November 21, 2022

Kaminski Goes Ballistic 2022.11.21

Episode 49: “Are COVID jabs triggering Zombie Apocalypse?” — analyzing the work of Sucharid Bhakdi, Reiner Fuellmich, Todd Callender and others asking the question: Is this a medical problem or a spiritual dilemma? Either way it doesn’t bode well...

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  1. People getting traumatized for more than two years, thinking that a virus might kill them at any moment could produce personality changes could it not?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah well this is what happens when you listen and goto jew doctors. We are being myopic by focusing just on one medical intervention when most jewish medical interventions cause damage. Most white men are autistic or medically damaged or have mercury in their mouths dulling any compulsion to take any moral action. Its 2023 I didnt like the kikes sticking a needle in my arm REGARDLESS what poison was in the syringe. I felt assaulted. Just a dirty jew "touching" you is toxic. They are filthy. Jew drs killed my parents and brother and still nobody gets it. Jew doctors and jew lawyers ARE THE NUMBER ONE THREAT TO WHITE AMERICAN MEN AND WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Parents who vaccinate their children are MINDLESS. We need to step up the jew hate, guys.

  4. Hospitals are the most dangerous places on earth. So are veterinary clinics.

  5. Yup. Do you know how many mostly white Americans are murdered by jew doctors? Over 2 million a year and that is probably conservative estimate. Nevermind the 10s of millions of Americans medically dependent and damaged. The jews did their end run around the white race. They HAVE to import immigrants because they have been overly successful in killing off the white race. But this is what you get when you listen to jews.
    Vets suck and I would hardly go. Another ripoff racket.

  6. Again- I can’t disagree at all with your comment.

    This “Katherine” sub-character is distractive, rambling and ruins the flow of the discussion. Notice how they always let her stay on, while cutting short much better callers.

  7. For someone who calls themselves “maximum Joy”, you can sure kill a buzz.

  8. Here this will cheer you. Great acting -

  9. You’re right, that was quite uplifting. Now if we could just apply Nick’s winning strategy to the backstabbing jews.


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