October 04, 2022

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2022.10.03

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Donald Jeffries  - An Author's Eye View Of The End Of The Line

Download Hour 2 - Erica Khan  - The End Of The Graphene Oxide In The Vax Fraud - New Extensive German Study Finds ZERO G.O.

Download Hour 3 - Mitchell Henderson  - Ukraine Nuclear Ground Zero?

64k CF


  1. The Jefferies segment is good stuff. Thanks Zap for editing out the spooky musical intro it gives me
    LSD flashbacks.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm not kidding. One night I was laying in bed with the lights off, the Rense music began, that unmistakable once familiar feeling in the jaw returned and I felt myself floating off the mattress.

  3. Whoever composed his opening theme was no slouch and knew how to tell stories with music and sound effects.

    It basically portrays a journey into a dark and ominous and threatening place, like a dark woods or forest, which the deeper you go into it, the more it becomes an Alice in Wonderland-like experience where things prove to be an illusion (things writhing and creaking, the sound of wind blowing through dark canopies of trees, the sound of bats taking flight, the sounds of giant metal pilings coming loose from something and tumbling down amidst oceans of reverberation as if your foundations are coming out from beneath you, then all those sounds slowing down as if they were fake all along and being played by a turntable losing power, and finally the sound of a giant machine thumping and pumping away as if you've reached the center of the illusion only to find some soulless incarnation of The Machine itself that was behind the Wizard-of-Oz curtains, running it all ... I think I can even hear the sound of snarling dogs or animals buried in reverb mixed in toward the end, right around where that pumping machine effect is, just before the final synthy keyboard notes finish off the theme).

    As a storytelling musical piece I've always thought it deserved some kind of minor award. It's very layered and basically boils down to an acoustic journey into a nightmare, or into hell.

  4. "It's very layered and basically boils down to an acoustic journey into a nightmare, or into hell."

    Much like listening to Jeff Rense - lol

  5. LOL. Especially when Erica is on.

  6. Forgot to add: and considering everything he covers on his show and links to from his site seems to somehow be dark, depressing, or fatalistic, thematically, it fits perfectly. :-P

    By the way, I missed a bunch of his broadcasts last week. Did he say anything during any of them about why he's suddenly selling his home?

    Don't know if anyone noticed, but yesterday, I noticed he put up a photo of his house near the top of his front page as part of some broader ad listing houses in his area being sold by a REMAX agent. You can see it here:

    https://web.archive.org/web/20221004033809/https://rense.com/index.php (the ad links to https://web.archive.org/web/20221004032055/https://rense.com/general97/rs.php).

    And yes, that is his house. Photos of it have been posted all over the internet before, including on that famous hitpiece site at https://web.archive.org/web/20161122182311/http://jeffrense.org/lifestyle/the-not-so-humble-abode/ which appeared a decade ago around when the ADL launched its infamous attack against him, and Henry Makow started laying into him, causing the two to start writing a series of articles exposing each others' personal lives.

    Anyway, it really surprises me to see he's selling. The property he owns is very large and he bought it decades ago when it was nothing but dirt, dead weeds, and a crappy house with a bad foundation. Over the years since, he's used heavy CAT equipment to personally DIY it into a paradise. He graded the land into rolling hills, planted trees and grass everywhere, dug ponds from natural springs and lined them with boulders, installed light railroad tracks for a train complete with a tunnel, put in gazebos, etc. One of them is even on an island in the middle of one of the larger ponds and has an arch bridge leading to it. (If anyone wonders how I know, there used to be photos all over the web of his property. He had a couple friends who had visited him at different times and posted photos they took of him working on his property in their Flickr/MySpace albums, including shots of him driving the CAT equipment himself. There were also a bunch more posted/leaked around the time of the ADL attack and the Makow feud. Others he has posted himself, usually when selling his collectable cars. I can't remember all of them, but https://web.archive.org/web/20120223134522/http://www.rense.com/MUNTZJT/muntzjet.htm is one that comes to mind.)

    Bottom line is, he really poured his soul and sweat into that place over the last 20+ years to make a secluded paradise for himself and I wonder what on earth could provoke him to suddenly bail. He's tried multiple times to sell his sightings domain and also his main domain, so I figured he was interested in retiring. Now I'm starting to wonder if with all the WWIII/collapse bullshit he's interested in the southern hemisphere.

