August 23, 2021

A Warrior Calls Webinar - Max Igan, Australia & Common Law With Christopher James

 BROADCAST TO OUR WORLD | Christopher James
Monday, August 23 2021
8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) GMT -4
Webinar Room:

Christopher James

August 19th 2021

Christopher James
(August 5th 2021)

Christopher James says there’s very little chance of any remedy in the court system as we know it.

He suggests attorneys are really at the key to the issues as they are in the club.

His research suggests that it is possible to initiate ones own court with a jury of one’s peers and with police cooperation, actually have lawful warrants to arrest folks doing criminal behavior.

He goes into detail on how the birth certificate model is a problem from day one… don’t do it !

We are collateral for the debt the Treasury creates by borrowing money.

Any and all contracts we have entered into without full knowledge of the ramifications are null and void.

We do not have a contract with The United States Government to do anything. It’s all done by force.

Read more about Christopher’s work and eye-opening research at

Christopher James on Bitchute:


  1. August-21 Operation Scorpio

  2. "Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet.
    We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.

    Other races are considered as human excrement.

    Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.
    The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

    Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesseth, the Israeli Parliament
    by Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the" Beasts", New Statesman, June 25, 1982

  3. Supreme Court of Canada upholds genetic non-discrimination law

  4. Genetic Non-Discrimination Act

  5. Hey Chains;
    This maybe more fruitful for remedy than Christopher James;

  6. Hey zapoper...
    WHATS left of 'Mami's Shit??
    A few shitty jews!!!

  7. Thanks Liam, I'll check it out! Going to have to do some paperwork soon. Mandatory vaccines were announced at my workplace. Should be an interesting few weeks coming my way!

  8. Good luck Chains ! Im sure it will be coming my way eventually.I feel like one of those boyz that survived the USS Indianapolis just floating, hanging on and and just waiting to be the next one to succumb to the Jaws of death. At least i have an awesome bugout lined up . Oddly id think it might be best to be earlier than later that i at least have time to back the truck up and jet. I bookmarked some great document sites so maybe tomorrow i can get.
    For what its worth there was no FDA approval . Im sure you all know that. It was bait and switch .Start with Malone and Bannon interview. Although i do not trust Malone. Only one to start with is Solarireport or Childrens Health Defense . Worth a try

  9. Who will be the next one to succumb to the Jews of Death?

  10. From down under, where they have no guns, apparently, like it matters, Aye!

    And what do you make of Scott's mumbo jumbo here?"


    This shows once again your rights cannot be diminished, trespassed or over ridden without your expressed consent!

    Rules of Equity has always & will always prevail? Equity being what is fair, just & Equitable! Judicature Act - all states have equivalent legislation - just google "Rules of Equity Prevails"

    This is again great news folks. All you need say to any police officer, employer, public authority is
    "I don't consent to having a vaccination. You touch me with that & I'll have you charged with assault. You're threatening me, stop it or you're offenses of breach of my peace, threats with menace & assault will be reported by me to your superiors, as by reason of your threats and intimidation I need your name & indemnity insurance #. Give me the details or backoff!".

    Learn this folks! Learn & practice, practice, practice until it flows out of your mouth. Become a superwo/man. We, the people, are winning. Let's get waves of people trained up as well as teachers & group leaders. You be the leader in your neighborhood. It is up to us to protect our rights.

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  13. A Romanian friend, of Tracey Northern, on Facebook wrote this and it basically says it all in a nutshell.
    “I don’t believe in the bio-nano-tech manipulation thing that so called scientists brag about. What I think, is that these ′′ vaccines ′′ contain certain ′′ toxins ′′ that have already been tested on prisoners, orphans, mental[ly] sick and homeless people. My opinion is that the top producers and doctors in the so called research, claim anti-covid vaccines are experimental… just to provide a public excuse for the dramatic side effects occurring in case[s] of some of the vaccinated. However, the idea that the world ‘ scientist s’ have the scientific and technological ability to manipulate at bio-nano level… in my opinion is [a] disinformation so that they can appear in the eyes of the popular masses as semi-gods of intelligence and knowledge. I believe that especially in the bio-medical field… all the so-called advances in knowledge of the effects of toxins in vaccines and pharma-chemical medicines, are only done through uninterrupted clinical tests on defenseless people. So… how could they reveal this to the public… without compromising themselves? So the so called bio-medical researchers misinform and manipulate to give people the impression that they hold astonishingly advanced scientific and technological capabilities… although in reality, with their poisons they cannot heal even a trivial cold. Nicolae Nedelcu

  14. Hey zapoper,

    WHATS left of 'Mami's Shit??

