November 21, 2021

Operation Scorpio 2021.11.20

Scorpio Show # 89 on

Scorpio and Giuseppe welcome Mike Gaddy and Daryl Wayne.

Topics include:

1) Pending

Revolution.Radio Studio A

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  1. @ Dave, everything you mentioned about California has all been done in Québec already.

    BTW, who the fuck was that moron who called four times in a row while you were live? I don't even do that sort of thing when I'm drunk. Block that fucker.

  2. @Zap you gotta give kudos to your fellow Francaphone probably obnoxious Habs fan Vive Frei. No im just kidding about the obnoxious part.. Bring back the Nordique ! Seriously.. one person i found a bit a clown but would always listen. His presentations during the trial were spot on and nowhere else was i able to grasp the enormity of the situation because Frei and Barnes were able to Segway many aspects of legal issues relative to the case, or common law, and translate it to life ! The 2 hour streams Vive did last week were ones you might want to save forever. There was one point in the wed stream with Barnes where he i believe was explaining what jurors "Trust" into how we as humans translate trust, or blowing it, i stared at the walls for 10 minutes and pondered how meaningful that was .There truly is no greater pain in life than knowing you blew trust with someone !!! Thats what this week was for . So many stepped up their game. Big credits to Vive Frei ... Nice Wrap up here. Frei you earned this!

    I dont mean to disrespect someone here. I actually have great respect for .. But guys, its time you convince DW to get a hit of addy or a triple Starbuck cold energy thingy. I appreciate someone mellow and thinks his words out very carefully , but his slowness brings the show down . DW brings so much to the table but,, wakey wakey DW. as usual a show that never lets down

    The CR show. Awesome as usual ! Where yall find these great people? One thing i did figure out is if i had the guts to have my own show the first question i would ask a prospective guest is ,"Have you read the Protocols?" Its so difficult to listen to people who wonder out loud , why the system doesnt function anymore like they thing or have been brought up to think it should. Im pretty sure there is some passage that mentions the destruction of long trusted institutions. Come on. You all should know better than that by now. Great guest no matter what

  3. Hey inthefix,

    Who is Awesome CR?!

    Thanks for infos.

    Have a very good night everybody.

    Have you seen my new girlfriend from Peru? Here she is:

  4. Clint Richardson! Got it. I think.

    By the way, how do you like my new girlfriend from Peru?! {{{smiles}}}

    1. Digitally enhanced American tourist but the original is likely not bad at all.

  5. Yup! You got it ! Sorry for being so cryptic. I meant Richardson. @Volt .. You are a total trip. Great person. Im just laughing, thinking, do you know something about me im not aware of ??? GF. Well there is no doubt , not even close, the best person i ever dated i was made aware of a picture from that exact spot, by someone i barely knew . The person i "dated" was pretty easy to find out on the net.and i always have tremendous respect for. . This person was from the net since thats how we do it these days. Single people do not try to hook via clubs now. After the fact i had a conversation with someone that just so happened to have some common ,small world , attributes. With this person. I made the mistake of dropping the name who she was. Its easy to find. . I get these .Jpegs in my phone. I asked this person. "Who is this ?" It was right at that exact shot in Peru you put i was not aware of. This person has lived in 33 countries and is amazing !!! Bitch i barely knew in Colorado was putting a knife in my back when she responded," you fucking idiot, you cant even recognize a pic of someone you dated ? At that point did i realize how evil people can be. She saw a opportunity to inflict some pain . Just for fun, sport did she enjoy grinding a knife in my back.. Just odd coincidence the Peru thing,im sure.. Hope yall get to see Vive Frie and Barnes. That was truly a treat we should all make the time to listen

  6. Hey Brandon, I thought white supremacists were the greatest threat. That home grown terrorist pushed to committing mass murder by MSM hate speech yesterday doesn't look white to me.

  7. @inthemix16 ;-)

    In REAL LIFE ... Men CAN'T FLY !!! ...

    --> "YOU will beLIEve: a 'Man' CAN: FLY !!!"

    Yes! -- But in: (((movies))) and on (((TV))) we 'SEE': 'Men' FLY ... all of the TIME! ;-)
    (Superman, Ironman, Wonder-Woman ......)

    In REAL LIFE ... Judges DON'T ALLOW: ANY: Cameras, or Video-Cameras ....

    Yes! --- But SOME ((('judges"))) DO SOMETIMES 'ALLOW' Cameras, and Video-Cameras INTO the Court-room to (((TELEVISE))): The ((("Proceedings")))

    Like, for example: in Perry-Mason, Ironside*, (the "Moon-Landings"), Judge-(((jew-dy))), the OJ, and NOW the (((Kyle-Rittenhouse))) "Trials" .... Oh!
    --> I THINK that I am beginning to "GET" the (((pattern))) !!! ;-)

    ----> You mean: Superman, WonderWoman, Spiderman ..... are ALL 'just" (((figments))) ... ((("entertainment"))) ...
    .... to-(((DISTRACT)))-AWAY from (((them))) !!!
    (And (((their))): DEATH-Shots, DEATH-"Wars", FAKE-"Money", FAKE-"Food", FAKE-"Politicians"-((("Representatives"))), FAKE-"Laws"/((("Just-US"))) .... etc!? :-o )

