July 24, 2022

Is Russia Making Plans To Demilitarize NATO? - The Neocon Threat To National Security - Harry Vox - EYE OF THE CLOWN-ICANE 🤡 Raging Dissident - Doomed NWO - Makow, SonOfEnos, Mental Hygiene, Logos Wars


The ruling classes of the Western countries, which are supranational and globalist [re. Freemason, Jewish] in nature, realized that their policies are increasingly detached from reality, common sense and the truth, and they have started resorting to openly despotic methods.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin in a meeting with State Duma leaders and party faction heads July 6

(Excerpt by henrymakow.com)

The so-called collective West led by the United States has been extremely aggressive towards Russia for decades. Our proposals to create a system of equal security in Europe have been rejected.

Initiatives for cooperation on the issue of missile defense were rejected. Warnings about the unacceptability of NATO expansion, especially at the expense of the former republics of the Soviet Union, were ignored.

Even the idea of Russia’s possible integration into this North Atlantic alliance at the stage of our, as it seemed then, cloudless relations with NATO, apparently, seemed absurd to its members.

Why? Just because they do not need a country like Russia, that is why. That is why they supported terrorism and separatism in Russia, and internal destructive forces and a ‘fifth column’ in our country. All of them are still receiving unconditional support from the collective West.

 Continues …

Putin came along, and started talking about a multi polar world, because they, China, and many other countries were fed up with bankrolling the US way of life and its military. The US, the NWO, NATO, the City, & Wall St, including the Roths, they rejected sharing the pie.
This is why the free world, led by Putin, is making a stand. Anyone who follows this, will have a basic understanding of what it going on.

Russia has a SMO in UKraine, because Russia is fighting for its right to exist! China knows they'll be next, and India after China.

This isn't some big staged game, as many on here suggest. There are massive fractures in the old geopolitical system. Since. 2008, both the US and UK have been destroying global trading systems. Currency wars, illegal sanctions, trade wars, of which, Brexit is a trade war against the EU....

If they're all in it together, they could've carried on as before, and never used the US military, and by its extensive use, has now permanently blunted its blade. As Ritter says, the US/NATO can't fight and win a peer war, they'll get wiped out, and we see this in UKraine. For every tank and artillery unit used by the Russians in UKraine, the Nazis have been given 20 units of specific weapons to take out those Russian units, that's 20 to 1. Yet this NATO trained UKrainian Nazi army, with 200k regular fighting men and 400k call-ups, are being hammered by around 170k Russians, the other day, the NWO admitted that Russia had only lost 15k, while I am confident the UKrainians have lost over 60k.

If they are all in it together, why is the NWO essentially pushing their weapons stocks over a cliff? How many billions of warehoused weapons has Russia destroyed? How much tech did the French hand to Russia?

The biggest shocker in this 'they are all in this together fantasy', is that by far and away, Russia now has the most battle hardened military machine on the planet. All the little niggles, if there were any, they've been found out and sorted. The Russians are also learning how to defeat some of NATO's best weapons. They can shoot down HIMARS missiles, and they also know how the SAS and MI6 goons cry on their phones when all is lost. I'd be fascinated to know just how many SAS were killed just for chatting on their phones... but heck, who cares, they're all in it together.  - Carl Jones

The Commander of the Chechen Republic Apty Alaudinov who has been absolutely kicking ass killing Ukrainian Nazis spills the beans that after Russia takes Kiev, they plan to demilitarize NATO, starting with Poland.

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf, Murphy Translation (Full Audiobook)
 "⁣This is the full 20 hour audiobook in the English Murphy translated version of Adolf Hitler's world renowned autobiography that was originally published on July 18, 1925."

When the government of Canada froze the bank accounts and took physical action against peaceful protestors, they became War Criminals under the Geneva Conventions. There is no statute of limitation, and prosecuting War Crimes has universal jurisdiction, meaning any country, can prosecute Canada for the crimes committed against its own people. Under international law, Russia (or any other country) can now lawfully invade Canada and remove our despotic government.

Canada, along with the rest of the Build Back Better cult, have declared war on Russia, and are training and arming genocidal Jewish-Nazis who were ethnically cleansing Russian-speaking people from Ukraine and are now actively killing Russian soldiers.

Russia now has the moral and legal justification to invade Canada, where they'd be greeted with open arms by the persecuted population they'd be liberating. - SonOfEnos


Castreau supplying lethal aid to Ukraine makes Canada an accomplice to the Nazi's battle. Russia has the ability to strike Ottawa smack in the house of Parliament with an intercontinental cruise missile. Hopefully it would not be armed but more of a wake-up call as to exactly what you are dealing with.

