September 10, 2022

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2022.09.10

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - Technical difficulties during this show
Hour 2 - Unintelligible parts were edited out
Hour 3 - News And Current Events

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  1. Fly into Cebu, Philippines and don't worry about being vaxxed. The Mactan Cebu Airport website has all the details.

  2. There are two issues:

    1) Integrity - we should not be supporting nations fully esconsed in biomedical terrorism and totalitarianism and this is indeed the case with the Philippines. A visit unless absolutely necessary is a reward to those engaged in this forced vaccination campaign, which is what the Philippines is doing and

    2) Intra country travel. Passing between provinces poses high risk as they still use vaccine passports in most areas to travel between province to province. It is near impossible to board ferries, for instance, without presenting a vaccine passport,

    Cebu is open because Gov Gwen is a nationalist and is for the people. You still have to spend 6 days in prepaid jail and still subject yourself to invasive testing to get out of jail, neither of which should be an option to anyone wanting to put an end to all this idiocy.

  3. I suspect that you will find your way back there Dennis, as will I. Being in the USA is making me realize that the country is irretrievably doomed and without hope. At least in Cebu, I can be my own king.

  4. Truth be told, I saw all of this coming in 2002 and that is when I made plans to leave. Back in 2002, there was absolutely ZERO awareness of anything and just a few of us were speaking about it and some in my private circles had gone mad as they were seen as crazy.

    Cebu is good. You just have to pay that 5-6 day jail sentence. Extortion is good business and government sponsored extortion is perhaps the best and that is what is going on in the Philippines.

    There ARE ways to get into the Phil without being "vaccinated", but requires a bit of diplomatic skill. Yes, I COULD go tomorrow. But see item #1 above. The best way to support any country is to support those countries that operate on an adult level and are not playing these stupid Jewish Covid games.

    It is all pure corruption. As Klaus Shwab brags about, countries really are occupied and 2020 showed just how damaging and coordinated this infiltration is. It is global.

    This world is run by cultists that want to destroy everything good about the planet and humanity. We face a difficult task that only Nationalism can solve.

  5. Dennis wrote: "pay that 5-6 day jail sentence"

    Is that real jail or a hotel room? Because here in Canada it was hotel rooms.

  6. You fly into Mactan Cebu International airport for starters. Of course, you must have already prearranged your hotel reservations for 5 days. Not really a problem, as you can get a decent hotel room for about $60 per night at the Mactan Newtown area of Lapu Lapu City, which is only about a 10 minute ride from the airport. I did it in 2020 before the vaccines were the latest and greatest thing to save mankind from the virus that is 99 percent survivable.

    As an alternative, Vietnam is looking better and better everyday. But wait, just a few days ago they said you don't have to wear your face diaper outdoors in the Philippines! For a country that is really needing tourism, it's about 40 percent of thier GDP, they make no sense at all with the covid policies they have instituted.

    I have to wonder how much their price was?


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