November 02, 2021

Operation Scorpio #87 - 2021.10.30 - Mike Gaddy & Frederick C Blackburn


Scorpio Show # 87 on

Scorpio and Giuseppe welcome The Rebel Madman Mike Gaddy & Frederick C Blackburn (Blackbird9)


  1. Been waiting for this one. Great work gentleman!

  2. Great intro, will listen to the rest later.
    Looks like plans for Digital ID to access the internet are on the way...
    At about 28 min or so in the video below, Whitney Webb gets into it--says the US, UK, Israel is onboard with this Digital Agenda ID and they want to make it so you need your digital ID to access the internet. So, what happens to the crypto community?? Seems like you will have to be in their system (get a digital ID) to do cryto- or am I missing something. This fits with what Catherine Austin Fitts said--they are going to find a way to shut it down (this looks like you are going to have to be part of their system)

    Whitney Webb/George Gammon
    Whitney Webb Interview (Global Elite Deep Dive...What Is Their History, Motive, and True Plan?)

    More here:
    Ending Anonymity: Why The WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens The Future Of Privacy

    "With many focusing on tomorrow’s Cyber Polygon exercise, less attention has been paid to the World Economic Forum’s real ambitions in cybersecurity – to create a global organization aimed at gutting even the possibility of anonymity online. With the governments of the US, UK and Israel on board, along with some of the world’s most powerful corporations, it is important to pay attention to their endgame, not just the simulations."

    And I guess this all fits with these ruling psychopaths declaring themselves rulers over the "digital commons" including the internet:

    Not sure how we stop this...

  3. Damn! I know i posted another long winded discussion regarding this show late late sat night on another thread . I do see something i deleted then edited and reposted and its not there. Could have been just too late and i got happy fingers.
    Volt if you do see this and i did say something that was flakey and found the need to delete , just give me a yell. Its your site. Im just an accidental tourist here.
    Ill try sometime to recollect only because im not sure if people understand what an epic discussion that was! What a shame what limited reach that will get. Im on my third time and ill probably get double that by end of week.
    All i had pointed out in that post was im not sure everyone had all the needed info regarding Putin. From what understand the Ukies did a drone strike on a Russian Howitzer position.. which is . Escalation . Again as i always say,its the timing..
    Long time ago i had sent the idea up that dont rule out TPTB would send the us military on a suicide mission. One that was designed to loose. You know well Ukies arent making these decisions on their own . Maybe we know why such a rush to get military jabbed. Then, send them off to the cold winter and deal with a pissed off bear. Lots of white christian soldiers be gone. You can get some Tsunami going and according to Fema, studies, wipe out some 65 million. Then its game, set , match.
    My mind got going when Gaddy was speaking in terms when he suggested the military does have sacrificial lambs. I had brought up in the past to support his viewpoint in that its just my .02 that i believe the USS Indianapolis was one.. Im not a military person but i think it defy s any military common sense to send a Heavy Cruiser un escorted from what i understand , thru that hood.. at that time. Its like oh yea, you just finished one of the most secret , critical, yet, evil missions ever,and when your done, well thank you by sending you thru Jap Sub infested waters, who , oh btw, intelligence already knew if they had one tech advantage, it was their torpedoes. Anyone ? Gaddy was right !! if thats what i got
    I do remember i mentioned what respect i have for BB9 . I remember when i first learned of him . I know i have seen him out here and hoped he saw the msg. I know i asked him if he can get his Mountaineers to quit giving my Salukis a beatdown but it reminded me some lesson he preaches. The awesome stories i can listen for hours and hours. I guess due to "critical race" and due to the influence the swingers have had on his hood. Maybe i shouldnt worry ?? Those tough mining boys, that went up to the Big House one fine sat afternoon , and delivered one find kick in the face, arent around anymore ?? The Sackler family made sure that wasnt gonna happen again ! BB9 if for some miracle you see this i know youll be laughing ! And if you and Mike are ever getting together for a pitcher and a bite and can deal with one of the most gorgeous hoods your mind has ever witnessed,and it be a pleasure.@Brew seems like an awesome dude im sure hed be willing to join in. Both you 2 and of course the host were spectacular! Words cant describe what a treasure of knowledge that was.

    @Amanda. Just dont paste your post to Brendan Oconnell.and have him bitching about Whitney again lol Ill answer your question real quick . Its REAL simple . Like Austin Broer pointed out a week ago. 102 dual citizens in CONgress. You get them in cuffs the rest will squeal like little piglets. just search, not goog, "cynthia McKinney press tv" its not rocket science. You just need a military to grow a pair.

    @Volt. Great you put a Bro Nat post. Sometimes i thought there was this personal issue with him . Hes in top 5 of people i learned so much from . If you could have had a pic of he and i just shootin the breaze on a median of a pretty well known street, ya would laugh so hard. Great guy . Such an honor to meet him

  4. inthemix16:

    I found 2 of your comments in the spam box; I don't know how come. I took them out of the spam bank. Maybe it's the ghost in the machine...

  5. @Volt. Thanks. I think its probably cause they are long winded nonsense and your BS detector went batshit. serious, my theory is it MAY have been because sometimes im using a Linux machine with a vpn?? Im really just trying to compliment what a great show that was. Like Jooseppi(i cant spell his name) i have a journalism degree i never used and just havin some fun .whats wrong with the Habs? Wait maybe i should look in my own back yard ?

  6. I did find it hilarious when BB9 was quoting the price of gasoline in North Cackalacky as being $$ 3.33 .Ooops

  7. Thanks for having Mr. Gaddy and BB9 on again! I really enjoy listening to those two guests!


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