October 08, 2022

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2022.10.08

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download


  1. I've often wondered: Why do so many revere Mr. Fetcho?

    Many here have commented on the fact that The Saudi's are the world's worst or best (depending on your point of view) Crypto Jews!

    The Saudi's have enabled the Israeli's over and over!

    Who did Mr.Fetcho work for over the past 7 years? Why as he used to brag quite often, he advises the Saudi Military and gets paid very well for that help.

    You can tell a LOT about a man by who pays him!

    No-one verbally assaults the Israeli's more than Fetch, but No-One else in the alter native media is so blatant about who pays him.

    1. The Mon (-o) - eye have multiple ways of symbolism possible to carry proof of the "carries fruits from his labor"..

      I suggest you figure a way to account for the money holding your life together.. Since The Fetch is open with his line of delivering/charging for services to make him provide for his bread on the table..

      Now: Do you provide with/from/for "an eye of the providence" or "an all (over-) seeing eye (by ways of deception/to decieve) "..

      As bb9 puts it "The great (peer to peer) experiment" or "Along (like mark passio claims:) the (mono masters one way road) of the great experiment (The hidden hand is never to be spoken of and never acceptus you near its snake head)"

      Fetcho had to abandon all line of ways to provide himself from the soil of his homeland due the "the hidden hands" power politics yoo element but he do can despite the yoo/yahodim factor provide for himself in the heart lands of the Sauds..

      Why don't you call in live to the show and ask him your self?

      He will take your call.. If you are smart to have a civiliced manner he will even respectu your position if you can stand your ground with honour..

    2. Aww poor murderous jew doesn't like being named, too bad. If you think fetch is so 'bad' and 10 years ago, sure he was one of the few naming the jew, but now he's pretty moderate on the news. The times and the youngster's have caught up \0 they think Hitler was too damn nice LMFAO gab is awesome

  2. ive never trusted the fetch ever since he started broadcasting from saudi in 2013. I had questions about him when he was based in amman jordan, but I didnt really make much of it. I still listen to fetcho on occassion, but it gets old when all i hear on his show every 10 seconds is joo joo joo joo joo joo joo joo,, israel israel israel israel israel israel, oy vey ,etc. LMFAO ROFL. ... The fetch has potential, but i think hes another turd in the punch bowl like jeff rense. he mixes truth with crap. i mainly listen to him for his geopolitical take on the world,, but when gets back to ranting about khazarianland, i get bored and listen to something else.

  3. There was a segment on the UKC program about the jabs for Russian recruits that isn't quite what Fetch cracked it out to be - they are the best source on the subject I've seen yet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Obviously there is money being made.

  6. I didnt get to listen other than the first 15 minutes. I admint i can be entirely off on this one but really Fetch? I admit ive a Putin fanboy going back to 14 when (((they))) tried to fuck over RUS with the MH17 false flag. Everyone here, alt media for the most part has the ability to think. The ability to listen and be open to things you may never had thought might be wrong. I admit ive been more skeptic of Putin ever since this SMO has begun. You all know why.Its the damn timing of things. Why now after you had 8 damn years to do something about while the Ukies had that time to prepare. Yes, i do know that the ukies stepped up the shelling by an insane amount in the week prior. Now its the ,wait, you mean to tell me Nordsteam was a shocker to Putin? As i type it now appears maybe it was a boat underneath. Visual evidence does prove there was a boat underneath as the bridge exploded. Maybe it was just perfect timing. I dont know. But lets just say it was. So Putin comes out today and says security will be ramped up at the bridge. Well Duh..You should have known darn well pipeline and bridge would have been targets A and A1 Its these constant lapses of judgement that seem to make Fetcho''s statements legit. The downing of the Il-20 in Syria by the heebee's F-16. You mean to tell me you werent aware of this tactic. Is it cloaking ?15 soldiers. Nothing It is right to question Putin more and more. Some things they do, or dont , buy the Fetch' rant today about Putin , you had to be thinking, Huh? Look i never ever read west MSM. RT is kinda the better house in a bad neighborhood. Its never been the same since the founder was found dead in a DC hotel or since Hot Abbey Martin left. (i think its safe to say after her Palestine exposes she got a little tap on the shoulder) Though off topic lets all admit Rachel Blevins has to be the all time hottest..lol Maybe im missing something but i have never ever heard of mandatory v a double x for Russian citizens or the military. Someone go ask John Mark Dugan ? Ok help me out with this. Putin has nearly a 80% approval rating. So your telling me all the mothers of russian men being sent to war are that stupid ? Come on Dennis. You have to show proof there. Can anyone ? For now i think it be best to side with Fetch. It goes against my viewpoint but he has connections. I dont

