December 01, 2021

The Event 2021.12.01

Jim Fetzer, Scorpio, and Giuseppe with guest Edward Hendrie.

80k CF Download


  1. Roy insinuates any honest discussion involving Hitler demands removal. He also insinuates those who engage in such haven't had sex. That is a lie as I've had sex with various members of the opposite sex.

  2. This was GOOD ... Many GREAT Points*! (Jim was far better today too!)

    GREAT-Caller Paul-from-Helifornia was on near-the-End !!! :-)

    *"Too-bad" they had to "spoil-everything" ... by bringing-up: Facts, reasonable-arguments, and calmly allowing Others to Speak without even being-interrupted!
    -- These Naaaatseeees simply-MUST be: SHOUTED-Down, and "SILENCED" ... you-'know'-what-I-((("MEAN"))) !!!
    -- Am I Right?, Oy Vey !!! -- You "KNOW" I am Goy !!! ;-)

    (Don't YOU even KNOW: HOW to Hang-Up on Callers ?!!! -- Oy Vey !!! -- Ebil-Naaaatseeees !!! -- Shrunken-Heads, Lampshades !!! -- Never-'Again' !!! -- Oy Veeeeey !!! :-o )

  3. Panzer > "We" the men of comments find your claims of sexual interaction dubious.
    Can you supply some sort of proof that is not your sister ?!!! :)

  4. Yes! That OLD: "Naaatseees NEVER have 'sex' ...!!!" ..... TIRED-Old-canard/trope .... !!!

    OBVIOUSLY: Naaaatseeees HAVE Lots of 'sex' and ebil-Naaaatseeee-BABIES too ......

    --> Otherwise ..... there WOULDN'T 'BE': All of those ebil-Naaaatseeees ... Ensconced-in-'EVERY'-Seat-of-Power, and Position-of-Government, at Every-Level!

    -- Dhuh !!! -- Oy Vey !!! -- Don't Be 'Retarded' Goy !!! ;-)

  5. How do you KNOW: That [you've-been] you're being-RAPED .... by a jew? .....

    --> Your little 3-8 year-old-Bottom is Ripped-to-Pieces !!! :-(

    WHITES may-Not: 'KNOW': How to Hang-Up on (((obnoxious)))-callers ....

    -- But it is pretty-evident: That MOST jews' "ideas": of even WHAT 'sex'/'having-sex' .... even Truly-MEANS

    Is VERY: Twisted / Perverted / ie: jewified indeed !!! :-o

    Who else would even 'buy': That: Chopping-the-End-of-Your-Dick-OFF .... is 'BETTER' for: Having-'sex'? ....

    --> Unless, by 'sex' / 'Having-sex' ...... (((one))) actually-MEANS: Poopy-bottom-SHIT-Smearing: "Butt-sex" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

  6. -@Panz. Roy was sure some entertainment . Not sure well ever figure out who Hitler was working for. Id tend to to side slightly with people of Germany because after all he was trying to keep Germany for Germans. You can make many arguments.
    -Id almost think Scorp might be buying into my theory of starting a war with Russia is designed to be lost, not won. Why are things escalating now, looking at a brutal winter there ? What a better way to get many white Christians slaughtered. ? What military strategist would poke a fight now? One that doesnt want to win? I can see it coming. Get into a war, then tell every male in the states to either take the jab or see what the Germans and Napoleon met?
    Told you Semper Fi yellin chest thumpers long time ago. You got one of 2 fights to fight. Go there and be sent to a trap , or get off your asses here and at least go down protecting your family . This is not rocket science boyz.
    - I swear to God Myr is really Kay Griggs.
    - Cherry on the top there is if Scardykat made a cameo appearance.
    - I think what Hendrie wanted to say regarding Jacobson vs Mass is that although Jacobson lost the case , he was not ordered to take the vax but just pay the fine.
    - Why is it it seems people blow shit at Paul from California ? He epitomizes what every male should be. Hes just frustrated Its so right in your face and the solution is not that difficult. Can be done in one night with some brave, organized Navy Seals?? Who knows. Id rather roll the dice with a Woleski,Borda, Fauchis, or the world that Russian Spetsnaz
    Great show as always.

