December 10, 2021

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2021.12.10

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest, author Philip Kraske.

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  1. Can't understand anything you're saying you fat chocking loser

  2. KnownUnknown - Do you find Jim sexually attractive?
    I only ask because you seem obsessed - like a jilted lover.

    Most normal people stop listening to things they don't like or believe to be false - you know - they move on to something else in life that is more suitable for them personally....but not you - you keep coming back to the very things you loath and hate....over and over again.

    The question any rational person would ask is "why" ?? What need does this site fulfill for you personally? Are you a troll or just a lonely man with nothing in his life that brings him meaning or joy. Your country is turning into a steaming pile of bat guano and here you are obsessed with an 81 year old man. Get real or get out, you room temperature IQ miscreant.

  3. Regarding Scorpio's above comment: An adult is in the chat room.

  4. I remember a couple of times when Klown Unknown was bitching about Rense and Fetzer during long periods when there were no posts at all from zapoper...!!! Talk about being

    Too many people are mad at the wrong people...!

  5. Point I didn't get a chance to make;
    The European 9/11 truth activist were above their American and Canadian counterparts who were mired in space beams, holograms, nanothermite, and other manufactured horsecrap. There were some very high level politicians and serious scientist peeling away the layers.
    One that comes to mind was the nuclear expert producer of a YouTube video, which is certainly removed, who explains the destruction of the towers was achieved by a shaped charge neutron bomb detonated in the elevator shaft and propelled downward into the basement. This is why the initial blast caused the center of the tower roofs to collapse inward at the sequence initiation, the supporting structure underneath simply vaporized as the charge proceeded downward.
    I have to look at this as a more plausible explanation over the basement nuke theory.

    1. Barry Jennings said there were explosions in Building 7 before it fell, the directed eergy people say it was directed energy only, that can't be true

    2. Neutron bombs were in the news years ago. They were to kill the people with radiation and not damage the buildings , so the victors could still have the city intact. I looked it u on Google, where some bombs are still very explosive, it is then debated that they "are" neutron bombs.

  6. It's kind of obvious content "hits" are irrelevant. You should either have made and stand or buckled under. Lets take a pole of the the "awakened" here at Mamis's

  7. @Panz. May i suggest going to some of Veterans Today's work regarding 9-11 . Uncle Gordy now makes a complete ass out of himself these days but thats one subject VT nailed it. Along with Lebanon and Tianjin. If you dig you can find on JT people that did sound analysis along with videos. You can see as as sound goes up exponentially but with dust coming up from the bottom,not the top. I believe they were something like Davie Crokets placed around a refrigeration unit 2 to 3 floors below. Reason being, you had to create a hole that can absorb all the debris that if not dust should have been at least 2X the height .
    Good to see a Scorpio sighting. Im guessing some have some concerns of your well being. I figured maybe its because you mentioned a while ago you went to the movies so im optimistic that your just getting your popcorn buttered by some hottie in the back row. JK . It has to be rough still moving country to country.
    You may have found your answer above wondering. "Your country is turning into a steaming pile of bat guano " Im not sure Unknown is of this country. I mean , maybe when you clock out at your Hasbara at last call and cant score a hooker on the streets of Tel Aviv , maybe a 81 year old looks pretty good at the time?
    Look, i blow Fetzer shit as much as anyone. Some of his beliefs, i cant understand why he cant change is ways. Still thinking Trump gave a great economy is and not just part of the tribe is one but i still dont get the rambling on and on.. I cant tell you how many shows i turned off cause his voice is like nails on a chalkboard.
    No matter what at the end of the day Dr. Fetzer deserves respect !!! He truly cares about people and his country IMHO . If you listen to Jim thru the years you know hes an empathetic human . How unknown addresses Jim, should tell a lot. Most normal ,educated people understand Jim deserves the lifetime respect award. I know 2nd graders that can write with better style and thought than Unknown . At best "he" ""she" maybe both is just a frustrated Gen Z that just cant get laid and just is relegated to mummie's basement with pants down to ankles. At worst an 18 year old getting paid 10 shekels an hour to attack everyone on this board. Watch. Ill be next on the dart board.
    I cant help but chuckle about this Jessie Smollett thing Jim was mentioning. There is no way i can explain this accurately, publicly.Do have to clarify one thing. It was -30 that night and have pics of temp gauges to prove / Hangin out with awesome company on 47th floor and gettin all percolated made some great times, but said person, had to jet home and i swear was exactly same time, same hood , and kinda same, messin up. i still laughin wondering if they knew each other.. Being of same ilk and hearing Jim say of some of the tactics JS used ,i just shake my head in frustration.. they will never ever look in the mirror and accept responsibility . Accountability is just a buzzword on the street to most. Its always someone else fault. Its why although i dont trust Candice Owens 100% ,i do respect that fact she calls out her homies to realize maybe the source of your problems is the one in the mirror!! JS is another poster child

