July 03, 2021

Operation Scorpio 2021.07.03

Scorpio Show # 70 on Revolution.radio

Scorpio and Giuseppe welcome The Mechanic and Gertjan Zwiggelaar. Some callers too.

Topics include:

1) Slavery As Normality
2) Operation Sea Breeze and The False Pandemic Narrative
3) The One Eyed Rabbi In Your Living Room
4) Delta Variant and The Low Hanging Fruit

Revolution.Radio Studio A

Feel free to contact me: drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com

64k CF Download

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  1. Good to have mami’s back to old normal. The disco ball has been put back in the closet.

  2. OpScorp has the very best fake callers!! Communitarianism! Communitarianism! Lark in Texas! Lark in Texas!!! Political Bonerisms, uh Ponerisems!!! Get yer undefined terms here goy! Get um while they are (((hot)))!

  3. Happy fuk ya- mericuh day, goy!

  4. yes - we pay our fake callers top dollar. Thanks for noticing.

  5. I depend upon my oranchicas Julius book to show me the way to enlightenment. With planet tartarded knowledge I know I will never fall off the flat earth into the eternal mudd flood of yeah-ways shitlisted degenerate shills. Move over John macaffee and Willy Cooper- I’m coming to join you in no namer heaven unless voltboy beats me there with ‘mazin polycracker in tow. Yeah-way bless us all, and good night!

  6. that's actually pretty funny man
    good one

  7. Thanks Scorpio- still digging the intros!

  8. Poooor pooor Sean.. Didnt get laid by his but buddy last night. Well if ya wrote like you had an IQ above single digits, it just might help ya hunny bunny schnukums. . Just because you cant find a ready and wet ass to put your peepeee in , dont take it out on Scrorp for Cryin out loud. Just go walk the streets of Tel Aviv at 3 am ,im sure youll find something drunk enough for you ..Come on lover boy. i know you can do it!!!!
    Although i only caught 3/4 of the show im a bit shocked to not here anything about the ITF ,Israeli Terrorist Force,( Come on lets stop using Defense already just like im gonna puke one more time i hear "goog it) showin up at the crime scene in FLA and no mention of DeSantis Gov, the one caught in the back room blowin Chabad Shlong .. Mechanic.. Come on now Gumba ,, Step it up with the tough talk . Give as much shit to little beanie wearing Ronnie boy bobin the kosher big one , as you do your cohosts. I love listening to you , and i bet you mean well, but you come across as a total dick to your Co hosts. Come on to the big city brotha and lets see watcha really go lol. Seriously , enjoy listening but back off on your boyz. Its painful to listen to .

    1. I saw a report on talmud news network of rescue workers clearing away the rubble one rock at a time I mean WTF THEY'RE DEAD ALREADY!! Use a crane shovel and drop the load on a parking lot. Is there some Rabbinical decree that the flesh of a dead Jew must not touch that of a dead goy?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. FEMA: The Best Way To Prepare for Hurricanes Is By Getting The Covid Kill Shot - 35s:

    same clip on twatter u can like/RT

    36s clip as laughed about in the show:

    “Pop up” vaxxxxx site, while they wait in line, someone comes out on a stretcher who just got it. And still they stand there in line. 35s:

    This caring pro-vaxxer has a huge heart, :~)

    Dr Tenpenny (banned from twatter last Wed) comments re FDA 'warning' ppl about ‘unapproved’ treatments for C19


    Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record - 5m 26s:

    Gab TV Exclusive: Father Torches School Board Over Anti-White CRT
    Jun 29, 2021 - 3 mins:

    Teachers union (NEA) agrees to promote critical race theory, debate mandatory vaccination for students - July 1, 2021

    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich interviews Whitney Webb - Corona committee - July 2nd, 2021, 1 hr:

    Using Disaster Capitalism to Control All Humans – Catherine Austin Fitts

    Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog Published July 2, 2021 - 36m:

    Why Is It Always JEWISH Groups Trying to SHUT DOWN Free Speech?

    great Nick Fuentes rant; watch it, repost it, 20 mins:

    National Security & The COVID Jab With Dr. Lee Merritt
    Sons Of Liberty - Tim Brown - 2021-07-02 - Friday

    SonsOfLiberty1776AD published at 15:15 UTC on July 2nd, 2021
    1h 53m - begin @ 9m to skip a bunch of opening nonsense:

