOLISHLY even Slightly beLIEve in the "good-jews" ... BIG-(((LIE))) !!! :-)

    1. I have yet to hear one "good Jews" dismiss the Holocaust and bypass the "my family are survivors" claim on any interview, even Gilad Atzmon.

  13. LOL Albert - nice catch @25 - I was lulzing too

  14. Hello,
    I think one NEEDS to understand that one can either be a jew or an honest human being, but one can't be both!!

    The jews claim in their 'holy book', the Talmud, to be the only real human beings on the planet and all non-jews are goyim/cattle, that have to serve them.

    I think there is no reason to do some 'LOL' ing.
    This is extremely serious stuff.

    This clique of international parasites is planning to totally destroy our western societies, our cultures , traditions and future of OUR CHILDREN!!

  15. Are Palestinians human beings to Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir?

    "The Palestinians would be crushed like grasshoppers...heads smashed against the boulders and walls.."

    In a speech to jewish settlers.
    New York Times, April 1, 1988

  16. Hello Albert and Scorpio,...

    "My grand-parents were "Holocausted" ...." oy vey!

    I think you guys are aware that these "..BIG-(((LIE))) !!! :-)"... talmudic rabbis are now spreading Holocaustianity full time, 24/7, totally confusing/f*kking up the brains of gullible herd animals, worldwide, especially to make the 'Christian WHITES' feel guilty...having allowed it to happen...the "gassing, killing of 6 MILLION of Gods Chosen Ones".
    oy vey

  17. @ Chains,

    Canadians doing what Canadians do:


    1. "Canadians doing what Canadians do"
      What I could do with that

  18. Hello @Liam,

    WHY don't you shove all those 'links' up your asshole?

  19. Thank you Liam, I'm watching a Cal Washington interview now from your link. Cheers!

  20. Hello,

    if YOU DO NOTHING, just jabbering about, looking on how PARASITES are destroying

    YOUR Rose Garden,


  21. You have zero self awareness John Miller :) Its comical, but at the same time, sad. I wish you good luck in your quest to do whatever it is you're trying to do.


  22. Hey Unknown, it is a simple case of mind over matter. I don't mind and you don't matter.
    Good luck to you.

  23. Hey Liam,
    I agree, you don't have a mind, you are mindless.
    But still:
    Good luck to you.

  24. The Times Of Israel:

    "Israel again tears down contested Palestinian hamlet in Jordan Valley."

    We NEED to tear down, wipe this bandit state Israel off the face of this earth!!

  25. Brother Nathaniel making a great case for that "110 and Never Again T-shirt" . The guy hits a home run every single time. On point. the only thing that will save us is a few loyal high ranking military folk ..Hows that "support our troops " bullshit working out for ya now sheepies ? Stick that yellow ribbon right up your giggy



    1. The military was decapitated during the Obama administration. Most people don't know or forgot.

  26. How long will this drought last?

  27. Panz - why would you post something like that?
    You could make many comments about how I look but jewish ain't one of them bro.

    Get real -- LMAO

    1. Well that's what Albert implied
      "Scorpio: Have YOU experienced "back-lash" for Pointing-Out: the jewish aspect of this con-spiracy ... have you been called a self-hating-jew etc..."

  28. Hey Scorp, everybody in the peanut gallery calls each other jews. Why would you be immune? LOL

  29. haha right - yeah, my bad......but unlike the peanut gallery, people know what I look like.

  30. Hello,
    the guy who hides behind a pair of extra dark sun glasses??
    How does one know how this talking head looks like? could be a jew, certainly....

    We do know how Giuseppe looks like.. this overweight spaghetti fatass from Sicily:))

    1. Holy shit lmao
      When I joined Faceberg I kept getting friend suggestions from Pakistan

  31. Panz I think you are mixing Scorp with Makow..

  32. No more donations from bitch is on the rag 2 times a week and the Jew shows are unbearable I'm taking my dradle and going home

  33. Good luck all your gonna need it!!!!

  34. Hello Kossoff,

    Yes, I'm too, "taking my 'dradle' and going home..."