    Shitty slimy jew creeps and millennial IDIOTS!!

  15. Liam, Hard to argue with anything you said. But did they also take away wine bottles petrol and 10w30 to?? 'Red Dawn " should be flyin off the shelves over there, like a training manual youd think. or maybe Daniel Andrews s banned that to . ?

    Chains. Maybe one that be of help since there has been no true approval

    lots of legal stuff here


  17. I Replied with the Following, to a Comment on Dr.-Lorraine-Day's-"IMPRACTICAL"-Interpretation of HOW "Christians" SHOULD now: Respond to OUR Present: DIRE-((("situation"))) !!! 😮

    "Christianity" is a BIG, and "button-Pushing" Topic! 😉

    Dr. Lorraine Day is indeed GREAT at "naming"-the-jew !!! 🙂
    --> And, it is THEN: Not very Difficult for Folks to PUT-the-Other-"Pieces"-together ... at WHAT: MUST Now thus be "DONE"! 🙂

    I am Fortunate, in that Decades ago: I Firmly-Resolved: That I DIDN'T want to be Subjected to: "Middleman"-CULT-Manipulations ... of ANY-Sort! -- And thus, Looking at: Organised-"Christianity": "From-the-OUTSIDE" ...
    I can SEE that MANY Good-Folks NEED: The RULES which "busy-body"-Community-Members IMPOSE-UPON-Them !!!
    --> Just SEE: How Terribly-RAPIDLY: Ireland Has Tragically-DETERIORATED: ONCE THESE: "Christianity"-"Bullying"-Aspects were: Counteracted !!! 😮 (and REPLACED-WITH: ((("Globo-Homo"))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-( )

    At its Most-Basic: A Church-Gathering is "simply": A Meeting-Group Like "CLUB" where: in-Real-Life: Folks Locally can: HELP and STRENGTHEN Each Other!

    And, What's MORE: jews Really Really HATE: "Christians" ... as "Christians" basically-MEANS: WHITES!
    (Non-Whites CANNOT be ANYTHING but: "Christians"-in-NAME-ONLY !!!)

  18. --> It is a VERY Difficult thing: For Folks to DEPROGRAM From: "I am NOT a 'Racist'!" etc. (((Programming)))!

    ONCE we CAN SEE: That: jews, and Blacks-(and Browns, and Yellows) are indeed VERY DIFFERENT to OurSelves ... and, as "Parasites": "FEED-OFF" of US, and thus DEMAND: As a "Human-Right": "Access"-to-WHITE-People / Nations ...

    And that THEY SEE THEIR "Interests" to be Served: At-OUR-Expense ... even-Our-Brutal-Torturous-DEMISE!
    ... And are NOW, Thus: Self-Sworn-ENEMIES of Especially: White-MEN ... and A Wonderful-FUTURE for WHITE-Children ...

    "clever"-("Important" Divide-and-Rule)-"Ideas" are thus relegated ... to a FAR FAR Lower-Priority!
    -- Just as "Individually" ... WITHOUT Having-CHILDREN ... "WEALTH" can Have NO-Real-Meaning ... (As WE can DIE at ANY moment!)
    -- So The FUTURE of WHITE-Children ... is ALL that HAS Any TRUE-VALUE to US!

    --> Which MAKES: Various-"Formula": POISON-("Gene-Altering")-DEATH-Injections ...
    Soooo UNIMAGINABLY THREATENING: To the FUTURE of WHITE-People !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Such that: Even THINKING of ANYTHING-Else ... is Very Difficult now !!!

    As it can be SAID:
    A jew ... Going-along-the-Street ... Setting-FIRE ... to One-HOME-After-Another ..... "Successfully" .... 😮
    A jew ... Lying and Lying and Lying .... "Successfully" GETTING: Our-FOLK to BE: Injected-with-POISON ... DEATH! 😮

    --> The POISON-("Gene-Altering")-DEATH-Injections ... is an ASSULT by the (((self-"chosens"))) ...
    That WAS in-many-ways UN-EXPECTED (Though indeed a "variation" of: POISONING-the-Well! etc.) ...
    ...... And Fiendishly-"clever" ... and DEVASTATING !!!

