September 20, 2022

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2022.09.19

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Donald Jeffries  - Round And Round, Down And Down

Download Hour 2 - Erica Khan  - Trying To Save Some Of The 20% That Shedding Was Designed To Kill

Download Hour 3 - Richard Allgire  - Remote Viewing The World - LINK
64k CF


  1. Richard-Kary did a Great (((bill gates))) !!! ;-)

  2. I LIKE Listening to Richard Kary:

  3. Mike Sledge was Great on the Above! :-)

  4. Zap, why don't you just make Albert an admin? :)

  5. You…….. know—->>Albert:)) would be $$$punctual$$$ with his …….posts:):):)

  6. NO! -- I Agree with Zap! ;-)

    Maybe NO-ONE has ever Really Enjoyed being MY Friend !!! :-o

    -- And I have a "Nasally"-Voice! (Maybe just-THAT is reason-enough for MY No-Friends!) ;-)

    --> Even Scorpio WROTE in a POST (BEFORE the "Break-Up" .... for ME to eMail HIM .....

    -- I WROTE HIM some GREAT and very sincere eMails ....

    ... and HE never-even-Replied !!! ;-)

    It is EASY to just: "Give 'Constructive' Criticizm..." .....

    -- But FAR HARDER to EVER "PLEASE" .... most-ANYONE !!! ;-)

    (Maybe Especially Women! ..... They, 'just' Sort-of-Specialize: In PRETENDING to "LIKE" someone !!!

    -- That is maybe WHY they (When one is a "Loser" etc -- Some SAY it is ALL: Money-Quantity!) consider it "STEALING" ....

    [Especially as-they-become a bit-Older ....] When they are "expected" to PRETEND-to-Be-"Friendly" .... Without sufficient-PAYMENT!

    ie: Hey!!! -- It is a LOT of "WORK" .... to PRETEND-to-Be-"FRIENDLY" !!! ... And YOU .. didn't PAY ME !!! :-o

    -- There is even a Term: "Pouting Bitch Face" !!! ;-)

    As women, as they get Older ...... Actually-HAVE-a-Permanent-Unhappy-Look ..... which is only Momentarily-Obscured, when they FAKE-a-Smile! :-o )

  7. But Albert, if you're a Mami's admin you won't even have to post anything, in fact, you won't have to do anything at all...and no one will care!

  8. @ Erik Paul


    At school we TRIED to "PLEASE" Others .... (Some Go Their Entire-Live-Times: continuing to TRY to Do So! ;-) )

    -- I ended-up: Mostly Giving-Up: On THAT! ;-)

    It's Quite a Luxury, to NOT "care" what Others "THINK" ... really! ;-)

    You, may-not have realized it .... but, YES! indeed few even "MIND" when I DON'T do-Anything .... Like Here also, at Mami's !!! ;-)

    They, don't "care" ...

    I Know they Don't "care" ...

    They Know that I Know that they don't "care" ...

    I Know that they Know that I Know that they don't "care" ...

    -- And, yet, I still POST MY: Caps-for-EMPHASIS (Like TALKING! ;-) ): "Crazy" Posts! ;-)

  9. Albert, You are a treasure. Don't ever change.

  10. II, for one, would love to see his posts translated to spoken word, in real time.

  11. Albert, you always brighten my day! And I consider you a friend!!:):):)



    (I Forgot to put the noses)


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