December 13, 2021

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1666 - 2021.12.13

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of 1666 And The Sabbatean Origins Of The New World Order

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Two thoughts:

    Different on the Inside to the Outside ... ie: ((("actors"))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    [((("actresses"))) are mostly: jew-Men ... "pretending"-to-BE-women !!!]

    "Defy" the Law ... DO the OPPOSITE!

    That: which is Against-God, even Against-Nature ....

    Sure, sticking-your-Penis .... UP-Butt-Holes ..... is "Forbidden" .... hence ((("good"))) ...
    -- But, since soo many 'goyim' now DO-so-Too, it's rather "passé" though! ;-)

    --> What would be REALLY-"Rebellious" though ......
    Would BE to PUT (((ones)))-Penis INTO-a-Tube .... With a Small-Guillotine at-its-Entrance .... and CHOP-it-OFF !!! ;-)

    --> The Ultimate-"Rebellion" .... no-doubt! ...... as: "SINS" May be "Forbidden", but MANY: are Attracted-to and "Enjoy" them .....
    ---- But WHO indeed is even attracted-to-the-THOUGHT: of CHOPPING-OFF: (((ones)))-(((own)))-dick !!!?

    -- Pretty "Bleeding-Edge" don't (((you)))-(((think))) ?! :-o

    Do it! -- Do it jews! -- We Double-"DARE" (((you)))-ALL !!! ;-)

    Now THAT would indeed: Bring-BACK the "Moshiach" !!! ;-)

    (AND with the: "Added-BONUS": Of "Pissing-Off": (((your))) Parents, ALL-Women/(((women))), ..... Annnd ... even / Especially: The CLEANING-Lady !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o -- Who (((you))) Especially-HATE: As SHE "Looks-Down" Upon (((your))): Disgusting-Foulness !!!)

  3. A man needs a maid. A little french maid maybe am a backdoor man men don't know but the little girl understands

  4. Being: Different on the Inside to the Outside .......

    IS indeed ONE of (((their))) Core-"Values" !!!

    --> Hence, Whenever: "Republicans" "Conservatives" "Christians" just: "POINTED-OUT" (((their))) "Hypocrisy" .....

    -- (((they))) gleefully-Smirked! -- Taking it as a Chutspah-COMPLEMENT and AFFIRMATION of (((their))) Allegiance-to-(((satanism))) !!!

    But, But .... (((you're))) a HYPOCRITE !!!



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