December 18, 2021

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2021.12.18

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Hour 3 - Guest, Frederick C Blackburn/Blackbird9

64k CF Download

518-906-1039 Studio A Listen Number


  1. Sorry I did not wake up until 10 am, Fetch, and missed it all. However I just listened and... well fun show with a lot of your hard hitting rants. Epic as always.

    I missed wishing everyone greetings because I figured there would be a show next week. Well, me bad but still no big rush on that. However, enjoy your few weeks off and go do something special for yourself. Grins. Go get a pedicure or a massage or something. A treat for yourself.

    Love you and what you do.

  2. Fetch was absolutely on fire! Sad to say he speaks and thinks in a manor we all should . How should you act or think to an entity that wants to kill you . ? And yet there are too many more worried what the Green Bay Fudge Packers did today. Sad. Who owns all, most of the NFL teams ? Hes right. You want me dead i have every right to hunt you down like a rabid wolf .
    You got a micro cosim of the situation about 2 weeks ago.. How is it that slimy kike Jim Cramer can say what he did, openly calling out his thoughts about un v a double x and is not pissing in his pants , scared for his life? Help me with that. I just wish Fetch would loose the "they are too stupid" narrative. No they are not stupid. I find them very smart. they know exactly what they are doing and its masterful actually. Im at BB9 just joining. 2 Legends. You have no idea how i so enjoy the stories of Blackjack mountain . Fetch on the Flips. LOL uh duh. Ive actually had lots of experience with them. they are some of the most god fearing family oriented people. Go to one of their Christmas parties and you will meet cousin, 2nd cousin, 3rd 4th 5th cousin yes they are backward thinking people. Had a chance to go to North Luzon once. I still cant figure out if declining was the right thing. But my their women are HOT and freaks of nature, but total weasels LOL Belarus Fetch. Tellin ya . Sure you might get vaporized in WWIII but at least you wont deal with the convid shit. I do have to very respectfully disagree with the boyz take on the impact of Christmas sales to the big retailers etc. It means not a thing to them. They laugh if you boycott your shekels. That was what years and trillions in QE was for. That is why any carbon based trader is gone they way of the Dodo bird. . You can boycott all you want, they got theirs. When you want to destroy a country and its people you take the looot first . That is what a parasite does. It sucks every ounce and then leaves a shell. Nah BB9 , the likes of Yellen Yellen the counterfeiting fellon are laughing at you :) they have had algos and a printing machine since 08. thats what 08 was for!!


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