  7. Zap - Yeah, those Scarica guest appearances are really becoming something else. I remember after Fukushima, everything was "death and agony and destruction raining down on everyone everywhere" for YEARS. No food was safe for you, everything was going to die, the whole pacific ocean ... he still even runs the commercial saying that, now that I think of it.

    The thing is, I know he believed it, because right after 3/11 happened, covered greenhouses went up on his property. If you know the address (it was leaked in the Makow feud), you can look at his property's evolution over time. He had outdoor raised garden beds for growing what I presume was most of his organic vegan diet. After 3/11 happened, the next Google Earth photo showed that they'd been completely replaced with those half-dome/round-topped style indoor growing greenhouses, I guess "to keep the radiation out."

  8. By the way, I missed a bunch of his broadcasts last week. Did he say anything during any of them about why he's suddenly selling his home?

    Don't know if anyone noticed, but yesterday, I noticed he put up a photo of his house near the top of his front page as part of some broader ad listing houses in his area being sold by a REMAX agent. You can see it here:

    https://web.archive.org/web/20221004033809/https://rense.com/index.php (the ad links to https://web.archive.org/web/20221004032055/https://rense.com/general97/rs.php).

    And yes, that is his house. Photos of it have been posted all over the internet before, including on that famous hitpiece site at https://web.archive.org/web/20161122182311/http://jeffrense.org/lifestyle/the-not-so-humble-abode/ which appeared a decade ago around when the ADL launched its infamous attack against him, and Henry Makow started laying into him, causing the two to start writing a series of articles exposing each others' personal lives.

    Anyway, it really surprises me to see he's selling. The property he owns is very large and he bought it decades ago when it was nothing but dirt, dead weeds, and a crappy house with a bad foundation. Over the years since, he's used heavy CAT equipment to personally DIY it into a paradise. He graded the land into rolling hills, planted trees and grass everywhere, dug ponds from natural springs and lined them with boulders, installed light railroad tracks for a train complete with a tunnel, put in gazebos, etc. One of them is even on an island in the middle of one of the larger ponds and has an arch bridge leading to it. (If anyone wonders how I know, there used to be photos all over the web of his property. He had a couple friends who had visited him at different times and posted photos they took of him working on his property in their Flickr/MySpace albums, including shots of him driving the CAT equipment himself. There were also a bunch more posted/leaked around the time of the ADL attack and the Makow feud. Others he has posted himself, usually when selling his collectable cars. I can't remember all of them, but https://web.archive.org/web/20120223134522/http://www.rense.com/MUNTZJT/muntzjet.htm is one that comes to mind.)

    Bottom line is, he really poured his soul and sweat into that place over the last 20+ years to make a secluded paradise for himself and I wonder what on earth could provoke him to suddenly bail. He's tried multiple times to sell his sightings domain and also his main domain, so I figured he was interested in retiring. Now I'm starting to wonder if with all the WWIII/collapse bullshit he's interested in the southern hemisphere.

  9. By the way, I missed a bunch of his broadcasts last week. Did he say anything during any of them about why he's suddenly selling his home?

    Don't know if anyone noticed, but yesterday, I noticed he put up a photo of his house near the top of his front page as part of some broader ad listing houses in his area being sold by a REMAX agent. And yes, that is his house. Photos of it have been posted all over the internet before, including on that famous hitpiece site at jeff rense dot org which appeared a decade ago around when the ADL launched its infamous attack against him, and Henry Makow started laying into him, causing the two to start writing a series of articles exposing each others' personal lives. (Look for the "not so humble abode" article at that domain.)

    Anyway, it really surprises me to see he's selling. The property he owns is very large and he bought it decades ago when it was nothing but dirt, dead weeds, and a crappy house with a bad foundation. Over the years since, he's used heavy CAT equipment to personally DIY it into a paradise. He graded the land into rolling hills, planted trees and grass everywhere, dug ponds from natural springs and lined them with boulders, installed light railroad tracks for a train complete with a tunnel, put in gazebos, etc. One of them is even on an island in the middle of one of the larger ponds and has an arch bridge leading to it. (If anyone wonders how I know, there used to be photos all over the web of his property. He had a couple friends who had visited him at different times and posted photos they took of him working on his property in their Flickr/MySpace albums, including shots of him driving the CAT equipment himself. There were also a bunch more posted/leaked around the time of the ADL attack and the Makow feud. Others he has posted himself, usually when selling his collectable cars. I can't remember all of them, but one for a Muntz Jet car comes to mind. You can find it in google by doing a site: search of his domain along with the keyword Muntz.)

