August 07, 2022

Just to let you know

   So it's my birthday in a few days and I'm gonna have a few friends over in the backyard. We'll be eating T-bones cooked on real clean wood. The setup is an old washing machine tub for burning wood and the grill is from an old fridge when they had stainless steel shelves without plastic on them. I know I know it's a welfare setup but the meat is cooked so much better like that than on the propane propaganda that they started back in the 80's. "Use our propane and you will not get cancer" bit. LOL

   43$ CAD  For three T-bones one inch and a half thick. That was on sale obviously. This might be the last year I can afford those before we are forced to eat Soylent Green and I'm sharing the meat with retards that all took the vax at least once. 

   In any case, I'm telling you this because if I do miss a day or two of posting, you will know why and I don't want you to think that I'm on an other extended vacation. lol

   Moreover, I consider some of you guys to be my friends much more than family because you understand better what is happening than the morons around. The absurdity of what is going on is unbelievably astonishing.

   Good luck everyone " And be safe! Please put your muzzles on !"  LOL


  1. Thanks man. I didn't know that you could be positive. It is refreshing LOL.

  2. Happy birthday! Don’t let the vaxxed breathe on your steak!

  3. Enjoy - I like your 'grill' - Happy Birthday!!

  4. If Doltmann crashes his Bigwheel into the pool again this year, don’t stress man, just make sure his floaty arm rings are fully inflated and leave him to making his motorboat noises until his children fingers are ready.

  5. Enjoy yourself zap! I have not had a T-bone in years! Actually they are not even for sale in many midsized grocery stores near me! It's chicken legs, hamburger and the odd sirloin for this humble slave.

  6. Enjoy zap. Be careful with the vaccinated.

  7. Happy Birthday and enjoy those steaks!! very interesting set up btw- I don't think I've ever had anything cooked over wood.

  8. Propane-flamed meat causes cancer?

    btw, what's the best anonymous/rechargeable 'debit-card' (w least cost/fees)?

    Wanna send some B-day money ;-)

  9. Happy Birthday Zap. Enjoy your flesh and fire celebration! Thanks for sharing. You know many of us love your cantankerous self no matter how you serve it up.

  10. LOL snips.

    @ ruxpert. In the 80's they started to say that charcoal cooked meat was giving us cancer lol so many people eventually switched to propane. Such bullshit.

  11. Thanks for the donation "Joe". It nearly pays for the steaks and I do appreciate it for sure man.


  12. @ Zap:
    Charcoal tastes good, wood tastes better, propane char-broil bistro quick & easy ;-)
    that little char-broil bistro gets super hot fast, ... I take a frozen burger pattie outta the freezer right onto the grill, 4 min each side, & I'm eating before I'm waiting, bob's yer uncle! ;-)

    America Is Waiting

  13. I will never argue about propane being practical but it doesn't taste the same as wood or charcoal is all.

  14. I forgot to say that in Sherbrooke city they let trees grow so much that people are chopping them down and leave them on the side of the road. You can actually pick up a whole cord of wood for free if your timing is right.

    The retards actually think that they are saving the planet by not burning it.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


  16. Thanks for reminding me: I need to get more wood for winter!


    " ... there is near deleterious insanity that has gripped the “leadership” of the West and they

    believe that the destruction of the world is an acceptable outcome provided that they still rule it."

    'Today’s Brief: The Dragon on the Threshold'

    Sending the Wicked Witch of the West, cackling and laughing at China,
    as she soared into their sovereign territory on her broom was an insult of carefully calculated

    The Jezebel Spirit
    Americans will pay the ultimate price for tolerating the likes of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi

  17. Happy Birthday, zapoper!!!

    YUM!!! I hope you enjoy those steaks!

    - bb9


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