  7. m sure there are many in the camp like myself that find it a damn shame of the events the past month regarding SFR. I find the biggest loss was one George Hobbs. Or was it ? Look we can say all the nicey nice bullshit, that George was exhausted blah blah. The guy is/was a damn good host IMHO. But dude. Didnt you serve 20 years in the military ? And your exhausted ? And you bailed ? Yes you did. You bailed. Once again back to Vlad your timing sucks as to what else conclusion?? should i make ?? Buelher Buelher ? Bottom line George. I dont buy your reasons. Im open to proving me wrong which should be pretty easy. Other than that. Toughen up buttercup. All i know is we all lost on that one.

    1. Go listen to jewseppe and middle easterner Ghahari character assassinate Gaddy. That's a couple of narcissistic sociopaths talking and I'm not even a fan of Gaddy.

      Plus these guys along with Paul English are sketchy as hell. Ghahari made a secret SEALED deal with the Sandy hoax crew, throwing fetzer, et al under the bus. Ghahari even put fetzers web site under his name so Gharari could make money get data off fetzers work. English should be being tried for hate crimes just like everyone else in the UK.

      And they told Scorpio he could not have a guest on. Like who the fk are they? The question isn't why Hobbs left, obviously he's a smart man, the question is why the others are staying

  8. So because of that we now get to hear the painful agony of Mr. Sledge . Ive made it abundantly clear here that i have the utmost respect for Dave Scorpio and this is not dissing him. I sure will not, now, get on the "its the company you keep" band wagon Does this guy have a long track record of cred that i never heard of? Very painful to listen. So Mr Sledge. hows that lawsuit for defamation working out for you ? The one that you mentioned probably 5 times in that infamous show? Honestly i find Dave a little more classy as to do such. So werent you the guy that in passing discussion mention (paraphrasing ) "what junk military equipment Russia must have"?? You see this is a classic example of one the gripes everyone has with alt media, including clueless posters like myself. If you dont know what the hell your talking about. Do everyone a favor . Put your mic down and dont do one more show until you do some "book learnin" ,as they say in what seems to be your nape of the neck . Ive never heard such an asinine. ignorant comment as that. So here is a guy, in alt media. unwittingly letting all know how he is as brainwashed to the MIC as one would assume he is against. ?? So Mike has never heard of a S400. Or a SU-35 ? or a TU-160?? Or a Kinzal ? huh? Did you ever spend the time to research what an engineering marvel the TU-95 is ? And for anyone that wants to go there about Admiral Kuznetsov dont. Ill chew you up and have you for breakfast like the ass clowns on "The Drive" Word has it the Armada is being deployed. Lets just keep it simple here Mr. Sledge. As you may know Russia does not have endless amounts of shekles and joobucks printed out of thin air like the MIC.Russia has to make every ruble count. Their budget is 65 Billion vs our 800. I can buy one Sukhoi for 3 Spruce Gooses aka F-35 .Hmm. Geez . Decisions decisions . Ill Take the SuperFlanker for 500 Alex. And ill take a TU--22 and TU-160 over a B-52. A Su-25 over a A-10, a MIG31 over, basically anything on this planet.A S400 over a Patriot . A T90 over a M1A1 , all any day of the week !! We have been brainwashed for decades that we have the best equipment, but what we really have is over cost dog shit.

  9. The F-35 will NEVER see a day of combat. Book it. Why would they take the risk of it going against a SU-35 , getting its ass handed to it, and then all the buyers ask,”what kind of piece of shit did you sell me for 200 Million. “ ? So Mr Sledge. Just do us a favor and do some homework before you spout about military and legal issues. I don’t know shit but at least I disclose it. Im sure ill figure out a way over time to respect you. Just don’t have it now.

