March 19, 2023

No Agenda Episode 1539 - "Putinoids" - 2023.03.19


1 comment:

  1. huh???????????

    "Trump Was NOT In-On-IT"?

    Trump CV19 Vax Contract Violated by Pfizer – Karen Kingston
    on: 03/18/2023 by Greg Hunter 121 Comments

    'Why does Trump continue to promote the vaccine that violates his contract'?


    Karen Kingston: Pfizer Makes Desperate Attempt to
    Blame Trump for Their Crimes in Court; Pfizer's
    attorney tried to throw the FDA under the bus for
    committing Pfizer's fraud; DID NOT WORK!
    Who is Brook Jackson and Why is Pfizer Terrified
    of Her? Brook Jackson is an experienced director
    of FDA clinical trials who reported dozens of the
    FDA violations she personally observed ...


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