    Not-ONLY in "Watching" soooo MANY of OUR-Precious-People and CHILDREN !!!
    ... "Taking" the INJECTION ...
    But, in QUESTIONING: WHAT will be LEFT .... for US to Even: CARE-About .... as a Con-Sequence OF-such ?!!! 😮

    One Way .... or Another ...... This is Indeed: a "Spiritual"-BATTLE ...

    And, CERTAINLY: Just as a LOVING-Parent "simply" MUST: PREVENT:

    Their Precious Children ... FROM:
    "Jumping/Running in-front-of-a-Car!" or
    "Getting into a (((stranger's))) Van!"

    --> We "Simply"-MUST: PRESERVE the WHITE-RACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -- As NOTHING-ELSE without-This ... will Even-MATTER, without-such -- at All !!! 😮

    It is an "Existential" (((threat))) indeed !!! 😮

    🌝 🌚 🌞


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  23. Albert.Thanks for the DR.LD tips. I get it . Shes like 86. Doesnt give flyin f**k what she says. Those are the people you listen to. Lots of great points and links. Honestly id have to be on shrooms to write like that.
    Chains i forgot i think you live up north. Probably some differnt things that here. I know its a AJ show ,but the interview with Barnes is worth the time for sure. For what its worth. Youll hear the Chicom crap. I am a disappointed at David Martin's take. Dont know who to listen to more. Martin or Barnes . Funny how Pzeinick has disappeared.

    Do think it be really worth the time to go to jimstone. He has some really compelling angles and he does have sense of urgency

    One point is really scary ..How they are rushing the military to get the v a double x with what seems a bullshit authorization .. gotta get the military out of the way ASAP ? keeping in mind what Afghan is all about ? Scary So hard to believe they may be kill or be killed situation and not be able to snuff it out. 6 Team Six times a million

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  25. Is it better to say you were born on the "soil"? see exerpt below. Link to article is at the bottom.

    The soil is where people live and breathe. It is where the nation walks. So, it is the province wherein we touch down to Earth and exercise the Common Law as people. In America, our counties are the political subdivisions associated with the soil jurisdiction, and the counties taken together form larger political units known as Union States.
    Thus, the top layer of our "cake", the national soil jurisdiction, is cut into pieces called counties, and groups of contiguous counties joined together form the Union States, which also occupy the soil jurisdiction, only in larger political subdivisions.
    Now, let's look at the second layer of the "cake"--- the international land jurisdiction just below the top layer of the soil. It, too, is cut into pieces called Counties. These Counties also join together to form larger political units simply called States.
    Obviously, this system has some advantages and disadvantages and logical limitations. Land and soil are arbitrary concepts applied to the same basic thing: earth. If you scrape down six inches and remove the soil, you have simply created a new soil layer. On the other hand, it is a fact that the land jurisdiction, like the sea, is international in nature and forms a complete free-flowing but largely unseen bedrock around the globe, one that includes the seafloor and extends below mountain ranges and which pays no heed to national boundaries.
    Thus, in Nature, there are two distinct and different demarcations, with the soil being the "land of the living" and the land itself being a realm of the dead. Not only is the land where we bury our dead, no living man can breathe buried six inches under the soil. This is why the jurisdiction of the land is populated with Lawful Persons, called People, not actual living men and women. And this is why the land jurisdiction States are called "States of the Union" meaning States belonging to or apart from the Union (States).
    When the Constitutions refer to "We, the People" they are referring to these Lawful Persons that occupy the international land jurisdiction States, not the people living in the soil jurisdiction

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  27. The BIG-RED Centre-Video-Dot ... SUITS the "Clown" Maximum-Ego/Idiot ;-)

    Paranormies did TWO Interesting Shows on "Clowns" !!! :-)

  28. Post this video wherever you can. If people see this and understand they will chase the people in hospitals, Fauci and all politicians to the ocean;

  29. "Rambetter"

    more than "just" NAMES-the-jew !!! :-)

  30. Vaccine Exemption Info.......

  31. So what's the story about this place abandoning the talk show host not under the thumb of the leaf kike mafia?

    1. Wouldn't have anything to do with 9/11 anniversary would it? Zap sperged out the last time I brought it up (before he went bye bye). Also is everyone left here Information Underground?

  32. Info Underground? Indeed, the type of "information" that is as "useful" it is considered to be buried as trash.


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