    Bottom line is, he really poured his soul and sweat into that place over the last 20+ years to make a secluded paradise for himself and I wonder what on earth could provoke him to suddenly bail. He's tried multiple times to sell his sightings domain and also his main domain, so I figured he was interested in retiring. Now I'm starting to wonder if with all the WWIII/collapse bullshit he's interested in the southern hemisphere.

  10. Also, I'm trying to post a follow-up comment, but Blogger seems to think it's spam.

  11. 'k, I don't know which keywords are responsible, but I'm not going to re-phrase the whole thing. So I've pasted the comment here instead:


  12. I am posting LOWERCASE GUY'S forbidden comment:

    By the way, I missed a bunch of his broadcasts last week. Did he say anything during any of them about why
    he's suddenly selling his home?

    Don't know if anyone noticed, but yesterday, I noticed he put up a photo of his house near the top of his
    front page as part of some broader ad listing houses in his area being sold by a REMAX agent. You can see
    it at https://web.archive.org/web/20221004033809/https://rense.com/index.php (the ad links to
    https://web.archive.org/web/20221004032055/https://rense.com/general97/rs.php ). And yes, that is his
    house. Photos of it have been posted all over the internet before, including on that famous hitpiece site
    at https://web.archive.org/web/20161122182311/http://jeffrense.org/lifestyle/the-not-so-humble-abode/ which
    appeared a decade ago around when the ADL launched its infamous attack against him, and Henry Makow started
    laying into him, causing the two to start writing a series of articles exposing each others' personal lives.

    Anyway, it really surprises me to see he's selling. The property he owns is very large and he bought it
    decades ago when it was nothing but dirt, dead weeds, and a crappy house with a bad foundation. Over the
    years since, he's used heavy CAT equipment to personally DIY it into a paradise. He graded the land into
    rolling hills, planted trees and grass everywhere, dug ponds from natural springs and lined them with
    boulders, installed light railroad tracks for a train complete with a tunnel, put in gazebos, etc. One of
    them is even on an island in the middle of one of the larger ponds and has an arch bridge leading to it.
    (If anyone wonders how I know, there used to be photos all over the web of his property. He had a couple
    friends who had visited him at different times and posted photos they took of him working on his property
    in their Flickr/MySpace albums, including shots of him driving the CAT equipment himself. There were also
    a bunch more posted/leaked around the time of the ADL attack and the Makow feud. Others he has posted
    himself, usually when selling his collectable cars. I can't remember all of them, but
    https://web.archive.org/web/20120223134522/http://www.rense.com/MUNTZJT/muntzjet.htm is one that comes to

    Bottom line is, he really poured his soul and sweat into that place over the last 20+ years to make a
    secluded paradise for himself and I wonder what on earth could provoke him to suddenly bail. He's tried
    multiple times to sell his sightings domain and also his main domain, so I figured he was interested in
    retiring. Now I'm starting to wonder if with all the WWIII/collapse BS he's interested in the southern

    1. Fascinating information. I hope he isn't moving due to external pressure by the usual suspects.

      It's 10 minutes until today's show I'm turning the lights off and laying down now.

  13. Thanks, Scorpio. I loathe spam filtering algorithms. You can never tell what causes false positives, and almost anything can affect whether they will occur (browser versions, whether you surf with/without javascript enabled, even whether your ISP has rDNS on your IP... mine doesn't bother so naturally that causes problems constantly; I have actually had to have relatives on other PCs, at other ISPs, post certain Youtube comments for me before because of this BS). This internet has become a mess.

  14. No problem - are you sure that is Rense's house for sale or is it just an ad some real estate guy purchased on his site?

  15. Don't scratch your head too much there LOWERCASE GUY. For some reason one of the admins here put your comment in the spambox.

