June 29, 2023

πŸš‘ F250Report - πŸ‘΄ Boomer Bashing Bonanza and Here’s how Trump Putin 2024 can still win the War 😡‍πŸ’« 2023.06.28

Clint, Mike and Scorpio can the flames of the Great Boomer War of 2023 while also discussing the copes of the Russia/Ukraine clusterfuck and its parallels to past world events cycles. One of our best episodes yet!

Feel free to email Scorpio at drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


  1. I was born in the late sixties so I am not a boomer.

  2. I'm one of the last boomers - please don't hold it against me (I'm skint by the way... way too rebellious).

    Loved the show, sharp as a needle... Mike you're a fkn genius! You're not Bukowski, but he'd be proud of you.

    Clint, my anecdote about Ivermectin & Quercetin; once I'd found out about how it worked, I did my research into natural alternatives for a dose of quercetin (red onions), zinc (cheddar cheese) and other warriors of the bio-weaon flu (sodium ascorbate, colloidal silver, copper and zinc) and was shocked to discover that every one of those items was already a part of my daily nutritional intake, for several years already... how about that, eh?

  3. Did you catch the Realist Report, with Rolo Slavskiy?


  4. The Great Divide continues.

    No. They aren't controlled ops. They are your new heroes.


    1. Yeah you don't see Jews attacking their elders.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. For young people boomer is not 46-64 born but boomer is everything 30+ all old people are boomer all young are zoomer, thats the definition on social media.

  7. If you want to see Boomers in all their glory, go to the Revolution Radio chat room...it's embarrassing...constant pictures of cats, talk about the local weather conditions, what they're having for dinner, health complaints...it's got it all...Clint, you gotta go in there and troll them man, it would be comedy gold.

    1. Sound like a cosy place... X-er here, not like those loudmouth boomers-millennials, who are really carbon copies of each other without even realizing it.

  8. buelahman is a crisis actor from sandy hook

  9. this clint guy sounds very bitter

  10. Screwpio still hasn't said whether his Aunt found her cat before she dropped dead...ya know, like, I mean...is the cat ok? Know what I'm sayin'?

  11. Eric - Sorry, but I'm not seeing the humor in my aunt dropping dead from the vaxxx. It's actually tragic she was naive enough to trust the advice she heard on television. This wasn't some kind of tall tale I made up for your entertainment. I feel really bad for my cousins who are dealing with the loss of their mother.

  12. Actually, I was concerned for the cat, because, you know, Boomers like cats.

    So, I guess it's only funny when other people's friends and relatives die from the Vax seeing how the 250 show seems to advocate for death for any Normies dumb enough to trust the TV.

  13. I like the fact you guys talked about IVM towards the end of the show. Alot of these FLCCC doctors pushed IVM along with other stuff as "protocols" towards the masses for cv19, long covid, and vax injuries. IVM should NOT be taken long term, only in cases where u have cv19, but even then theres many other alternative things to take. HCQ is another one these jackasses told people to take. But they didnt tell people it can cause QT prolongation, so heart rhythm disorder. Also Americas Frontline Drs are very shady, as they seem to br associated with the CNP.

  14. There is a dr who is telling people UNDER SUPERVISION... To do 3 day water fasting to potentially heal some of these V injuries. Hes said theres anecdotal reports of people improving after about 5-6 cycles of 3 day fasting. Could it work? Who knows. But its better than spending thousands on stem cells and HBOT therapy

  15. This is the second time you posted essentially the same thing about my aunt. Yes, the show "seems" to do that in a hypothetical/joking sense, although I personally have never said anything close to that nor have I ever mocked the death of anyone's family member in real life (with a few exceptions - Bill Gates etc). Good to know you find the death of my aunt humorous. Looks like this might be some boomer rage seeping out into inappropriate areas. I'm upset you criticized boomers so fuck you and your dead aunt!! lol.

    I really don't care one way or the other so yuck it up. The smart boomers get it and understand we aren't talking about every single boomer to ever exist. Some of my best friends are boomers....

  16. Wow, I'm genuinely surprised by your sensitivity, it's almost borderline effeminate!

    It's ok that you didn't "get" my humour about the cat but don't assume I find your Aunt's death humourous, I find it tragically stupid, especially if you warned her. So far, I've lost a brother, brother-in-law and cousin, all warned. Come to think of it, there is a kind of dark, gallows humour in it all.

    But to accuse me oF some kind of "Boomer rage" is a bit deranged. I think all generations from the Greatest to the Zoomers are completely fucked-up.

    So, in closing, I say to you, Sludge and Clit: YOU'D BETTER STAY THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN!!!

  17. "So far, I've lost a brother, brother-in-law and cousin, all warned."

    THIS is something that we are ALL "processing" !!! :-o

    I've had some conversations lately which have brought-out Decades long experiences: "processing" ...