    Have a great evening

  35. That's the question I asked Makow during the interview. You missed the mark there - lol

  36. Nice show as usual today with Zep and Scorp ! When Dr. Carrie canceled i couldnt help thinking of the Richie From Boston vid way back where he explains how she filters for shows that mention the chicken swingers. Oh well sure you all will figure it out.
    Not trying to be the Siskel and Ebert of podcasts but just wanted to put my 0.2 in there because as always its thought provoking.
    I laughed when the question was posed why many are so lost. I think Zep mentioned the indoctrination , and although i agree, i think the largest % is really the I-shit. Gotta check the txt at the stoplight. Ever go to a 8 stall gas station ? its pathetic. Take away that and that will get the sheep attention . Usually at that point i think the masses will get what they deserve and will be content with that even if it means my demise. lol
    Heres the real question i wanted to pose to all here. I see this post is old and i cant get it on that exact shows post, maybe copy this tomorrow.
    Im asking here because most here fucking THINK.
    Allow me to 'circle back', not giving any credit to the female version of 'What da Zuck' have to go back to about 6 weeks ago on the Ted and Austin Broer show. I believe Austin was splainin how Scamazon was wanting any product of his that contained N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) off the site. From what i understand the subsequently either banned or was in the process of banning NAC. You all know this is a black is white, left is right scenario. Why NAC specifically ?
    Well with this Spanish lab coming out with their findings regarding Graphene Oxide i read the entire document / Translation from La Quinta Columna. Below is a great link summarizing ..

    Breaking: Graphene Oxide Nanotubes (Implicated in Blood Clotting) Also Found Now in Astrazeneca Vaccine Vial by Different Spanish Researchers.. PS i am a little twitchy being la Quinta meaning 5th Column and new lab/link named Orwall City but thats for another time. lol


    We now get AstraZeneca in the party ! Pay attention to paragraph below which is something i have personally subscribed to all along. I know Zeppie will disagree.

    Graphene’s property of excitation in high oscillating EMF fields in its electronic absorption bands which correspond to 5G activation bands has also given rise to the speculation that COVID-19 was never about a virus but about chemical poisoning with nano-graphene via flu vaccines and other means in the presence of high frequencies, specifically 5G, further discussed here and in Orwell City’s article on 5G and graphene: La Quinta Columna: ‘Graphene oxide has its absorption band in 5G’/Orwell City.

    In other words, COVID-19 (or symptomatized as such) was caused by Nano-Graphene (from flu vaccines), just as much as the COVID-Vaccinated suffering blood clots , death and “breakthrough” COVID-19 owe all to Nano-Graphene in the COVID vaccines.

    Translation. Be careful of docs that push the "its really a virus narrative "! ??Listening Dr. Judy ?

    "Further he says (in the video posted below):

  37. “When we studied the electromagnetic phenomenon we realized that graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic absorption band‘. The electronic excitation, its magnetic resonance is precisely in the third bandwidth of the 5G technology, the one that is being tendered right now and that, remember, has been with us throughout the pandemic."

    But here is where i find the most significant part...

    "We’ve also seen scientific studies from February to September 2020 of a treatment for COVID-19 with N-Acetylcysteine, which is a precursor of glutathione. And on the one hand we know that precisely N-acetylcysteine or glutathione itself degrades graphene oxide. That is why we think that we probably hit directly on the causative or etiological agent of the disease. “

    "Curiously, the FDA moved to ban n-acetylcysteine last August:

    Use N-acetylcysteine? The FDA is trying to make it illegal because it could help treat COVID-19"

    Well well, Could THAT be the reason why the FDA is hot and bothered about NAC ? Why the push boosters narrative ? You guys tell me. I dont know im just sayin . I have checked at the local Vitamin Shoppe.Still available. And at Healthmasters to

    Now bring in another Lab/Link Orwell City. Cough cough

    Dr. José Luis Sevillano talks about how he realized the relationship between 5G and COVID waves, and calls on people to save lives


    Keep in mind. And i hate to beat a horse again....

    " wanted to tell you that in general, the way I see this whole crisis, this problem, is from a therapeutic point of view. Above all, we are looking for ways of combating what we are experiencing: whether it is chlorine dioxide, whether it is ivermectin, etc. "

    Ahha. CLO2 again Andreas Kalker said way back last year, confidently ,," i have a cure for Convid19"

    Is there really a treatment for the V A double X ???? I just could never understand why Dr. Judy pushes Saramin (spelling) of which you cannot get yet, ,i think only once i heard her mention CLO2.? I know, way out there. I feel guilty for thinking it!! Was she a person given a deal? As long as you sell a virus rather than a toxic chem? Blah blah..I dont know. Its why im putting it out there and if the show link gets there from Volt excuse me if i repost. All I know is , id be stockin up on the NAC and Liposomal Glutothione .CLo2 costs ya 30$ on Ebay and Glut is easily available.
    Just putting it out for you guys there ...