    1. I will grant there were pre-collapse explosions explosions but no way NO WAY a single basement nuke travelled UP TO the burning floors and magically STOPPED blowing those floors OUT then went BACK DOWN expelling squibs in procession from TOP to BOTTOM. Elevator shafts have DOORS they are not TUBES but a framework of GIRDERS. Such pressure waves moving UPWARD would follow the PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE, namely OUT INTO THE LOBBIES then the WINDOWS. I don't give a rats ass what Olsen or Gordy say that is PHYSICS!!
      Jim has removed the "daisy chain of mini or micro nukes" reference in his talks in deference to Joe Olsen's single basement nuke baloney.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I will add single nukes in the basements powerful enough to explode the buulding would have TOPPLED THE TOWERS by turning the support into MELTED CHEESE before the collapse sequence.

  8. @inthemix16

    I Listened to Voltman's "Thanks jews" .....

    and the: "jewish-BRAINS" ........ "Set me Off" ... so-to-speak !!! :-o

    I have been WEARING-EARPLUGS for Half-the-DAY now ....
    (I am surrounded by some LOUD "Orcs" !!!!!!!!! ;-( ...)
    .... Which MAY have "contributed" to MY "echo-chamber" Strange-Mood!

    But, in MY "Defense" ......... the incessant (((avalanche))) of "Things" that the "clever"-jews have:
    Pushed-Down-Our-'Throats' .... for our Entire-LIVES ............

    IS indeed way way WAY MORE: CRAZY ... SICK ... and VICIOUS ........ than: ANYTHING: that I could EVER: "come-Up-with" !!!!!!!! :-o

    --> In "just" this ONGOING: (((con-vid-scam))) .....

    (((they))) will indeed be Torturously-KILLING: Far-MORE than 18-Million of OUR: Precious-Folk .........

    So, I do indeed, "Advocate": At Least 'First' TRYING: 18-Million (((BRAINS)))-on-Toast (or preferably: Crispy-Salty-Crackers!) ......

    BETTER (((them))) ....... before US !!!!!!!!!! :-o


    GENOCIDE (((Mr-Rothschild)))? ...... (((YOU))) 'FIRST' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

  9. *neutron bomb

    Fictitious-device .... reputed to: KILL Millions of People .......

    --> LEAVING the Valuable: BUILDINGS / Realestate ..... INTACT !!! ;-)

    "Tactical-Nuclear-Devices": DESTROYING-Buildings ...... Rather "Tactless" .......... I would SAY !!! ;-)

    Like "clever"-jews: Making a "Movie" about: REPLACING Santa .... with-a-jew-PUPPET !!! :-o

    --> We can SEE WHY: "chutzpah" is PRONOUNCED: "Schueeeeutsphaahh" !!!

    DISGUSTING SLEEZY SLIMY ...... jews .................

    (CALL ME: A "cracker", "whitey", "Naaatseee", "Aryan", "Straight", .... WHATEVER! -- I KNOW: That I am WHITE !!! :-) )

    Call (((them))): "elites", "hidden-hands", "middlemen" ...........
    But, CALL (((them))): "jews" ............................ and SEE (((them))) Hisss etc!!! :-o

  10. Richard D Hall says of 50 videos 26 were usable to plot the flight path of the second "no-plane". They basically matched. He says there is a constant error between the two governmant radar paths not a real space. he dismissed his earlier alternative idea. Fetzer says one was a stealth fighter projecting the image of a plane, that cannot explain the CNN helicopter "ball" shaped image, that Hall matched its path with all the other of the 26 he plotted. Also Hall says not just the "ball" , but other plane images varied, depending on the observation point.
    But Hall says TWC7 was directed energy, but Barr Jennings said tere were explosion before he left the buiding

    1. The hologram planes shit is as ridiculous as the invisible death beams which explode buildings from the inside out.

  11. So when will you delete your own posts Bill?

    1. I did that because you abused me for no reason.


    1. Jim Fetzer has shows on how Paul is replaced. In the one where
      a "son" of Paul was attacked by fake Paul's mum. They say she was the mum in Bungalow Bill " in case of accidents, her always took his mum".

