April 11, 2022

Can't The Zombies See This Ain't Natural???


  1. Hello over there in the Joow S of A
    a great man once said:

  2. Hello friends,

    we need, I repeat WE NEED to "take care" of this clique of international

    joowish bastards/war mongers AND their down to the bones corrupt minions,

    treacherous scum of our own 'elites' - maybe 100 000 creatures - that are

    systematically destroying our civilizations and future of our children!

    "We The People" should not wait any longer!!!!

    Remember: "WE The People" are approx. 7,4 BILLION-7400 MILLION-on this planet!
    There shouldn't be a problem!!

  3. Hello friends
    remember: speaking the Truth is "Hate-speech" to those who HATE!!

  4. Who cares what's happening in Australia. Brits been sending there all kind of fugitives over there to experiment with for centuries.

  5. They are called Cirrocumulus clouds or Fish scales clouds.

    Been around forever, no need to be afraid of what this character

    is trying to do with his vid. They don't make rainfall, they

    indicate a cold front, ON NO!

  6. More specifically Cirrocumulus undulatus (Wavelike, Undulating) introduced by Clayton in 1896.

    They should have named them "Nikola Tesla clouds" LOL

  7. yeah yeah guys over there in the Jewnited S of A

    and the CHEMTRAILS are indicting more sun shine...

  8. I live by the ocean with wall to wall windows. I see nothing but skies, ocean, mountains. For 20+ years been watching all of this. Today, in Victoria, they are showing snowstorms that apparently took place in my city. It never happened here just a mile or two away from the videos I saw. Our skies were muggy and grey, now the sun shines.

    Over the years, a LOT of chemtrails. For over 23 years I have watched them and for awhile wondered what was going on. Research was/still is pretty well hidden. Meanwhile, around the world, weather is absolutely MAD. Just part of the agenda. He is right about the contents of those trails. Max Egan pointed out those chemicals and their connection to wildfires a few years ago. This guy did not make that connection. They do the same thing here in BC and CAlifornia, hence the wildfire seasons that used to be marked by the leaves, not what is burning.

    His arrogance about other people is offputting. How does he know that those people he points out are not already aware and have been observing what he is? Most though, he is correct, they don't know or care. But you can bet your sweet bippy that Bill Gates is definitely involved, as well and various militaries.

  9. Hey, Zap, mon cher. A mutual friend has mentioned you to me recently wondering about... something. Don't want to say anything in here but how do I reach you?

  10. @ Noor.

    I'll sent it to you on the 30th. I'll add in 100 ml of Lugol's iodine gratis too.

    I just sent some groceries to my mother for her birthday and I had forgotten to add that to my budget. I'm down to a 159$ for the rest of the month so I'll be buying groceries for myself too instead of beer and what not LOL.

  11. Zap. Merci mon cher. I hear ya about the groceries. Cannot even afford a drink this month!


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