  38. HERE it IS Folks ...

    I'm SURE that you've ALL been WAITING for THIS !!!

    --------> The "Scaredy-Cat" Shoowwww !!!


    (Just IGNORE the THREE Stupid-WHITE-Men !!! -- Who TRY to just WASTE Our Time !!! ;-) )

  39. 25:00

    Scorpio ASKED ("mako"): Have YOU experienced "back-lash" for Pointing-Out: the jewish aspect of this con-spiracy ... have you been called a self-hating-jew etc...

    "mako" WEASLED: "My grand-parents were "Holocausted" and my parents pretended to be "Christians" ...

    ... and Hitler was a jew / (jew-puppet) ..."

    LOL !!! ;-)

  40. I'm up for the 7 hours of truth.

  41. If you cant reach the website for Republic Broadcasting



  42. Here is a great little 60 page book. I highly recommend it

    "America: Some Assembly Required"


    I got it yesterday and am finding it fascinating even though I'm Canadian. Get it before it disappears.

    Hear is one review

    irth Certificate, one step at a time to inalienable rights
    Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2018
    Verified Purchase
    60 pages of CLEAR FACTS, who is in charge of our country "US" and the slimy "creations" that were meant to confuse us, steal from us, relabel us so we all run around with what we "thought" was the real problem....and find out the real path to original rights rather than some "corporate" path that has no legal rights or jurisdiction, other than those crooks that have taken us all for a ride (FRAUD), for too many years.. I began with getting my name back....as my parents wrote it (capital letters and small letters)...they took my name and made it all CORPORATE.....capital letters only, my whole name! Without my consent, "they" took my freedom and identity and indebted me to slavery......set up a trust account and disabled all my unalienable rights spelled out in the original Constitution FOR the United States.....to their "corporate" Constitution OF the United States. Lots more of the "slimy" tricks were played over time. Get this clear 60 page book and read exactly what we have to do; DECONSTRUCT and RE-IDENTIFY with what our real rights are....a simple paragraph and notarized is all it took to get my name back (less than a hour to do and $10 to notarize and post to the Dept of State.) One step at a time.....check this book out and the others she has written.

  43. This site is interesting too

    The Myth Is Canada



  44. Hi Chains, Good recommendations there, thanks for all with eyes to see and an autistic free mind to think with. We may be all banks-slaves to IMF, (where ALL the income tax goes, yes?), in all crown colonies with the mark-of-the-beast being the SIN/SSN/IRN/TFN dependent on crown colony of your choice. Ultimately the BC takes us to the Vati-can, which claims owner-'ship' of all property and souls for hundreds of years with Ecclesiastical law at the top. Canada is ALL commercial, by consent, with outright pirate-like bullying, intimidation and threats-of-menace. This works as I can be held on-remand for years if I do not consent. "Sign the papers old man". There must be remedy in commerce but do I have the resolve to pursue it. But hey, I should be focusing on some pseudo-state, without borders, in the mid-east, right?

    Or could we be our own-'ship' and as such our own Postmaster-General and Harbour-master. If we know not these terms, is slavery is unconditional?

  45. To be clear the book "America: Some Assembly Required" deals with the US system. I had heard in the past that the author of "America: Some Assembly Required" is a retired judge from Alaska.There have also been accusations of CIA connections made, I have not really checked that out.However, the 60 page book is an interesting read and really gives no concrete solutions. It does give an interesting time line of the commercial fraud perpetrated against Americans.

    Canada on the other hand is a joke from the beginning to end. What a fucking mess of pottage!

  46. correction - It does give an interesting time line of the legal/commercial fraud perpetrated against Americans.

  47. You forgot Sex Pistol's version :P

  48. Here is on video claiming she is a fraud.

    Fake Judge Anna Von Reitz Fraudulant Judicial Orders Exposed


    One from the comment section of the video,

    If you are saying that she is not a judge, then according to the court case Keller v Potomac Electric then all judges that operate under administrative statute, codes or regulations are administrative clerks and are not Judicial judges, there have not been a judicial judge since 1789. If she is not a judge then none of the judges are judges just clerks! So stop fooling the people to maintain fake authority over the people! Unam sanctum.


  49. Thrones infltrated




    The Shadow Magic show


  51. For the record I think Anna Von Reitz is a legit truth teller.


  52. Some other stuff worth a listen from the Liberty On The Land website. (downloadable mp3)

  53. You guys know me and my French Canadian thing but...

    Should Sinatra say Spat instead of Spit. It doesn't sound right to me?

    Real question. lol


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