    Overall I just wanted to ask everyone .Maybe the answer is obvious. So we are picking a fight with a nuclear power that has been called a fuel depot disguised as a country .Supposedly for their natural resources.??.So were supposed to drop all combustible engines by 2035 ? ish. Isnt that a contradiction? So if your ditching ECE s why wouldnt you just Russia die on its own with solar panels. ??
    Over a year ago on these boards ,Dave Scorpio and I had a quick exchange when I suggested a hypothetical war there, would be a war designed to NOT win. Designed to have as many white christian men kill each other. Etc etc. Just think of it as a scene in Good Fellas. When Henry and Tommy sit in the car. Thats what a mobster does. You squeeze every last sheckle you can (Quantitative Easing ) , You light a match and watch the fucker burn. Can anyone come up with a better analogy ? Thats what the jooz are doing now. They looted it and are just sitting in the car putting a match to it. They stole all the loot and soon it will be so dangerous here ,one way tickets subsidize by the taxpayer to TelAviv will be available. If Paul from California truly does come here, im sure hell have an answer! My oh my enough of channeling my inner Albert ! I cant hold a candle to that dude

    Oh and BTW Zap. The Leafs wont win shit . LOL Chicago Cubs on skates. Thanks for all you have done

    and if anyone by chance would really like to see what an engineering marvel the TU-95 is , i back my statements up. matsimus is so fair, unbiased. He is a former Canadian tank dude if im not mistaken. I just have a bit of a problem with the ,well.what are you doing to help your own peeps ?



  10. I worked building locomotives for many years, during a slowdown I was transferred to General Dynamics - who were building LAV's for the Saudi Army. I took one look at the laser guided missiles and multiple machine guns on the "peacekeeping" LAV's!

    I didn't last 48 hours, I knew what the Saudi military vehicles would be used for, I couldn't sleep at night.

    So I quit in so doing I walked away from over - $1million in overtime over 7 years.

    I stood up for what is right for Me.

    Can Dennis make that claim?

    I know we all have to feed our families, but you also have to be true to yourself.

  11. Greed makes people do things and work for powers that they know is clearly wrong. It’s like, “How much money do you need to get by?”. Of course when you are used to a 5 star lifestyle, you will rationalize it all and do a radio show to cover your guilt.

  12. all you need to know putin is on "their side" is to see the clip of him kissing that kid in the belly in 2006! HAHAHAHA we all know mr sleepy joe likes to grope children. so why in the fuck is it ok for putin to kiss people's belly and think thats ok. HAHAHA

  13. people just came up and started talking to me. He seemed very independent and serious. At the same time a child is always defenceless and nice. I wanted to cuddle him like a kitten and it came out in this gesture. He seemed so nice - there was nothing really behind that.

  14. Am going to comment here and frankly to my detractors, it is your right and frankly, I don't care all that much. I give up my Saturday's to broadcast as best a show as I can. To those of you who are tired of the "Jew, Jew, Jew." I hear ya. Even I think it gets a little stale, but then I get comments privately that they did not understand why I was so "anti-Jewish" but kept listening and now they understand.


    Regarding my presentation, I will only admit to this: it is designed for multiple audiences at multiple stratas to include those who are at senior layers of human governance. What I say makes its way into statements from Nationalist leaders. Such does not mean that they listen to me; it does say that what I am thinking is also being thought by our allies across the globe.

    Regarding Putin. The rant was more a challenge. Putin HAS to gut his deep state pharmaceutical 5th column into the morgue just as we do. In nearly every of the 80 regions of Russia, Russia instituted QR Code entry requirements for entering restaurants, gov offices, etc; ie, get vaxxed or be cut off from Russian society. St. Petersburg issued mandatory vax mandates. Moscow put in place a mandatory 60% worker vaccine uptake or risk fines and closure.
    Putin said that vaccines were not mandatory, but his Deep State medical 5th column ignored his wishes and forced the issue anyways.

    In late 2020, The Russian military embarked on a campaign to vaxx 400K service members. This was ordered by Putin.

    The point is that Russia is not a saint here. Russia's actions were right in line with WEF/Gates goals of massive inoculations, vaccine passports, draconian lockdowns, and all the other bullshit we saw across the globe. In fact, Russia was an eager and enthusiastic promoter of the Deep State global Covid strategy.

  15. @BillyBob - I also left defense when I was helping a company make machine gun turrets for helicopters that ended up in Turkey and were used in strafing civilians. Today, my activities largely are only in non-lethal activities and pure defensive activities.

