January 08, 2022

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2022.01.07

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Madeline Gerwick  - Monthly GeoPolitical Astrological Forecast...Dr David Martin 

Download Hour 2 - Preston Dennett  - Technical Problems. Rense Played A Rerun

Download Hour 3 - Erica Khan  - The 'Rapid Test' Scam And A Stunning German Publication On The Failing Immune Systems Of The Vaxed And Much More

64k CF
Rense's site


  1. Whatever happened to Devvy Kidd? She hasn't been on the show for quite some time now.

  2. What happened to Timmy and Gordy?

  3. @rigged game- a commenter posted that he emailed Devvy about this and she wrote back saying that a friend of hers had some sort of advertising business with Rense that didn't work out, Rense got mad at her and took all her articles down and ended their 20 year friendship. I think you can still find her articles at newswithviews.


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