  11. If i may. First, nice to see it seems Mamis is back to normal. Thanks so much ! we all cant express enough how grateful!! Gosh i hope that "comment deleted" below mine wasnt something i said. Sometimes we just get frustrated these days. Being that it seems like lots of us are very grateful to be able to listen to Rense. Love him or hate him. seems everyone here has great perspective of him. Keep in mind some of the things i have posted in the past regarding his Spat with Brother Nathaniel of which i really hope someday will be posted here ,i directly quoted . Ive personally met him . Great guy. A bit of a red ass but ill take it. !. But... i dont own this blog and one must respect the owners decisions. That being said i think its important to point out something in Jeff's interview with Dr. Leonard Coldwell . Im sure if any have listened to him in the past hes a bit of a loose cannon if you will...I will always have respect for Dr. Coldwell because he was the person that got me to understand cancer is very curable. Easily . Ill post the link below but if you do listen pay attention at about min 16:30 onward. Dr Coldwell subtlety mentions CDS,CLO2 by just mentioning the name , Jim Humble. He had Dr. Robert Young on a few months ago . Hes a big proponent of CDS. It was painfully clear they had a talk pre interview.DONT GO THERE!Listen how twitchy and defensive Jeff gets. I enjoy listening to Jeff. Ive learned a lot. I dont have to tell anyone here because i know all get it. Just think of Jeff as 70s hair Alex Jones. Research Jeff's parents ..He has a purpose. As was heard in that interview understand he has a leash obviously. What does that tell you about CDS ? Bueller ? Bueller ?

    1. What was the "spat" between Jeff rense and Bro Nathaniel pls??

  12. Dr. Coldwell and Rense


  13. Giants ...

    "God" is described as: ALL:

    Knowing Powerful and Kind ...

    A KING would Be At-the-FRONT of the Army Leading ... and could be Challenged for the Right to RULE!

    Giants, in a sense, are EASY to Understand:

    --> They "simply" CONTINUED to GROW Throughout-Their-LIFE! :-)

    (While WE: STOP Growing in "Puberty / Teens" ... becoming more and more: Rinkly, stiff, and Slow over-Time...)

    A 1,000 year Old Giant would be 60 feet Tall (Literally: "Head and Shoulders ABOVE the Rest!)

    While His Court being 500 years old etc would be Substantially-Shorter.

    The 1,000 Year-Old King WOULD Literally:

    KNOW Everything which had Passed over 1,000 years, BE the MOST Powerful, and Thus GENEROUS like the "Grandfather"/"Santa" He WAS!

    And, IF someone WANTED to CHALLENGE Him to a Fight for Leadership ... Well, HIS Sword WAS 6x LONGER than those of Puny FOOLS! ;-)

    The "Gods" Ate: "The Nectar of Immortality" / "The Food of the Gods'":

    In Greek called "Ambrosia", in Sanskrit called "Amrita"

    Perhaps PART of this DIFFERENCE to Puny "Mortals" ...

    Was the CHANGING from: "Carbon based" to: Silicone-("rubber")-Based!

    (It is said that OUR Sun: Turned "Ogres" etc INTO Solid-STONE!)

  14. Scorpio PLEASE give: the LINK to Caller-Paul's Recommended: 5-HourVideo !!! :-)

  15. Giuseppe:

    PLEASE give Links to:

    Edward Jenner's experimenting on his son and stepson, and their DEATHS at 19 and 20 ... from "Tuberculosis"?

    --> It is IMPOSSIBLE to FIND ... Even on "Non-censoring" QWANT Search! :-o

  16. yes. Albert . Totally agree. I was thinking the same . Be nice to get that link
    And where is the Zazzle "110 and never again" Tshirts ?? Lets get them sponsored by Perfect Triangle. I bet make a ton of $$$

  17. "Cathedrals" "Cathode-Somethings" ...

    Had Extensive Pipe-"Organs" ...

    and HEALED by-SOUND-vibrations ...

    Hence, DIFFERENT to ALL Other Buildings ...