      Guy tells how Paul was his father and the Beatles came to shut him up.

    Jim says had covid, his family all got vaxed

    I think Jim Fetzer is right, Biden is not Biden,the ears etc are different.

  15. "I did that because you abused me for no reason. "

    LOL. So you are a little old fragile thing?

  16. Jim insist the Zapruder film is an altered deep fake. So someone tell me why they would fake Jackie taking orders from Connolly then leaning JFK over to blow his face off?

    1. Jim says they cut a lot out of the film, not that they added or altered in any other sense. I agree with Jim Fetzer that CO2 is nor cauuing global warmin, that guy in this show is up the creek on that.

    2. Jim says he was first shot directly in the throat so precisely the doctor INTUBATED HIM THROUGH THE HOLE COMPLETE BALONEY.

      First of all the cervical spine is directly behind the trachea, such a bullet wound would destroy the spinal cord but as you can PLAINLY SEE he is not a paraplegic but is grasping the throat with both hands in what is known as the universal choking sign. The is NO BLOOD. He is suffering a drug induced laryngospasm.

  17. I meant to say quadriplegic.
    The snipers were there to take out Jackie but they missed.

  18. "The snipers were there to take out Jackie but they missed."


    1. So you think she was picking up brains then? BTW this brooch was given to her as a thank you.

  19. Why the hell was there a jew filming all this in the first place? lol

    1. He was sent there to document the event
      LOL LMAO

  20. "but but but she LOVED JACK"
    First she ignores him to talk to the governor then she shoves his head away lol and howabout that smirk as Jackie stood with Lyndon receiving the oath of office.

  21. WTF is she doing with her hands lol

  22. I am by no way an expert , it is just what Fetzer says. Before I followed Fetzer I followed others. One being a murdered man, already dead, (Milton William Cooper) Bill Cooper. He always maintained the driver shot JFK, but it was never clear to me on the video.


  23. Here is Bill Cooper on the TV with his film with what he says is the driver shooting JFK. I watched it, it was never clear to me.

  24. Actually now I can see the gun, Bill Cooper is right, the driver shot Kennedy, he is the second shooter.

  25. BillAu says:
    December 13, 2021 at 4:11 pm
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
    Actually now I can see the gun, Bill Cooper is right, the driver shot Kennedy, he is the second shooter. So what is going on Jim Fetzer, why don’t you say this too, are you a shill?

  26. That's hair grease shine off the head and how would a bullet from the driver pick up JFK's head and rip the flesh upward?

  27. BillAu says:
    December 13, 2021 at 4:11 pm
    Actually now I can see the gun, Bill Cooper is right, the driver shot Kennedy, he is the second shooter. So what is going on Jim Fetzer, why don’t you say this too, are you a shill?

    Reply moderated
    James Fetzer says:
    December 13, 2021 at 6:37 pm
    Because it’s absurd! You have no idea what you are talking about. From the rear, the driver was to JFK’s front-left. Had he shot him, his brains would have been blown out to the right-rear. Instead, they were blown out to the left-rear. I explained this in the video. I really dislike pointless and silly complaints. Watch it again:

    1. The Zapruder shows neither brains blown out right-rear or left-rear, which means the film is staged (lol not hardly).

      Not only this

      but JooTube deleted my own video on the topic due to "graphic content" although it used the exact footage without commentary that remains.

      What they delete is on the mark.

  28. Well I know Jim Fetzer is sometimes wrong. If Bill Cooper is right Jim is wrong and visa versa. I think Bill Cooper was right. After all they killed Bill Cooper. Bill Cooper was right about 911 and did not trust Alex Jones.

  29. Jackie supposedly put brain in her pocket and somberly gave it to a doctor to put back in his head LOL BULLSHIT

    1. Bill Cooper says he read spy type document that said the driver did it. So that could be proof. But, Bill Cooper says he was tricked for about twenty years that UFOs were real by a document, that years later proved to be fake. He then said the UFOs he saw were manmade.

  30. Both Oswald and Bin Laden were CIA agents, and both were blamed by the CIA for something they didn't do, white "pasties".


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