  16. I guess that he's moving to Cheyenne Mountain, he doesn't have high enough clearance for Antarctica. LOL

  17. the funny thing about jeffry rense is that he says if your V'ed your boned and there is no hope for you. While it is very true the V'ed can potentially will have health problems, wash rinse repeat makes it seam like there is no hope and you might as well commit harakiri LMAO. and the viral shetting is real as well, but again rinse it making it seem that even if your not V'ed, the viral shitting will get you, so you might as well call it a day and jump off a bridge. rinse gets a truth bomb, and turns it into a truth Tsar Bomaba. rinse is like a weird loosh machine XD. the FLCCC doctors have been treeting V'ed injured and long covid patients, but rinse will spend 99% talking about how every one will die. I find it strange that rinse is vegan, considering its a unhealthy diet. you would think even rinse would eat some beef liver of chicken liver every now and than, but i guess rinse its just a crazie. rinse is definitely on supplementation for b12, as b12 is needed by the human body, and you cant get it unless its from an animal source. Jeffry Rense does put out good info, but he is like the turd in the punch bowl alex jones called David Icke years ago XD. he mixes truth with crap.

  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLavEsafCZ4 Why Vegans Fail (Humans Are Carnivores) ... Carneval
    somebody send this video to wash rinse repeat. Carneval on youtube putts out good videos exposing veganism

  19. Don't you know that vegans are saving the planet?. Get with THE PROGRAM! LOL

  20. i went on zillow and saw rinse house. That fucker want 2 MILLION!!!! FOH!!!!!!

  21. In Rense's opening with Dr Duke he sounds content with his locale, safe even in terms of distance from nuclear targets.

  22. He was busy reading this thread before he went on air. lol

  23. Jeff is looking for a highball offer, although it is certainly a valuable property. (Worth over a mil for sure.)

    I remember when he was trying to sell rense.com for $300,000 (in 2013 or so) - this was right before he put up the personal ad on the site and met the crazy she-devil fatal attraction girl of his dreams who later tried to destroy him by creating a tell all website. You gotta respect a man who's been divorced seven times and is still willing to come back for another helping.

  24. On RT a piece tonight on hospitals demanding internet censorship and DOJ prosecution of child gender reassignment surgery critics. It may be wise to cash in and move overseas for the most visible of political dissidents.

  25. Jeff resides safely within the Zogosphere and it's unlikely he's going to get anywhere near $2 million for his house, so he's not going anywhere....Unless....someone is looking to get that special place not located near a nuclear power plant...

  26. Scorpio - Yeah, it's his. His address is publically listed on several of those peoplesearch/spokeo type sites. The first time I learned it was when the very woman you mentioned published it on her blog ~10 years ago.

    joeking - Looks like you found it. Judging by the 50 photos of the land and interiors, I'm amazed he isn't asking more. You can also find a drone video tour of the property if you search the address. It flies all over the property, along his waterfalls, under the bridges, etc. It's a gorgeous place and a stunning house. I think I saw that the property was $500K when he bought it originally. Going by how many times the housing bubble is multiplying everyones actual property values, plus all the added value he put into it over the past couple decades, it's probably worth appreciably more than even $2M. Also, yes, your analogy (turning truth bombs into tsar bombas) is apt. I think he just genuinely sees everything as 10x worse than they really are. The piece of shit V has definitely slaughtered and maimed countless people (millions?), but just for example, lately, he's repeatedly saying things like that the number of dead is already so high you can see less traffic on all the roads. That's just not true. I see as much traffic today as I did before the virus hit.

    zapoper - lol, wtf? Who? And why? Tell that admin to get in here and explain himself. :-P

    Panzerfaust - I heard about that too. Stuff like THAT is what I consider tsar bomba tier without any need for additional fretting. This is soviet style repression of sanity. Living on tundra covered with penguin shit in Pategonia looks very good by comparison. Do you ever watch Rick Wiles' "TruNews" show (mondays through fridays at trunews.com)? It's a heavily christian show, but he sticks mostly to news analysis with his co-hst and I consider him one of the best and most honest alternative media hosts out there. He covers stuff like this all the time.

  27. Panzerfaust - I just checked their Rumble account, and by amazing coincidence, that RT was TruNews' lead story today too:

    AMA Demands DOJ Prosecute Online Critics of Transgender Mutilation of Children (Oct 4, 2022)

    Broadcast starts at 1:25.

    1. Rumble has 404ed that video, that's what happens when you go public and Wall Street investors start calling the shots.

  28. Not 404'ed by Rumble. TruNews keeps uploading two copies of certain broadcasts then deleting one later. I don't know why.

    Here's the one that's still online:

    But since you mention it, yeah, I've been waiting to see censorship begin now that they're owned by Wall Street. I'm sure it will be along eventually.


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