    Yes! -- But ... I only "watch" the (((news))) on (((TV))) NOW (I 'LIKE' to STAY-((("informed")))! ;-) ) ... at-Least THAT ((("reporting"))) is ALL and ALWAYS: 'TRUE' ... Right!? :-o

    * LATER still Raymond Burr went on AFTER his POPULAR-Show "Iron-[Clad-case]-side" ... to STAR in the Series: "Pretty-good-Case" ... which is vastly-LESS well-Know, ... as it was NOT such a great success, infact, ONLY Having 2 Episodes SHOT, and ZERO "watched"/"aired" (It was pretty-Stinky!) !!! ;-)

  8. "Moon Landings" ... TRIAL / TRIALS ???!!! ;-)

    Yes! -- According to (((nasa))) It had NEVER been "DONE" Before ... and the Equipment that (((they))) Had-"Developed" ...... had NEVER Been Tested / USED "FOR"-such BEFORE ...

    So, on / BEFORE: "LIVE"-(((TV))) ... "Men" were Moving/Movie-FILMED: TRYING--for-the-FIRST-Time, and "Successfully"-"LANDING" on the "Moon" ...

    SIX, (Hmmmmm) TIMES !!! :-o ;-)

    A VERY ((('successful"))) "TRIAL" ....... of (((TV)))-"Viewer" GULLIBILITY .... indeed !!!

    WHAT NEXT?! ... "Wearing"-MASKS, (FEARING-Flasks/Vials/"Leaked"-Bioweapons), "TAKING"-"BOOSTERS"/"Shots" ... "Regularly" .... UNTIL ........ You-DIE !!!!!!!!! :-o

    -- NO!, ........ "Moon-Landings" Maybe, OJ maybe, ...... But NO-ONE would EVER:be soooo-Dumb: As to "Fall-For":

    "Wearing"-MASKS, (FEARING-Flasks), "TAKING"-"BOOSTERS"/"Shots" ... "Regularly" .... UNTIL You-DIE !!!!!!!!! :-o

    "Just" BECAUSE They "SAW"-it / Were-(((TOLD)))-TO ... on-(((TV))) ................... WOULD They !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? :-o

    KILL YOUR (((TV))) Folks !!! ... Better-Yet: "KILL" / "STOP" / "REMOVE" the (((source))) of such ((("Entertainment"))) !!! ;-)

    "Star-Gates" (Situated-at-Sheer-Cliff-Edges) ............ I "SAW" Them in (((movies))) AND (((TV))) ... They MUST Be-REAL!
    --> And of-ALL-People .... the jews DEFINITELY DESERVE to BE: "Chosen", to GO-(to-a-"BETTER"-Place): FIRST !!! ;-)

  9. (((TV)))-Offers (As a WAY-"Back" to "Normality"): "POISON-DEATH-(((injection))) ..."

    "Naaaatseees" / "WHITE-Soup-Remasts":"NO---Thanks, (((YOU)))-FIRST !!!"

    (((albert-burla))): NO, I DON"T want to be SEEN: "Jumping"-AHEAD of the Que !!! ;-)

    "Naaaatseees" / "WHITE-Soup-Remasts":"NO! - Since (((YOU))) are the 'Genius' (((who))) is "RESPONSIBLE" for the "Life-SAVING"-Magic-Pharmakia ... (((YOU))) SHOULD GO-FIRST indeed!"

    (((albert-burla))): NO !!! ... Um, ... Urrr,... -- LOOK!!! Over-THERE !!! --- Is THAT: "Small-Pox" !!!!!!!!!! :-o


  10. "As 'SEEN' on (((TV))) !!!"

    "GET 'Yours' NOW !!!"

    "Just 'GET' 'Your' Damned-'SHOTS' People !!! "

    "Just 'GET' 'Your' Damned-SECOND-'SHOTS' People !!! "

    "Just 'GET' 'Your' Damned-THIRD-'Booster'-'SHOTS' People !!! "

    --> But, (((kyle-rittenhouse))) IS a "REAL"-"HE-ro" !!! ;-)

    "Just 'GET' 'Your' Damned-FOURTH-'Booster'-'SHOTS' People !!! "

    "Just 'GET' 'Your' Damned-FIFTH-'Booster'-'SHOTS' People !!! "

    "Just 'GET' 'Your' Damned-SIXTH-'Booster'-'SHOTS' People !!! "

    (THAT Should pretty-Well "DO" it !!! ;-) ---- :-o )

    (Oh, and Certainly DON'T "Forget" to "jab" ALL: of the Precious-WHITE-"Goyim"-CHILDREN !!!
    -- "(((WE'RE))) COMING-FOR: Your-CHILDREN !!!!!!!!!!!!"
    -- Giddily-Sung BY: The San-Franciscan-(((MENS)))-Choir !!!)

  11. So who is going to call the massacre in Wisconsin a false flag? You know it's inevitable.

  12. I will! I will!
    Fake and gay as usual- not a false flag, but a total hoax! A quick glance at the photos the present to you is all that is needed. Hoax until proven real is the default setting.

  13. The driver was a MKUltra patsie with CIA handlers in a van controlling his vehicle.

  14. So, you’re calling it a false flag?

  15. Well guess what, there were three people in the Ford Escape according to witnesses and a BLM leader from Milwaukee just happened to be in town so start there.
    Standard 4chan language advisory:

    BLM the new Al Qaeda?


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