    HAD to Have DOORWAYS BIG-Enough for the KING the Oldest-TALLEST-Giant to FIT Through ...

    and thus had HUGE Ceilings to Stand-Up-FULLY inside of! :-o :-o :-o

  18. @inthemix16


    I recently Heard of a T-shirt caption:

    "I'd PREFER to be "Speaking GERMAN" !!!" ;-)

  19. "I'd Rather be "Speaking GERMAN" !!!" ;-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. the heck with Quant. My best results of searches that ones dont want you to find is Searx Anyone know how to upload .jpeg here ? Maybe its not meant to so i respect that

  21. Dying laughing @Albert. Your always a total Rock Star. ! Ill take both !

  22. I just thought it be great to upload what i would put on the back of that Tshirt. LOL


    Hope Scottie Spencer (who designed that ) is ok. He was quite a pioneer in this cause and my hunch is he paid for it dearly

  23. I wonder ... is THIS it ... or is the Caller-Paul's recommendation one BETTER ?

    FreeMason Whistleblower (5 Hour Marathon) Altiyan Childs


  24. inthemix said: "Keep in mind some of the things i have posted in the past regarding his Spat with Brother Nathaniel of which i really hope someday will be posted here"

    what's the poopy on this? I went & checked zap's big rense backlog post with 5 weeks worth of shows, & find Bro Krusty AWOL... he was "out of sight out of mind" IE I didn't notice his absence b4.

  25. Dr.Dave
    As a trained microbiologist, I agree with your assessment of CV19. I believe "they" created something unnatural, but I also think it wasn't as deadly as hoped, hence the "vaccine" to finish the job. By the way, whoever designed that image we see on TV must have been someone's child. I'll bet Snip could create one that would really scare the shit out of people.
    Right now watching "The story of US" History channel B.S. They made sure the negro was prominently featured from the Revolutionary war, to the westward trek. Not to mention, they actually stuck in the smallpox epidemic during that time, INCLUDING vaccines!
    Maybe so, I wasn't there. I prefer Clif High's version. Cheers!

  26. Hello,
    BTW:, Herd animals are celebrating, "Happy independence Day."

    The military forces of Jew owned America killed millions of people, so called goyim, innocent women and children, old people, - and still are killing - all over the world.
    Starting 1898 in the Philippines, for instance!

    Have a beautiful day...

  27. All I wanna know is who the hell was Dirty Dog McGee?

  28. @Dr

    the wampum -(((guy))) has "mouse-ears" BIG-nose bald glasses and "clever" anti: church and royalty language ......

    never mentions: jews ...

    and mentions: (((space aliens))) ...

    A FUNNY diversion: From ACTUAL-WHITE-(((genocide))) !!! ;-)

  29. Hello friends
    I just came back home.
    I 've been in a near by park where a bunch of Americans are celebrating "Independence day".

    A couple of them told me their "grandpa and grandma" were in Auschwitz where they were made into soap!!
    I told them I don't believe that. They called me a holocaust denier.

    How should I have responded to their allegation?
    I am not interested any more in beating up nasty people.

    I am now a non-violent person:))

    1. Should have reminded them soap was rendered from fat.

  30. Erik Paul said...
    All I wanna know is who the hell was Dirty Dog McGee?

    All anyone knows; all we're allowed to know..., is that DDMcG was a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside of an enigma.

    I happen to be one who believes, DDMcG died for our sins.

    What little of my fluoridated pineal gland is still left functioning, can just FEEL IT.


  31. Hello,

    All I wanna know is how many pieces of soap were made out of those gassed jews.

    May be the Zeebra has some infos on that subject.....

  32. Recently, the geographical origins of Ashkenazic Jews (AJs) and their native language Yiddish were investigated by applying the Geographic Population Structure (GPS) to a cohort of exclusively Yiddish-speaking and multilingual AJs. GPS localized most AJs along major ancient trade routes in northeastern Turkey adjacent to primeval villages with names that resemble the word “Ashkenaz.” These findings were compatible with the hypothesis of an Irano-Turko-Slavic origin for AJs and a Slavic origin for Yiddish and at odds with the Rhineland hypothesis advocating a Levantine origin for AJs and German origins for Yiddish.


    1. Irano-Turkish-Slavic origin supports the thesis as outlined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson which states the vast majority of "Jews" are NOT descendants of Abraham, therefore the religious claim to Palestinian lands by their Rabbinical leadership are FRAUDULENT. PERIOD

      Now my question was shuffled aside on this show and earlier on the Former Farren Shoaf show The Alternative Media Dr. Slattery rather rapidly supported Dr. Kevin Macdonald's unyielding insistence that all Jews hailed from Judea.

      I find this rather annoying, disappointing, bordering on suspect.

  33. Hello,
    interesting.. very interesting....
    No answer.

    All I wanna know is how many pieces of soap were made out of those gassed jews.