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"The Legion is a joke, has been for some time and there's a reason the vast majority of my generation side stepped it entirely.

If the legion fulfilled it's purpose, there would be no need for veteran owned and operated non profit support groups like Real Canadian Recreation and dozens of others to exist.

But they do - because the legion is a complete and total failure.

Imagine letting civilians decide how a veteran organization is supposed to be run?

Old women playing in cribbage tournaments do not represent me."





  1. You "HAVE" to 'judge' every lion 'individually'... ;-)

    I said to the Hare Krishna Ladies that: "In a sense ... folks ALREADY KNOW the TRUTH .... but we have been 'cleverly'-((('TRAINED'))) to HATE the TRUTH!" :-o

    I Listened to the "What is a Woman" Documentary ... WITHOUT: Watching the Screen ... (I HATE being: Images + "Commentary" BRAINWASHED!)

    Obviously (IF you THINK about it!) There were a LOT of NORMAL-People Responses/Answers ... Which WERE-NOT-Included: In this "Documentary" EDIT !!! ...

    -- But, Nevertheless: It is indeed very-REVEALING: How Folks have been ((("TRAINED"))) to HATE (and be 'Triggered by') the TRUTH ...

    -- And the aspect of: "Antagonistic"-etc. QUESTIONS ... was very NOTABLE too ... and Congress-person(?) who "ended the interview" .... and THEN the woman-assistant: Expressed 'indignation' at the "What is a Woman?" Question !!! :-o

    jews are some weird-DIFFERENT-SPECIES of "wolves"-("MASTER"-Slave!) versus "sheep" ... at-WAR: to the DESTRUCTION: with TRUTH / REALITY / WHITE-SANE-(LOVING: Friends and Family)-HUMANITY !!! :-o

    A "Lion" is ... a "Lion" is ... someone who "Identifies"-as-a-"Lion" ... ;-)

    NOT ALL "Lions" are carnivores, or "violent" !!! ........ :-o



  2. If Folks have Not-YET: Consciously-Understood: The VITAL-Nature of: Analogies ..... You NEED to !!!

    --> As Analogies are the Simplest CLEAREST-Way: To LEARN how to Actually: THINK-(Logically!)-and-Understand-TRUTH-For-YOURSELF !!! :-o


    Also: TRYING to TEACH-("Explain") something .... ALSO Greatly-Helps: One to Far Far BETTER understand Something ...

    ONE reason for such: Is that to TEACH something: REQUIRES for YOU to (Yourself: First): Delineate such: Step-by-Step !!! :-o

    The STORY of Socrates ... is that HE would Constantly-ASK-Folks-QUESTIONS ..... thus (because of Folks' "Egos"!) "Provoking" tremendous-ANGER !!! :-o

    --> In a Sense: We ALREADY KNOW the TRUTH !!! :-o

    -- Only we have Been: "cleverly" ((("Brainwashed"))) into Violently-HATING-the-TRUTH !!! :-o :-o :-o

    Thus Folks "LIKE" to LIE-to-Themselves ...... and "LIKE" to be: LIED-To, and (((CHEATED))) !!!

    "Flattery" ... "Vanity" ... FALSE-"PRIDE" ... "Arrogance" ... "Self-Delusion" ....... "Prestige"-(Which comes from French: "Magician" / ILLUSION!) ... a FALSE-Sense of: "Self-Worth" ........ "Special"-"INDIVIDUALITY" !!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    Soooooo MANY ("NPCs") Folks nowadays .... being Totally-WITHOUT: Self-INTROSPECTION .... being so "conditioned"/easily-"Triggered"-Reactionary ......
    --> WOULD "FAIL" the (REVERSE)-"Turing-Test*" !!! ;-)

    (CAN a Computer-PROGRAMMED-Response ... be DIFFERENTIATED-From: A Genuine (HAVING-a-SOUL!)-Human-Being?! :-o


  3. Analogies ....

    MY: Giraffe, Lion, Hippo analogy example for-instance ... ;-)

    "We are ALL 'Animals' .... we are 'ALL' the 'SAME'!" :-o

    --> Just as we CAN Clearly-DISTINGUISH: Giraffes, from Lions, from Hippos, from Giraffes ....

    and Yes! --- ALL: Giraffes, Lions, and Hippos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o ;-)

    So too: EVERY single WORD in a Dictionary: HAS a DIFFERENT Meaning !!! :-o

    -- A THESAURUS is a reference work: for finding synonyms and sometimes antonyms of words ...

    WHY did I CHOOSE: Giraffes, Lions, Hippos ...?

    Well, LIKE: "Rock : Paper : Scissors" ...

