November 26, 2021

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1655 - 2021.11.26

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Scorpio And Giuseppe – The Showmen Cometh

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  1. This was a Super-GREAT Talk !!! :-)

    I Linked it to TWO friends already !!! :-)

    Andy is Doing GREAT-Work !!!

    And now His Listeners KNOW about: Scorpio and Giuseppe too !!!
    -- Who are ALWAYS: GREAT !!!

    MY Listening Fare would be DEVASTATED now ... WITHOUT: THEM !!! :-o

    And Jim is very Lucky to HAVE Them too!

    (It is becoming more and MORE OBVIOUS / Evident: That the ENTIRE: (((Rittenhouse))) "Thing" IS FAKE !!!
    -- Poor Jim, ...... but He DOES "Get" stuff ..... to some-extent, after-Some-TIME, and Friendly Nudging !!! ;-)

    "GET the 'vaccine'!!!-(((drumph))) is (((SHIT))) ... and ALWAYS was: A tranny-(((SHIT))) too !!! :-o

    ALL of the "Poly-Tick-cions" are: Act-WHORES .... ACTORS !!! :-o

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You'd be the First-Ones to Know ... but, it IS: ((("WORKING")))* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    *ie: DESTROYING FOREVER: WHITE-Folks' Happiness, and LIVES !!! :-o

  4. Shit i forgot about this awesome show. Where the blankety did everyone go ? Was Unknown's sheckle funding get cut off for another Spruce Goose F-35? Good to hear that guys. Well earned I remember listening to he as just a , he he he, Fetzer groupy. Thats like getting on Letterman .... ACH is one class dude. Ive chirped at him via emaii and said before i die i better see a concert in hyde park lol. Semetimes it seems hes lost his will but hang in there bro. Read that
    cookbook zeppie has mentioned. When all get that there will be only one survivor will copies of Red Dawn be running off the shelves. Sorry. Ausies, Astriians soon to be Germans,, AGAIN. Just because you cant play Kyle Rittenhouse is no excuse. Get creative... Congrats Gents. You earned the big show from hard work.

  5. Thank you for the kind words - ACH is going to have us on once a month or so. I was an honor to talk with him and I really like his interviewing style - he asks great questions and throws in some really insightful comments at just the right time - He's the real deal.


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