October 08, 2022

The Scorpio Show with Mike Sledge 2022.10.05

Dave Scorpio discuses politics with Mike Sledge.


  1. I haven’t listened yet, but I hope this is not satire-

  2. Replies
    1. One way libertarians were jewed was the nam war was packaged with the Johnson abortion/equality/discrimination/ social studies in school/ bs as take the Jew war enema and stick corporate cock in your mouth like a good moron..and top off your idiot brain with some environment/loss of gold standard and pay the 2% jewflatiion...and oh yeah..Ralph nader tgtew 3 elections for the nwo..ok 4 but meanwhile...get kissingers dick up your ass at the same secular godless fallen warring angel orgy..

    2. You history buffs are ego punks..plenty happened and transhumanism in the here and now..it's the 4th industrial final turning....it's not the old world order so cut the crap....they gonna whoop shit out the history buffs..the new shits going down..you snapperheads go back in time for your own self absorbed reward....yeah history is toast..yeah i dealt and smelt it

  3. Look no further for an explanation of Republican cuckolding than universalism messaging in the Holy Bible which is a collection of plagiarized foundational myths spun together with invented tales and dictates which proved convenient for global conquest and religious conversion. What's worse are the adherents to Christian Identity who extract passages from this fraud of a book in order to re-invent Europeans as the Real Jews and thus, by necessity, espound such absurdly ridiculous notions as erf being flat under a dome and such.

    1. But Jesus is %100 correct on the jews being satanists.

  4. LMAO... I'll spare myself of this one.

    What next? The great mud floods?

  5. Happy 30th anniversary to Barry and Mike

  6. Great job Mike, go gargle or eat a whole bunch of ice cream, your Alex throat must be very sore.

    It's nice to see Alex mocking Jeff Rense, who the dead again Christian ACH loves to champion.

    I began to have doubts about ACH's feigned Christianity, when over and over he tells his audience what a huge help Jeff Rense has been to him.

    Remember when Jeff told us 3 years ago that the virus was so deadly, we should go and hide, and that Millions would die?

    Dream on ACH and Rense! You can tell a lot about a person by who they champion!

    As Mr. Carrington preaches at the beginning of every show beware of who you are NOT ALLOWED to criticize!

    Apparently at NoSpook Free Radio - you are not allowed to criticize Ayo Kimathi!

    You really should listen to your openings ACH, you might learn something!

    1. Yeah, go worship Thor and ask Odin why his pagans were murdering other Whites and sacrificing animals instead of fighting the evil pedophile jews and warning future generations that Jews are the dna of Satan like Jesus/Christians did for the majority of their existence.

  7. This 3-Hour Talk was really-GREAT !!! :-) :-) :-)

    --> I look-Forward to EVEN MORE !!! :-o

    --> As they "teased" a Great Many: Very Very INTERESTING, and NOT Repeated-over-and-over-and-over-again Great Subjects/Topics to Much-FURTHER Delve-into/Investigate-DEEPER! ;-)

    :-) :-) :-)

  8. Scorpio seems to be "finding-his-feet" again ...... and Showing the very EXPERIENCEABLE Truth of:

    "One door 'Closes' .... and another (Greater!)-Door/Opportunity: OPENS!" :-)


  9. Flat earth = Jew Psy op . The line between reality and fiction was erased. It's a Jew augmented reality. Pull away from the Jew tit mindless brainwashed pushovers. All this talk about the White Christian Europeans having the highest intelligence quotient. What the hell happened? Get your death shot. The ultimate I.Q. test!

    1. Ball Earth in vast nothingness making humans smaller than specks of dirt is the typical m.o. of jews. It never sat well with me. Explain the illogical zig zag flight patterns on ball Earth vs straight line on ice wall Earth

  10. So scorpio fall to same kosher shithole as Alex Jonestein. WTF this guy doing ?? Did scorpio married jew shiksa like Jonestein ???

  11. Dave, you really had me going! That was the best AJ I ever heard. Beautiful, and I enjoyed the whole show as usual.

  12. stewart does have one glass eye, that's why we called him winky.

  13. Yes , it's like the old parable of Plato's cave - WHO really is running this shit into the ground ??? - look, over there, on that side of the cave, it's the Rothschilds - or there, on that side, as the limited sunlight shinks into the night, it's Georgie Soros, etc ...

    - meanwhile , WHO , really , are the freaks behind this charade, as y'all were just saying, ??? - perhaps , somewhere there in Switzerland , forever unknown to anyone, who'll never see any sort of thing like a crazy Cern sham going on...