    A Giraffe is TALL and Skinny (even baby ones!), vegetarian, and STINKY, but not so-aggressive ...
    A Lion, is biggish, but Not particularly Tall, or FAT ... Exclusively-Eating-Meat, but often even quite Sleepy ...
    A Hippo, is VERY FAT, and very VERY DANGEROUS ... yet vegetarian ...

    Is it "Discriminating" "Prejudiced" "Racist" "Sexist" "Homophobic" to even just SEE such CLEAR DIFFERENCES ....?
    NO! -- It is Simply the TRUTH .... and WHAT is inseparably-INCORPORATED-in-THEIR-DIFFERENT-NAMES-and-Identities !!!

    --> One Emphatically-DOES-NOT: "NEED" / "HAVE" to "Judge" them EACH: "Individually" !!!
    --> The Meer DISTINGUISHING: "Someone" as a: Giraffe, Lion, Hippo, ... etc.... INCLUDES: "Judging"/Designating: Their Other VARIOUS-Natural-TRAITS ........ which is now "cleverly"-(((Termed))): "Judging" / "Discriminating": "By/Because-of: "Someone's"-"SKIN-COLOR" !!! :-o ;-)

    LIKE the one Woman SAID, in the Above-"Documentary": A MAN, and a WOMAN are: "XY" / "XX" chromosome: At the Cellular-Level .......
    --> It is NOT: About "Skins" ........ or "Identifying" ... "Individually" ...... at-ALL !!! :-o ;-) :-)

  4. When (((someone))) "cleverly"-RELEASES: A "LION" ... into a City ...

    ... Putting: Innocent: Men, Women, Children, Babies, Old-Folks, Invalids ...... even cute-puppies etc. in EXTREME-DANGER .......

    We DO-NOT: "NEED" to "Judge" the "LION" "Individually" .... NOR the "clever"-(((RELEASER))) !!! :-o

    --> It is OBVIOUS: What WILL-Indeed-"Happen" ...... and WHAT WAS indeed: Fully-(((INTENDED))) to "Happen" !!!

    It is called: GENOCIDE, or the ((Kalergi-Plan))) !!! :-o

    WHEAT grows from Wheat-Seeds ...
    Avocado-Trees grow from Avocado-Seeds ...

    Lambs are Born to Sheep ...
    Wolves are born to Wolves ...

    Europeans are Born to Europeans ...
    "Africans" to "Africans" ...

    Yes, perhaps: AFTER: Seeds Have Already been-Planted, and just-Begin: to Germinate .... WAITING a bit, until EASILY: Distinguishable-Sprouts ... and THEN Separated, WITH-the-LEAST-HARM: Done to the Already Sprouting: GOOD-Seedlings ..... is the BEST Strategy .......

    AFTER Seedlings have BEGUN to Grow .... their DIFFERENCES BECOME more and More CLEARLY/Easily-Distinguishable ......
    "Judge" a Tree .... by its FRUITS !!! (In Winter, when-"dormant", without even LEAVES: Trees are more "Debatable"! ;-) )

    But, it is NOT really to-be-"Expected" ... or even very-"POSSIBLE": For an Avocado-Tree ... to Grow-Up: From: ANY other-Type of Seed ... at-ALL !!! :-o ;-)

    CAN a Duck's "Duckling" ..... 'sometimes' Grow-UP: To become a "SWAN"?! ......
    -- NO, silly !!! --> THAT is the Whole-POINT of THAT: TALE !!! :-o -- Dhuh !!! ;-)

    CAN "Wolves" "cleverly" put-ON: A Sheep's-SKIN-FACADE/Disguise/ACT?! .......... yes, certainly ........ but, it was ALWAYS a TRUE-"WOLF"...
    and such was ONLY to FACILITATE: Its (Temporarily)-Satisfying-its-HUNGER-for-MEAT-Brutally-Murdered-Lamb-Flesh ........

    SHEEP and Lambs, of course: CANNOT even EAT: "MEAT" ........ nor even "comprehend" Experience-such-an-Appetite !!!
    --> To Naturally-"Vegetarian"-Sheep-and-Innocent-Lambs ...
    Since vegetation of various-sorts simply surrounds THEM everywhere for-FREE/the-effort-of-EATING ...
    -- And, Since to "SHEEP" there is ONLY: FRIENDS and FAMILY !!! ...

    Such a very VERY DIFFERENT-Creature, as a "Wolf" ....... until Tragically-"EXPERIENCED" ......... "CANNOT"-even-Exist" (Or be Comprehended-fully!) !!! ...

