April 07, 2022

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2022.04.06

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - William Gheen  - ALIPAC.us Report

Download Hour 2 - Tom Luongo  - Ukraine And WW3

Download Hour 3 - Erica Khan  - More On CJD And Prion Explosion... 16 People Hit With CJD Just Days After BioWeapon Injection - Bhakdi Says Spike Can Change Entire Personalities - BEWARE! - Both SKIN CONTACT And EXHALATION Will Transfer Vax And Spike Protein To The Unvaxed

64k CF


  1. Tom Loungo. Why has been away so? So people forget every single thing he said about the election was wrong??

    Rinse too - remember the Kraken? Rinse is a karen

  2. Zap, thanks for keeping the self-flagellators happy. They may be sore... but they're satisfied!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The small greys are here to help us

  5. Whatever happened to Devy Kidd? She finally realize that voting is a waste of time?

  6. She realised Qiff Rinse is a waste of time!

    Same as Charlotte

  7. @riggedgame-
    on Devvy, someone (maybe 1776blues?) posted on that a number of months ago (and he got his info directly from email from Devvy). Apparently, Devvy and Rense had a falling out- it had something to do with a friend of Devvy getting into a business relationship (maybe advertising) with Rense, and then things somehow did not work out. So, Rense blamed it all on Devvy and ended their decades long friendship and took all of her articles down from his site. This is kind of how Rense operates (I guess due to severe personality disorder issues)- he just suddenly cuts people off like Bro nathanael and Henry Makow when there is a conflict. Devvy's articles can still be found at newswithviews. And you can also get on her mailing list.

    1. Don't leave out James Fetzer & Scott Bennett.

    2. I was just thinking of Devvy & wondering about her ... my wondering led to the thought she too may have passed from this plane, and I wasnt aware.

      So many of our regulars on this scene are gone. Too many during this Covid Hoax.

  8. Is Rense (Esner?) sleeping with Erika Khan?

  9. yeah yeah, Asia Today..
    what a bunch of clowns you millenials are, totally braindead, not able to do some own, independent thinking!

  10. Makes about US$20,000 per month, conservatively. Lives on how many acres? Tells you to buy organic baked beans because end of the world, wears a mask when at the store because 5% chance. Who is Todd? Hey Todd, if you're reading this: we can help.

  11. btw :
    there is another asshole, 'Known Unknown', this slimy joow who is going after Rense for many years, I 've been told.
    some people say: obviously this IDIOT would love to suck Rense's dick...

    that's it for today...

  12. ok ok, here I am AGAIN...
    I need to tell 'Amanda' who said:" he just suddenly cuts people off like Bro nathanael....."
    I think Rense realized there is some thing wrong with 'Brother Nathaniel' who is NEVER mentioning the 6 MILLION joow swindel...

    A typical joow who knows how to make easy money: hanging a couple crosses around your neck, standing on street corners and telling people:
    I am a joow but I love Jesus! please donate........

  13. You wouldn't have a fucking clue what choo looks like or sounds like.

    Why don't you ask Rinse if the grays practice shabbat or if Mario Lanza sang dreddle dreddle ?

    Rinse lost all rights to a free pass when the piece of shit swore up and down "Trump is genius and Ivanka is all class" - why? Reverse speech proved it! And when none of that was true, did Rinse shitcan the reverse speech? Of course not! How else is he supposed to make shit up?

    Fuck Rinse! "i don't have time to read stuff" because he's too busy putting Cocaine up his ass

    1. You gotta admit the woman that pilots UFOs I the shit

  14. Did we lose 07 April Rense ?
    I'm starting to forget the hour I wanted to share !!

    Fook - who was on last night.
    Ah- doctor from Germany!

    Can we get the archive? Does it exist?

    I hope all is well.

    1. Hey Zappo!! Thanks in advance for posting April 7! :-)

  15. Hey zap thanks for not posting April 7

  16. RIP Jordan Maxwell the greatest showman who saw a small T-Rex when he was young in his back yard

  17. hello boys over there in the Joow S of A
    The Truth is HATE to those who HATE!!

  18. btw:
    Once you base your whole life on a LIE, you instrument your own undoing!
    Ernst Becker

  19. hello,
    Is it illegal to ask questions? oh yes, it is illegal to ask certain questions, questions that can put you in prison in seventeen European countries, put in prison for asking questions!

    If I had to ask the question "did six million really die?" would I be put in prison for this? the answer is YES.

    If I had to ask the question "why is there no forensic evidence of anybody being killed by gassing during World War two?" would I be put in prison? YES

    If I had to ask the question "why are there so many survivors to these gas chambers if it was the Germans sole purpose of destroying all jews, there seems to be millions of survivors who would have been young children then and we are constantly told that the young, old and infirm were the first into the gas chambers would I be put in prison for asking this? YES

    There are many more questions like this that have been asked by very erudite people who have subsequently being thrown in prison!

    Why is this so? why are we not allowed to debate this subject?

    I think it's time, high time to "take care" of these bastards who throw people in prison for asking questions!!


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