March 16, 2022

The Cornered Jew Welcomes You To Hell~US-Run Biolabs & Traps in Ukraine ~ Intel and Logistics - Roy Potter, 99Percent, Wardo, Ethan Huff, Edward Dowd

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JUST…WOW: Narcy Pelousi
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A Russian Strike Kills Foreign Fighters in Ukraine
Nicolas Nairchos – The Nation March 15, 2022


KGB of South Ossetia is warning of the threat of a False Flag in Ukraine
State News Agency of South Ossetia March 10, 2022

JUST…WOW: Narcy Pelousi
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The "speaker" of the House?!!!

Real Truth Real News
Published March 12, 2022
Bannons War Room
Published March 10, 2022
* Suggested by CA-Nada*

Ethan Huff – Natural News March 15, 2022

Intel and Logistics
Roy Potter

Rick Rozoff – Anti Bellum March 12, 2022
State News Agency of South Ossetia March 10, 2022
The State Security Committee of South Ossetia intercepted the information regarding the US plans to use the territory of Ukraine to carry out provocations using weapons of mass destruction.

The corresponding statement of the special service was spread on Thursday by the press service.

“The State Security Committee, through the available operational, technical and other capabilities, is closely monitoring the facts of the participation of Georgian citizens, military mercenaries from the United States, Great Britain and other NATO countries in the hostilities in Ukraine as part of the so-called “Georgian Foreign Legion”, as well as the forms and methods of terrorist war used by them.

In the course of these activities, the Committee intercepted the information regarding the US plans to use the territory of Ukraine to carry out provocations using weapons of mass destruction,” the statement says.

According to the KGB, in particular, the information is being received about possible intentions of the special services of the United States and Ukraine to carry out a large-scale provocation on the Ukrainian territory using a low-yield nuclear warhead and subsequent imposition of responsibility on the Russian Federation and the ammunition was delivered to the territory of Western Ukraine by the US special services under the guise of supplying conventional weapons by air.

The KGB of South Ossetia draws the attention of all friendly intelligence services, as well as the international community, to the inadmissibility of the development of events in Ukraine according to the American scenario and the transformation of the territory of this state into a place for unprecedented military experiments with the threat of using biological and nuclear weapons.

1 comment:

  1. hello and oy vey.. over there in Joo S of A
    the "cornered joo" volitman is laughing his ass off about those stupid goyim.


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