February 08, 2023

Douglas MacGregor on Ukraine + Hitler on the Jews + The US Has Legalized Theft - Gonzalo Lira + jewish Ritual Murder - Dr. Hellmut Schramm + Lucky israHel & the Quackcine Racket + HOLDING THEM TO ACCOUNT


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Colonel Douglas Macgregor sits down with Stephen Gardner to update us on the Ukraine Russia war.  Did NATO want this war? Will the US trigger world war 3 in order to prop up Biden and his white house? Was the Chinese spy balloon to embarrass Biden or is it to distract Americans? Can Ukraine beat Putin? Can NATO beat Putin?
0:34 Who really wants this war between NATO and Putin?
5:50 Who is keeping this war going?
7:45 The real reason for the Chinese Balloon
8:50 Bad people sneaking across the US Southern Border
10:03 DC is desperate to distract us. Its gotten so bad.
13:50 The Cabal and DC want us at war. Lots of money and control.
20:20 Ukraine is falling apart and can't win this war
21:24 The truth about the Russian Army
22:20 US and European tanks are false hope and a false flag
28:00 Putin is stronger than he has ever been. Russia creating weapons 24 hours a day
30:30 Will NATO drag us all into WW3?

Hezbollah is the main group trying to stop israeli terrorism; they are the prime helpers for the earthquake. I take my hat off to these guys. Like Adolf Hitler, they fight the jews for us,
yes, you me and our children.


Rixon Stewart on February 8, 2023:
From the outset of war the Western mainstream media has been acting as a cheerleader for the Zelensky regime. In particular the New York Times (NYT), which had performed a similar function in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, is doing exactly the same. With articles like those linked below it has promoted the idea that Ukraine could actually prevail against Russia.

As a result the West has supplied Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of military hardware with barely murmur of public protest. Despite facing a dire economic outlook the West has dug deep and managed to provide Ukraine’s armed forces with training, intelligence and huge amounts of weaponry.

In effect the West has fuelled this war, with money, with military hardware and where necessary, with threats. So that when Ukraine signalled it was ready to negotiate with Moscow with possible face-to-face talks between Zelensky and Putin, Boris Johnson rushed to Kiev to warn Ukraine’ president against any such meeting.

Outnumbered and Worn Out, Ukrainians in East Brace for Russian Assault
Introduction – Feb 7, 2023

Zelensky is a gay faggot cashing in on the conflict, he is an actor and doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine. He cares about his golden shekels and his mansions, and is being paid billions for a job well done.

People who foolishly believe in authority march off to war. Col MacGregor now estimates 400,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers, 10-15 million have left the country. That is what Jews did, and it may be intentional, like Nico says, to depopulate the area of whites for a great replacement. I don’t think that will happen, I think Russia is going to take Ukraine as chess piece, because of the cost, blood, stolen 300 billion in oil trading accounts, etc plus Russia can never allow the Neocons to control Ukraine ever again,. Ukraine is going to be a permanent buffer zone with the globo homo world.

Gay demon Zelensky is just like that chicken hawk pipsqueak gay faggot Lindsey Graham, both deserve to be arrested and publically executed for the the millions of live lost and destroyed by their insane policies.

 Zelensky Dodged the Draft FOUR TIMES in 2014 / 2015
The Hal Turner Radio Show Feb 6, 2023


Hitler on the Jews

INTRODUCTION  by Thomas Dalton (excerpts)

​That Adolf Hitler spoke out against the jews is banal in the extreme; perhaps no single historical fact is better-known than that ‘Hitler hated the jews.’  But that this is the first book ever to compile his remarks on the jews, is nothing short of astonishing.  

And it’s not that this material appears in bits and pieces elsewhere; outside of a few highly-specialized sources, nearly all of what follows has never appeared in print. Of the thousands of books and articles written on Hitler, World War Two, and the holocaust, and apart from a handful of commonly-repeated sentences and phrases, virtually none of them quote Hitler’s exact words on the jews—virtually none.  

How can this be?

​There is good reason for this.  

Those in positions of influence in the media, in government, and in universities have an incentive to present a simplistic and highly-sanitized picture of Hitler as an insane jew-hater, a blood-thirsty tyrant, and the embodiment of evil.  This caricature of the truth is extremely useful.  

It can justify, for example, the many Allied war crimes during WW2.  It can justify the (now) 70-plus year postwar US military presence in Germany, Italy, Japan, and numerous other countries.[1]  It can be used—mostly by the United States—to justify defense of jewish and israeli crimes against humanity in Palestine and elsewhere.  