  7. Albert !! You're really bringing it today! Appreciate you :)

  8. @inthemix16

    "ScaredyCat" .... was Beaten-to-DEATH: BY Her Husband! :-)

    She [After being 'indulged'-by: POLITE-WHITES so-much!] (FATALLY)-"thought":
    -- That She'd TRY to Lecture-HIM ....... Like She Nose-Pokes ..... US !!!

    HE wasn't going "HAVE" ANY-of-it !!!

    He Reflected: "I'm NOT going to be Driven-to-Suicide! --> YOU 'First' !!!" ;-)

    (Muslims'-"Culture": "Ladies BEFORE: Gentlemen !!!" ;-) -- So-to-Speak! ;-) )

  9. ^^ hahaha Albert - that's funny!

  10. What needs to happen:
    Eliminate debt-based currency
    Repair political institutions
    Support domestic manufacturing
    Rebuild infrastructure
    Eliminate unemployment
    Kick out subversive elements from society
    Respect and support the family unit

    Well that pretty much happened in Germany by the man we are taught to hate.

  11. Well Panz, that sounds like a job for you! Should take you to lunch time! What are you going to do after that?

  12. Running a democratic republic with the unchecked participation of organized Jewry is akin to raising sheep with wolves inside the fence.

  13. It SEEMS that MY "Joke" about ni88ers TRYING to Criticize jews for "NOT" being "Black"-Enough .....

    "Went over Most Folks' Heads!" :-o

    (It was DELETED / "Disappeared" TWICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, it WAS a bit-of-a-Head-Scratcher .... but, one is NOT 'supposed-to': 'EXPLAIN'-Jokes ......
    As a LOT of "Jokes" is being 'Hit' with the various bizarre and 'COUNTER-INTUITIVE': Nuances !!! ;-)
    -- You Either: 'Get' them .... or ... You DON'T ... so-to-Speak! ;-)

    PART of the "Joke" was the juxtaposition of: jews OBVIOUSLY-HAVING a-LOT of 'negro-genes' in (((them))) Already ....
    and, that the (((slave-'OWNERS'))) were Mostly-jews !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thus, American-ni88ers 'happen' to HAVE: A LOT of jew in-THEM ..........
    --> So a BLM-ni88er .... TRYING to "Shame" a jew ...... that HE 'isn't-Black-enough' ........
    Becomes: 'Ironic' / "Humorous" .... on MULTIPLE Levels .... ALL-at-the-SAME-Time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    Hence, it REALLY-WAS: Quite a "Head-Scratcher" indeed !!!!!!!!! ;-)

    THEN, on-TOP of ALL-THAT ......... jews CALL ni88ers: "Schvartze" ........

    --> jews are under-NO-illusions that: Feral-ni88ers are in-ANY-WAY: "EQUAL" to (((them))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -- ni88ers are 'simply' "WEAPONS" with which to VICIOUSLY-DESTROY: Whites with ....... USING
    (a-la: OUR "Don't be a Hypocrite" / "TREAT EVERYONE: As WE would LIKE-to-be-Treated ...." -----> "REDUCE-to-ABSURDITY !!!!!!!!!!")
    Our-OWN-"KINDNESS"/Empathy ........ FOOLISHNESS ... to DESTROY us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The 'concept' of Ever Even "Giving" ni88ers: "FAIR-Trials" ... AFTER: THEY Have: BRUTALLY-Savagely-MURDERED: Numerous of OUR: Precious-WHITE-Folk ...... is Ridiculous, and SUICIDAL in-itself!
    -- As Jan-Lamprecht EXPLAINS: ni88ers 'simply'-MUST be ("FIRMLY")-TOLD: WHAT to DO!
    (And it is FAR FAR BETTER Still ... To NOT even "ALLOW" them INTO: OUR WHITE-Nations EVER-at-All !!!)

    This "Motley"-coalition-of-the-"Willing"-(To: DESTROY: ALL that is GOOD .....)

    --> is "Held-Together" BY: Their (Held-in)-COMMON: HATRED: of "WHITEY" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    These: Bands-of-"FREAKS" ..... Can "ONLY"-DESTROY ..................... EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    I would LIKE to: REPOST: MY "Censored" "JOKE": ONE MORE Time, for Proper-Analysis (and 'Redemption' even?) ..............
    --> But I 'get'-the-"Impression" ........ that it is "Verboten" ?!!! ;-)

  14. Here's an event, trouble in thanksgiving after the Cowboys game. LOL SHEEIT


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