    I was actually telling my RSAF colleagues, while on their bases, that the nonsense going on in Yemen in the way it was being done had to stop. That takes guts and surprisingly, many agreed. Some things are bigger that even countries however.

    I taught kids who lost their fathers in Yemen as part of an education support program. Hardly sinister and I got kicked off the base because the commander thought my knowledge was not that held by just a "teacher".

    Uniforms? Sinister? I don't think so. Unit heraldry? OMG...that is sinister as hell to some I guess.

    People put in their minds the spookiest of ideas because they just don't know and not knowing the totality is what keeps people interested and listening.

  16. Some alternative information on Russian vaccine policies -


    Explain.ru cites the same June 18 decree that the Ministry of Defense used to vaccinate all military personnel:

    Medical care for military personnel is a priority for the state. In accordance with the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated June 18, 2021 No. 129, mandatory immunization applies to all categories of military personnel, including those called up for mobilization.

    Vaccination is essential to prevent the occurrence of any epidemics. Therefore, it is mandatory for conscripts and military personnel and is carried out according to the vaccination calendar and according to epidemiological indications.

    There is nothing up for debate here: COVID vaccination is mandatory for all military personnel. The only question is how many mobilized Russians will be subjected to this insane policy.

    Three regions have already publicly announced that they will vaccinate mobilized citizens. The main word here is “publicly.”

  17. Just out Oct 19

    Sputnik V NOT included on list of mandatory vaccines for mobilized Russians
    Ministry of Defense decides the current "epidemiological situation" does not warrant compulsory COVID vaccination

    Edward Slavsquat
    Oct 10


    As I said above, they don't listen to me, but what I say is put into the ether and it seems people get it. Putin has to take on the 5th Column Biomedical industry....

  18. @Spoonful

    We are only interested in the facts. What about Röper?

    We encourage everyone to read Röper’s October 4 article, and watch UK Column’s “coverage” of compulsory vaccination in Russia.

    Röper claims COVID vaccination has only been mandatory for Russian doctors, and asserts vaccine decrees (which were adopted by every region in Russia) “could hardly be implemented in practice.” This is false. It’s not even up for debate. He needs to correct these statements.

    Röper also claims that there is no compulsory COVID vaccination in the Russian military. Also completely false. Compulsory vaccination was implemented in June 2021, and all available evidence shows it was carried out—at least up until December 2021. He is denying objective reality. He needs to correct this statement.

    Röper defends Sputnik V and claims he is unaware of any “serious side effects” linked to this completely unproven genetic experiment. This is beyond comprehension. Röper needs to acknowledge the obvious and documented questions about Sputnik V’s “safety and efficacy.” We would also like to know why he is so insistent on carrying water for a barely tested AstraZeneca clone.

    UK Column parroted Röper’s claims without any meaningful scrutiny. We hope that in the future they will provide more comprehensive, objective coverage of these issues.

  19. Source - Your humble correspondent has once again been exposed as a dangerous H-O-A-X-E-R! But this time by UK Column. Oh no not again.

    Before we address these new damning and devastating accusations, let’s briefly review the history of compulsory vaccination in the Russian military.

    Your humble correspondent has once again been exposed as a dangerous H-O-A-X-E-R! But this time by UK Column. Oh no not again.

    Before we address these new damning and devastating accusations, let’s briefly review the history of compulsory vaccination in the Russian military.


    Out as of Oct 10...some corrections which I can now bring tp the show Saturday...

    Sputnik V NOT included on list of mandatory vaccines for mobilized Russians
    Ministry of Defense decides the current "epidemiological situation" does not warrant compulsory COVID vaccination

    Edward Slavsquat
    Oct 10

  20. Start listening at 49 minutes of this show.

    The same thing happened during a Kaminski show when Loki was naming sites and urls. What are the odds?

  21. @ the Fetch. fair enough. It is your show and you can talk about what you want. but just on my observation, I only listen to your geopolitical take as you do bring a different view with your connections to the middle east. Sometimes I will listen to the whole show, but for the most I dont as I have been hearing about the J factor for a good while from other hosts as well; since about 2009. I also listen to Charles Giuliani form truthhertz and he talks alot of about the J factor as well, but his bible rants do get annoying so i tend to skip those as well.


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