March 22, 2023

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2023.03.22

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest, Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell. (9/11 and Ukraine)

80k CF Download


  1. I AGREE with Mike: that "Gary Boomer" really-Should STOP "Watching":

    ni88er-ball, nascar, netflix, and going-to-restaurants etc! :-o

    Nearer the end: Mike's summary of Kyle was nice:

    Sincere, Sinead-is-somehow-a-bit-like-cyanide, ...
    -- but just selling-soap and critiquing isn't enough ....

    But, happily: Kyle's New-Video-format on Odysee etc. seems to be Improving somewhat! :-)

    We are Each TRYING to "Brainstorm: How to "Break-Out": Of what Hasn't-been-Working ... enough! ;-)

    George-Lincoln-Rockwell: Really was a REAL-STRONG-BRAVE-MAN ... and DID some "IRL" Outreach ... especially Through a certain-amount of "Showmanship" !!! :-)

    --> I am NOT Convinced-Yet: that "HT" is sincerely-following-in-GLR-footsteps ... yet .....

    But,... "Gary-Boomers" don't-Have-Much to-be-"PROUD"-of! :-o
    -- Except ... maybe .... their Walmart-Container-Taiwanese-"wives" ..... (Yes! their previous-Wives: DIED from the convid-shots! ;-) )
    .. which I happen to THINK: is pretty-"Gay" actually! ;-)


  3. whos that fake alex jones dude is there any other shows out there with him as guest


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