Most importantly, it can be used as a cudgel to batter all ‘racists,’ ‘neo-nazis,’ ‘anti-semites,’ ‘bigots,’ and generally anyone unfriendly to jewish, zionist, or Israeli interests. To publicly compare anyone to Hitler or the ‘nazis’ is the ultimate slur. It can end a political or media career, dry up funding sources, drive off advertisers, or tarnish an otherwise good reputation.  

All this works because everyone ‘knows’ that Hitler was an insane jew-hater and mass-murderer, and thus anyone even slightly allied with him or his “nazi” followers is the lowest of the low—someone to be avoided and shunned at all costs.

​This caricaturization, in turn, only works if the public is presented with a carefully-controlled and manipulated view of Hitler’s take on the jews.  His real words and his actual ideas are far more complex and sophisticated than most authorities would like you to think.  

Hitler was an intelligent and well-read man, remarkably so for someone with no formal higher education. He had a broad and largely-accurate knowledge of history, culture, religion, human biology, and social evolution.  His knowledge, depth, and insight puts to shame most any present-day world leader; Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, certainly Donald Trump, even the likes of Angela Merkel and Theresa May…Hitler would have utterly embarrassed any of them in an intellectual debate.  

But this fact does not suit those in authority today.  They need the public to think of him as a semi-literate, foaming-at-the-mouth demagogue.  And to accomplish this goal, they need to ensure that no one reads his actual words.  Until now, they have succeeded.

Now, for the first time, this objective has been defeated.  

In the following pages, one can read nearly every idea that Hitler put forth about the jews, in considerable detail and in context. What follows is virtually every word on the jews that has been translated into English, from any source.  Of course, this is not literally every word he ever wrote or said, but it covers all the major themes and topics:  jews as world-enemy, corrupters of democracy and culture, economic manipulators, parasites, liars, and supreme haters.  

The writings are drawn from Mein Kampf, Hitler’s “Second Book”, and various letters and declarations; the speeches include virtually all of his major pronouncements on jews, jewry, and their role in the world.  All passages have detailed source listings, for those who wish to confirm the various entries, or to read more of the context.

​This book is not merely of historical interest.  It’s not just for experts and specialists in World War Two.  Hitler’s analysis of the jews, though hostile, is erudite, detailed, and largely aligns with events of the past 70 years. There are many lessons here for the modern-day world—lessons that are highly unpopular, to say the least, but not thereby false.  It’s very much a case of ‘those who neglect history are condemned to repeat it.’ And this particular history carries with it a huge cost to humanity and the planet.

​This introduction intends to serve three purposes:  

First, to provide a concise overview of Hitler’s main criticisms.  

Second, to demonstrate that they are well-grounded in history, and that he was justified in his concern.  

Third, to show that these criticisms are relevant and important in the present day.  
We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to hear out Hitler’s case against the jews.

Hitler on the jews: Learned Assessment of History’s Diabolic Parasite
January 25, 2023

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Introduction – jewish Ritual Murder: A Historical Investigation
Dr. Hellmut Schramm

In the war year 1941

In the years of Germany’s deepest powerlessness Alfred Rosenberg published a translation of the French work: The Jew, Jewry, and the Judafication of the Christian Peoples, which had already appeared in the year 1869 and had as its author a Chevalier Gougenot des Mousseaux, yet it soon disappeared, having been bought out by jewry while the author himself fell victim to a jewish assault.

He was eliminated not only because he had realized the mentality of the jew with razor sharpness, but primarily in consequence of the publicizing of jewish ritual-murders. With that, des Mousseaux had touched upon the deepest secret of jewry and uncovered the crimes which had repeatedly been inflicted upon Gentile humanity as blood-tax by the jews and which, due to all the economic, political and intellectual means of power at its command under masterful direction, in the overwhelming majority of cases had eluded earthly justice .

In the past century “of light,” the century of the great jewish “liberation” and then in an absolutely consistent progression in our time, the phrase of the philosopher Seneca seemed to find its final and fruitful confirmation:

“The conquered have imprinted their laws upon the conquerors!”

The governments of the individual nations of Europe had become the compliant tools of Judah.

For the rest of the story:
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  1. Everything written by: Thomas Dalton is Spot-On !!! :-)

    I just finished Listening to: the Entire Mein Kampf Translation by Thomas Dalton, Read by: Alex Linder !!! :-)


    :-) :-) :-)


  2. 07.02.23 - McGregor: - END OF NATO IS NEAR


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