July 22, 2022

FULL COMEDY SPECIAL - Jim Breuer - 'Somebody Had to Say It'



  1. Hey Zapoper ,do you got some Jeff Rense .I sure miss them .Thanks for upload.

  2. Thanks for the intro to Breuer. Sent it around saying: When you dare not join them, laughter is the best medicine.

    I complement your post with Jim Breuer's Got Something Heavy to Say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IBHXT-D_lA

    He considers it his most important message.

  3. Thank you for not posting Rinse.

  4. Yes rex. I've been hording the recordings and will post a mega rense post soon.

    LOL @ Erik Paul.

    Thanks RickB. That Breuer podcast is so inspirational and sincere, I'll watch it again when I feel the life being sucked out of me from all the B.S. surrounding us.

  5. Oh no..Run for da bunkers... Unknown is now Erik Paul
    @Albert, i did listen to your suggestion about, is it, MrE? All i know is anyone that says there is no virus,like they did , gets it. Now Guiseppi would argue that, and he certainly has credibility , but i do have on my desktop a FOIA request from someone else, the response from my fat fuck hymie gov JB, that there is no record of the SARS COV "virus"
    I get it. Hes buds with Dr. Judy. Now i have the utmost respect for Dr. Judy and also G, but i cant deny in my world Dr. Judy hasnt done herself favors by some of the company she keeps. Clay Clark? Come on Dr. Judy. That has to be THE number one clown ,looser on the net. Small town mind thinks hes big city. The worst interviewer on the planet.And Ardis? Lets just say i dont think Guiseppi has the respect of him that he mentioned in a past podcast, but just being respectful and playin the game
    The Fetzer Kollerstom interview was great!!!! Must listen. Why ? Cause Jim shut his mouth and let the interview flow. thats why. That guy knows his shit regarding Ukie Rus war but all do yourselves a favor. Quit saying the Slimeballs here made a gaff by making the sanctions "backfire" , on to the people Euro/US. No. Thats exactly what they wanted IMHO
    Now i know Scorpio was one of the few that brought the question of whos side is Putin really on ? A very valid one. Putin's timing here totally sucks. Its one concept that is hard to shake. But keep in mind as Kallerstom was one of the few to point out. Ukie arty went up exponentially around 4 to 5 days prior .
    Even the Ted and Austin Broer show who for the most part, get everything right, sounded like fools in saying, "if Putin wanted to get this done he would have sent it all in at the beginning. ! He did it in Syria why cant he now. Well,dude thats 2 different wars.
    One thing is im not aware of any use of heavy bombers like used in Syria. Thats a wide open area. I believe TU-22s can only do conventional bombs and although TU180 can why risk loosing one of those gems when you have more than enough frigates in Black Sea to launch Kalibers. This has been mostly and Arty,SU 25, (Russia equivalent to A-10) SU-34, KA-52 . RUS has air superiority other than the Ukies sending up their MIG 29s SU-27s to be sacrificial lambs . Its just a different conflict

  6. Speaking of air power if i may... I saw today , a letter co signed with this disgusting piece of shit , Rep Tammy Duckworth , begging the Senate , to send our boyz to Ukraine , to be quickly blown out of the sky by S400 or SU35. Can someone explain what is in the DNA of scum like this, and why God only had her legs blown off in Iraq , but not her, and her pathetic existence on this planet? What a bitter cunt that seems to want more soldiers to join her in her misery. One thing i can tell you Duckfuckworth. Those guy wont be bobbin the heeb knob like you obviously are doing ..Sorry guys/ladies , its just a local thing

    Im sure Scorpio has seen this but..never know.



    Reminds me of the ole Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
    "While Jim (Equador,Netherlands,etc) wrestles with the man eating crocodile,i Marlin Perkins(USA) sit back in my luxury canoe,,preparing a tasty filet,bottle of merlot...(ishit,social media, purple hair) We are fucked.

    Check out hour 2 of the Revolt show last weekend when he played the Hal Turner thing. I know, he can be a drama queen ,but what he said was profound and reflected everything i feel . He really nailed that one !

  7. Clip 1 of Reyvolt:

    "God no longer recognizes that person that is vaccinated as his creation" LOL. You're going to hell!

    Even if the "vaccines" would turn us into monkeys, we would still have our respective souls.

  8. How are you able to see his back?


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