    - "WHO" , indeed.,..

  14. LMFAO. I knew it was sledge. this reminded me of when Mike Sledge and Alex Poulos, aka RECTAL REBEL would do the impersonations on Oracle Broadcasting AHAHA

  15. Amazing AJ bit!! And a variety of interesting topics, especially the JFK stuff. Everything about this show is first rate, one of your all time best. Mike Sledge definitely qualifies as a brother from another mother!

  16. Sledge does the best Bill Clinton I've ever heard.


    How about nasty Joe Biden, the third rail in msm comedy? Throw in some Ashley shower time, Hunter and Ukraine material.

  17. Guess what. Neither of these guys have it all right. Although they talk like they do.

  18. One of the best conversation I've heard in a long time.

  19. Rense has always been full of it. At some point, it’s time to pack up and walk off into the sunset.

  20. For all the homeland security ni88er lovers at 'speak free' LMFAO radio the comments on this thread are top notch.


  21. It's the JEWS. No need to over complicate it. The jews are the Neanderthal crossbred with Satan/Lucifer dna because Cain the son of Satan has sex with them. Negroids are the result of Cain screwing homo erectus.

    That great serpent that seduced Eve in the garden wasn't a literal talking snake. The Jews know they are descended from Cain and that their father/progenitor is Satan that's why jews 'have to eradicate' Whites and explains why they hate is so much. Good put enmity between the children of Adam and Eve and the bastards of Satan.

    Regardless, they are known to the world as Jews and now that normies are finally understanding the evil jew that's all they need to know

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. It's a crime to vote... https://pacinlaw.us/criminal
    Someday people might get it.

    Building a new system that looks like the real one...

  24. @LB Bork are you ready to debate with Clint Richardson yet? You went all the interwebs telling everyone you could that Clint was CIA and "DIRTY"! Your reasoning for this: Clint gives his work away, while you charge for "your pablum"! .. Yup that's real "PROOF"

    The offer to debate is still out there LB! Or are you going to keep on avoiding Clint?

    When someone refuses to debate someone who they claim are CIA, you can smell who the CIA rat really is!

  25. Great show with Dave and Mike. I laughed my ass off at the Jones jokes. Check out the True History of the Republican Party. It was communist from day one! Read the Wikipedia page.

  26. @ RickB, the floor is yours.... Tell us then how it is.

    These guys did a great show, waiting for an improved one coming from you.

  27. Wow you are so edgy like a dirty jew. Jewprose

  28. I don't the Jew rarified air smells good...in fact it's a foul air adrift flaring my nostrils. Many are whiffing and enjoying the Dutch oven.....rats got used to the stench. Transhumanist are slicker than snot on a door knob. The test tube creatures are ready to hatch. But that's enough about the asexual manless armies being built. Let's move on....to the hive mind world..nothing to see here folks.

  29. Tis release of second bioweapon that will be the war on the unvaxxed, slated for 2023. Read the plans. Oh it could be a head fake. ..yep. Delayed for algo reasons..it daepends what year suites the agenda. But when it is launched then the martial law round ups happen. Door to door and no wikding allowed. Not rocket science. Just a mere centralization. That way the world become a controlled asset. Thru no gathering. Satan's not stupid....it needs souls, not bodies.

  30. Just started listening, but since Scorpio has previously questioned whether this war is somewhat orchestrated, I thought some of the points raised here were interesting:

    Russia continues to regularly pay Ukraine for the transit of gas to Europe, which means that the money from the Russian budget goes straight to the enemy’s purchase of weapons, protective equipment, medicines and other tools for combat operations....
    Ukrainians and Russians have been mobilized to destroy each other, but their governments can still put aside their differences and find common ground for… gas transit? Fascinating. What could this possibly mean?

  31. LOL on the JewOP- true
    On Insane McCain, years ago, on a conservative site, I saw a bunch of people from AZ chatting about how much they hated McCain and didn't understand how he kept getting elected because they didn't know a single person in AZ who voted for him--- yeah, elections have been rigged forever, the puppets on both sides always get in.

    Speaking of jew truthers...So I watched this https://www.bitchute.com/video/ShdIc3uQq29c/ with Ed Down last night and thought it was great and wanted to learn about the organization (American Freedom Alliance) that set up this conference. I went to their site and saw this "The American Freedom Alliance is a Jewish-founded, Jewish-run organization."--apparently they felt the need to announce this because they were attacked by fellow tribe members at SPLC for being "nazis"

    Great show so far.

  32. Sledge is a scumbag and should've not to be allowed to be on that network.


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