November 18, 2021

No Agenda Episode 1400 - "The Learning Curve" - 2021.11.18


1 comment:

  1. There's a black called hotep which Curry brings up and he was apparently smarting that he wasn't invited to the Tim Pool (never listen to the guy) powwow in Austin with Alex Jones et al. His go to, as someone supposed to be red pilled and right leaning was that minorities were locked out of the 'whites only 'event.

    It doesn't matter how much you accommodate the negro, they will neither be grateful and will always want more, same goes for all non-white invaders.

    What would have been really going on with we waz kangs tep, was that he's angry that he didn't get a chance to grift his brand on Time Pool's platform, but they have to make it about race, because that's nicey Whitie's Achilles Heel, as evidenced by Adam Curry on his No Agenda podcast, taking the congoid's 'side'.

    Would Curry go to South Africa and complain that the ANC doesn't include enough Whites in it's meetings? One doubts it, so why the virtue signalling. This drooling nice guy bs has to stop, it only enables the non-white to predate harder upon our people. They need to know there are boundaries and one key boundary is that Whites can hang around other Whites and you don't have a right to demand to be let in. Eventually this will form the basis of the Racially based states we will build as Arks for our racial gene line.


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