August 27, 2022

💥RageCast 271 - Jeremy Mackenzie & Viva Frei - The BAR Slave System - Do you hear that? ARE YOU ENTERTAINED? - Raging Dissident - The Great Bullfrog Revival with Dane Wigington - Quackcines & Dr. Bill Deagle, John Kaminsky & Loki Hulgaard on Hyperborea

!!! Raging Dissident is ALIVE !!!

 Old Footage from 1995 Of Dr. Bill Deagle
* Suggested by Ca-Nada *
“The Voyage to Hyperborea in the Magical Prose of Don Miguel Serrano"
John Kaminsky, Patriot Pat & Loki Hulgaard


* Suggested by Albert *

Cooper Lake Reservoir, Oregon
"Jeremiah was a Bullfrog"
channel image

It's about a lawyer saying the game is rigged... live stream Mon/Thurs 8pm EST evidence COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is a LIE the world must go for truth and the solution!

Bonnie Henry's emails exposed (she knew the injections were not safe):

547K subscribers

jonah currie wrote: ​"Putin Cured Covid"

Canadian Sikh, Palminder, says Jagmeet Singh is "a bullshit guy."
Published March 25, 2022

“The voyage to Hyperborea in the magical prose of don Miguel Serrano"

John Kaminsky, accompanied by Patriot Pat, asks Loki Hulgaard:

 "Why is Miguel Serrano so important?"

"The jewish messiah is artificial intelligence, a robot which they manipulate, a s/w program called Alladin that all big companies use to loot countries. Larry fink, CEO of Blackrock, a species of monstrous golem without blood, an arithmethic entity, imaginary cybernetic trans-infinite electronic brain, a robot which they manipulate."
Albert said...

I have been "Binge-Listening" to John Kaminski !!! :-) :-) :-)

The Loki interview had me Having Astounding-DREAMS after Listening ....

And then Last-Night I Listened to the episode 13 about Jesus being a Temple-Priest of the BANK-"Temple" ...

and Wanting to FREE the Hebrews of such a STIFLING-System !!! :-) :-) :-)

And this-morning I Again HAD: Wonderful-DREAMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

John's Shows Have Very Very UNIQUE-Content and Guests !!!

I FIND John very very SINCERE !!! :-)

And, if anything His NEW Shows Without-Gaddy are BETTER !!! :-o

(As "ex-Intelligence" Gaddy is a sort-of "one-trick-Pony"! ;-) )

There are soooo Many: "Alternative"-Talkers who I can't even Stand to Listen to !!!!!!!!!

--> But, John's Shows are very VERY Gratifying to Listen to indeed !!! :-)

(Click "Podcasts"... then the Host of CHOICE ... and a NEW-Browser-window of HIS-Archives is THERE for almost-UNLIMITED: GREAT-Listening !!! :-) )

Justin's $2 Million payout to Statutory Rape Victim

When Justin Trudeau was a teacher at West Point Grey Academy, Vancouver, British Columbia he sexually abused one of his underaged pupils. Trudeau was at the school between 1999 and June 2001.

* Suggested by Ca-Nada *
 Raging Dissident II
12.2K subscribers

 Another Holocaust Survivor
Raging Dissident II
The Greater Good

Just doin' mah jarb!

 Aug 10 2022
(Shortened and abridged by Voltman)

The “giant head” metaphor is one I’ve often used to describe the new age cult mentality of obeying "current thing”. Whatever is declared by the tightly controlled corporate media establishment is ‘the way’. Anything to the contrary is no longer tolerated and everyone must fall in line.

That includes you, cops.

From career incentives to participate or threats of termination for refusal, it will only become more difficult to remain neutral in the political climate of 2022, brought to you by Pfizer!
It’s my observation that the majority of the population who are content with fast, cheap, unhealthy but comfortable options for dealing with all of life’s problems have also chosen the same methodology when it comes to this whole dreadfully terrifying thinking thing.

The hive mind of goyim sheep animals have placed crowd acceptance at the top of priorities, with enlightenment and independence at the bottom. Preoccupied with a nonstop barrage of ‘current things’ to follow like weekly software updates, lest they be banished from the herd to the realm of ‘unacceptables’, there is quite literally little or no time to consider what they’re being told.

Or if any of it is even true.

The media establishment’s primary purpose is to control and massage public opinion, and a lazy, entitled, selfish and weak population is all too happy to let the hard work be done by someone else so they can skip to the end. Fast food, fast sex, fast money, fast jobs, fast everything. Fast thinking.

It will always be a source of amusement to me that millions of these drones who consider themselves special, unique, independent heroes of righteousness have never stopped to consider the fact they all feel and hold the same opinions, on absolutely everything.

Mask up, stay home stay safe, get vaccinated, stand with Ukraine, support LGBT-alphabet people, orange man bad, stop climate change, diversity is strength, open borders, BLM and justice for Floyd, Russia-gate, every child matters - I quite seriously can not keep pace with the sheer volume of instructional messaging we receive on a quarterly basis.
They aren’t celebrating their uniqueness, diversity or courage - they’re celebrating their compliance and conformity with the giant head while attacking anyone who does not belong. In many ways, the only things that have changed from the K-12 schoolyards is our access to technology and money.

All of this societal, media and establishment pressure to conform to a perpetually shrinking box of ‘correct think’ will take its toll on all but the strongest of spirits.

Law enforcement and judiciaries are not different. They are people, that watch the same garbage, eat the same trash and listen to the same poison as most people do. Why would they not be influenced?

Culture is upstream from politics.

It IS a popularity contest.

The enemy forces have succeeded in subverting our culture to such a self destructive and humiliating extent, that we have lost sight of one of the very most serious supporting foundation of a free society. 
Justice is supposed to be blind, operate from a neutral, fair and unbiased position of incredible power and responsibility.
Authoritarians and it’s participants in unquestionable historical examples of evil always lean on the morality crutch. Justifying their cowardice and crimes of being for “the greater good”, brought to you by, Pfizer!

If the supposed ‘adults’ in the room are incapable of setting personal feelings aside to perform the sacred task of preserving our society for future generations, what hope is there for the rest of us? Is it surprising that cops, lawyers and judges are choosing sides, bending or even breaking rules for ‘the team’?

Justice is no longer blind. She donates to the Liberal Party and has a personal Facebook fan page for CNN’s Brian Stelter.

We are permitting a system fueled by party politics rather than right and wrong, and we will all soon pay the price. 
For the complete article:

 Simply Irresistible!!!



  1. Jew covid rat poison sterilize men and women, sperms are DEAD;

  2. big boobs slim hips and fat lips nuf sed. Lets get naked!

  3. Letter exchange ( hidden until now) between The World Economic Forum and the Dutch Government Surfaces

    It's written in black and white, they want to change the World without going through the will of the people.
    The letters can be fund here

    Here is another article worth reading

    What the Fuck is going on?
    A quick and comprehensive overview regarding what the fuck is actually currently happening on this planet.


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