    Because, WHY, ... HOW should/COULD it?!!! -- THAT would be "CRAZY" !!! -- As one would NEED to Endlessly-MURDER:
    Multiple: Beautiful-Cute-Friendly-Adorable: Baby-Lambs ... each and Every DAY !!!

    (Amounting to maybe even MORE than: A MILLION "Missing" CHILDREN each, and Every Year, especially-CLOSE to DC!)

    -- To Attempt to "Satisfy": Such a burning-"insane" CRUEL / INSATIABLE: "Apex-Predator" / "Elite" "Life-extending"-CRAVING-"chosen"-"Religion" !!! :-o

  5. It is 'simply'-INSANE to "Expect": An Avocado-Tree to Grow-From: A Peach-Pit, ... or ANY OTHER type of Seed at-All !!! :-o ;-)

  6. Some people "philosophize about how: the free-market, or "Freedom" "should" Work ...

    Some people "philosophize" about how "Socialism" is "BAD" !!! ...

    But, of course: WITHOUT "Naming-the-jew", and "race-realism" ..... it is ALL ((("cleverly"))): to OUR-WHITE-RACE-DESTRUCTION !!! :-o

    --> There is NOTHING "Wrong": With OUR Beautiful-WHITE-Women:

    LOVING their OWN, and Other WHITES' Children too ("Socialistically") !!! :-)

    AND, there is NOTHING "Wrong" With OUR Strong-WHITE-Men:

    PROTECTING such ("Oppressively"): At the "Expense" of ANYONE-ELSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-)

    --> For BECAUSE: "GOD" has HARD-WIRED: a "Soul" "Conscience" TRUTH "Self-Control": WITHIN OUR-(Adamic)-WHITE "Hearts" ...

    and WE were Already-MADE to BE: "GODS'" "Gardeners" ......

    --> THIS can ONLY be GOOD for EVERYONE Else on the Entire-PLANE !!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

    Yes! WHITES are indeed NATURALLY-KIND "GARDENERS" .... and TRUE "Eugenics" is just Like being a GOOD "Farmer":

    SEEING the BEST of Various-Breeds: And INCREASING THEIR Happy-Numbers ........

    --> Just as a "Gardener": Specifically PLANTS and Cultivates GOOD-Fruit-Trees ...

    and Specifically ("with extreme prejudice!") WEEDS-OUT: The Growth that would ONLY Stifle/Suffocate/Over-Grow:

    The Delicate GOOD-Fruit-Trees etc. !!! :-o :-)

    FOOD Vegetables: Have LESS woody-fibers, and Bitter-Chemicals to Fend-Off: Bugs and Beasts, ...
    FRUIT-Trees: Have LESS Thick-Skins, big-seeds, and MORE Sweet-Tender-Fruit-"Flesh"...

    And Cows were MADE by: the "Gods": To GIVE Abundant wonderful-Creamy-MILK (And thus REQUIRING to be Kindly-Looked-After too!) ...
    And Wheat, and Other FOOD-Grains were MADE by: the "Gods": To HAVE Bigger well-Stored-Seeds, and LESS: Fiber and Bitter-chemicals too!

    WHITE Women are much much More "Feminine" than OTHER races !!! (And there is Nothing "WRONG" with THAT!)

    -- Black "Women" are much more "HARDY" and MAN-Like; and Chinese-Women being Similar to: Their-MEN, who were MADE-SMALLER, etc too.

    Indian Higher-Casts were Originally-WHITE, and are now MIXED: With the "Dravidian" etc BLACK Southern-peoples!

    "A FOOLISH 'Consistency' ... is the Hobgoblin of Tiny-Minds!"

    "FREEDOM" is an "Abstract-Concept": Especially-Applicable to OLDER-Self-RESTRAINED-WHITE-MEN ...

    "Giving" "FREEDOM": To "LIONS" etc... to Run-About-"FREELY" ... "just"-being-Naturally-"LIONS" .... will DESTROY: The Entire-World !!!

    "LIONS" (and Especially: "LIONS" being Let-Loose WITHIN!) are NOT "compatible" with:

    Productive Happy: FARMS, or Cities ... "CIVILIZATION" at-All !!!

    Obviously: "LIONS" etc. NUMBERS must be KEPT: relatively-SMALL !!!

    As ONLY such is CONDUCIVE to: A "Civilized" "Sustainable" World at All !!! :-o :-)


  7. can someone help me find a post?:
    I seem to be having an 'Elderly Episode'?
    I cannot find the post from which I got & shared the following

    Donald Trump talks science with me
    And, Johns Hopkins hires professor who defends "attraction to minors";
    and, "There is no free will": the elite culture of gibberish
    Jon Rappoport - Jul 19

  8. Donald Trump talks science with me:


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