    May be one of those jews here at Mami's can answer my question

  34. You're the only jew I see here John.

  35. Hello zapooper,
    you're good man! Mami's jews appreciate what you doing.

    And don't forget to say hi to your rabbi...

  36. They really did not send us one of their most accomplished troll did they?

  37. Zapoper for the win! - LMAO

    The falling out between Rense and Bro Nat had something to do with a vid
    BN made about female genital mutilation - Rense wanted him to edit some
    shit out and BN said no - and you don't say to to Rense - lol

    We are going to have Henry Makow on The Event tomorrow -
    I'll make sure to bring this up and see what he says --

  38. My prediction is that Makow will have nothing to say about it. @ Scorpio, make sure that you pronounce it Mako because he will go ape shit on you if you do the mad cow thing. LOL

  39. Hello, everybody....
    reading the comments 'produced' by Mami's 'revolutionaries' and listen to their "Leader" Scorpio, makes one say: wow!!

  40. Hello
    and Btw:
    Please, don't forget to send Shekels, as many as possible.
    We NEED your support. Revolutions are expensive!!


  41. URANTIA book is a JEW trash book for stupid goyim to make them fell special and take them away from Bible. GERTJAN mentioned, 30 translation of the BIBLE and ONE TRUTH book of jew URANTIA book. GERTJAN didn't know that all the Bible translation was printed by JEW publishing houses to confuse the ELECT one. Bible say that satan come first and change the words in the Bible, so there you have it. If you don't understand something in the Bible, there is a big probability that jew satan temper with it. So that's why you every word in the Bible was number and when you have Bible lexicon, you can easy find the correct word. Bible mentions Nephelim Giants, there was whole bunch of them when our ancestors came from Egyptian captivity. Our ancestors kill hundreds of them. David kill the giant Goliath. David wasn't a jew, but pure White Adamic men. The great flood was because God wanted to kill the Giants, fallen angels, who slept and mix with Adamic women. As Genessis states; The children of heaven mix with the daughters of MAN - means daughters of Adam. God created the great flood because he wanted to wipe out the mix giants with Adamic women.The great flood wasn't on whole Earth, but regional flood in 1400 x 800 miles region around Mesopotamia. Jews never been slave - in captivity, because wherever jews show up they have been chased like rats or killed, so how they can been in Egyptian captivity ???
    In case of GIUSEPPE about the Israelite doesn't exist any more ?? WE the Europeans are the 12 Tribes of Jacob - ISRAEL, IS means MAN a Adamic Man, RA - means Ruled-highest ruler, EL- Elohim means GOD. You can trace the 12 tribes directly to Europe. As God tells to ISAAC your descendants will be called by your name, ISAAC - SAXON - ISAAC SONS. Even Slovans, have been call SAKAE, SACAE, Sclaveni that means from ISAAC.

  42. Hello you jabbering brainwashed clown...

    My advice: throw that jew book were it belongs: in the trash can!!

    Noah Abraham Isaak Joseph Moses Jesus, for instance, NEVER existed!
    These characters have Never been mentioned by real Historians, nowhere in written history!

    Those idiotic stories were invented by greasy, lousy &%$#@# talmudic jew rabbis.
    These bastards brought "Christianity" to Europe, especially to Northern Europe, f@kking our brains up, CONTROLLING us!
    Corrupt, trained salvation peddlers were and still are 'working' for these slimy lying creeps, " Gods chosen people"...

  43. Btw:
    And now these lying talmudic bastards invented a new 'religion' to f*kk up the brains of gullible herd animals: Holocaustianity!!

    F* kk these parasitic creeps, WE, the people of this world, NEED to "TAKE THEM OUT", once and forever!!

    Have a 'nice day', everybody....

  44. To Unknown piece of degenerated shitpit. Go play with you jew moma cunt. We don't need idiot atheistic communist shithead like you here a disease JEW SWINE faggot !!!

  45. oy vey ...

    WHAT did I DO to this obnoxious, extremely primitive jew?

    WHY is this &%$#@# jew, like 95% of his tribe members, using a European, in this case, a German sounding name?

    WHAT is this obscene jew, by choosing a European name, trying to hide?

    To be THAT obscene is soo typically for you jews!

  46. Yeah, oh yeah, please DONATE, so we can start a REVOLUTION!

    Have a "fantastic day", everybody


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