    3 days ago I was chatting in a friendly "Thrift-Store" ... and as the younger-lady Likes: Horror Movies ... I brought-up: various thought-provoking topics: hillary-clinton Murdering hundreds of her Friends ... vince-foster "committing-suicide" by two-shots-to-the-back-of-his-head ...

    and then how david-carridine (famous Kung-Fu TV-show Star) was found in Tailand in a Hotel after having some "asphixiation"-"Fun" !!! :-o

    It was minutes before-closing ... and there was ONLY one "customer" (who turned-out to be a fully-tattooed old-burnt-out-from-decades-of-drug-use: someone whose OWN personal-details would "curl-your-toes"!) ...
    --> And that creepy-weirdo had the weirdness/audacity to come-over and SAY: that he was "Traumatized" by Our-conversation! ;-)

    ... anyway ... after he had LEFT ... I mentioned to the Friendly-folks ... that I had NEVER taken any drugs, and had been a milk-butter-vegetarian for 43 years .....
    and how in-a-sense: as most-ALL the people I Know: Eat "meat"-(pieces-of-rotting-corpses of horrendously-murdered cows etc.) ...

    Most of these bizarre behaviours of "having-fun": gambling, drugs, strangling-during-"sex"-to-make-it-more-"fun" .....
    and even "just" Eating-"Meat" .... are ... myself-having-NOTHING-to-do-with-such: "from-the-outside": "abstractly"-"humorous" ... in an: "If you don't 'laugh' ... you would CRY!" sense ...

    --> And One of my last Observations was that, in a sense, as most ALL the folks that I know Eat-"meat" .... most-everyone: Is LIKE: weird "Serial-Murderers" .... to Myself! :-o

    Anyway ... with-the-above: I was trying to set-up: How in-terms of "Meat"-eating ...
    --> I have been "warning" and PLEADING: with Good-Folks for 4+ DECADES: to PLEASE NOT: Eat "Meat" (etc!) !!! :-o

    (I stood on the sidewalk for YEAR after Year after year: Giving-away-FREE: Milk-Butter-Vegetarian Recipe booklets (which I myself MADE)

    More recently even I did such: giving-AWAY FREE: more than 10,000 ...

    and yet, most-likely: almost ALL of such would have been thrown-away .... and very Few Folks would have become-Milk-Butter-Vegetarians either! :-o

    --> Well, NONE of MY Family ever became Vegetarians, and "doctors" KILLED my Dad with "cancer-treatment" DECADES ago now ... etc!

    And, most-likely: ALL of My Relatives have lined-up: for MULTIPLE: POISON-DEATH-con-vid-injections too!

    I HAVE a few non-"injected" friends ... and VERY-FEW of THEIR Family-Members LISTENED to THEIR PLEAS to NOT "get" the injections either! :-o

    But, I had a much-to-"PROCESS" pleasant-encounter: with some Hare-Krishnas yesterday, ...
    ... and a nice elderly-lady who was fortunately NOT-much-"entangled" in the Hare-Krishna "middlemen"-tricks/"routine" yet ...

    Who I was Talking to Specifically about: the FOOD-as-your-"Medicine" types: of Alternative-Medicine: Self-Healing regimes ...

    Near the END of our very-pleasant conversation: Said: How She-Herself, Her Daughter, and her Grandchildren:

    --> Had NOT Got: ANY of the "vaccinations" !!! :-) :-) :-)

    So, anyway, yes a bit of a looong comment ....

    --> But, Yes! If we don't "Laugh" ...... we would CRY: At the Extreme SADNESS:

    Of OUR PRECIOUS-WHITE-Relatives: "Listening"-to-the-(((TV))) ...

    and NOT even Listening to OUR OWN: Very-SINCERE and Life-SAVING: Simple Health Advice !!! :-o

    ;-( ;-( ;-(

  18. I understand Clint's "Get-Vaccinated" HUMOR ...

    And Too: The Above comments about Scorpio's Dear-Aunt, PASSING ... Due to NOT BELIEVING her-SINCERE-Nephew, but instead VERY-SADLY: "Trusting"-the-(((TV))) ...

    as being similar to ALL of Our: "Laughing at" / "Finding-"Humor" with ...

    --> The TRADGY "Comedy": Of Our Present "WATCHING"-"HELPLESSLY": the "Developments"-unfolding: of OUR: jew-INFESTED: Formerly: HAPPY WHITE Nations !!! :-o

    ;-( ;-( ;-(

  19. I would have PREFERRED to use the word: Regimen ie Self-Healing Regimen, rather than: Self-Healing regimes ...

    but, it turns out that: Regimen and Regime are Synonyms! ;-)


    But, of-course: WHENEVER the (((media))) want SMEAR a Country's Leadership, (((they))) CALL it a "Regime" .....

    --> So I would Prefer to Say: "Diet/Eating/Health Regimen" rather than: Diet-Regime! ;-)

  20. @decree

    That reminds me of the hippies who were part of the real boomer generation and used to say: "Don't trust anyone over 30".

    The same tactics of dividing the generations has been used in the last few years as it was back then.

  21. Look- I am surrounded by boomers, that I love. The problem with the boominators is you can not reason with them. You can prove your points all day, and it might seem like you are making progress with them. And the next time you speak on the subject, BAM! The baseline, firmware programming has been reset, and you have to start all over. They will not even refer to your previous points. It’s like they never even heard what you had to say. Yes, there are exceptions, but it is a strange phenomenon, indeed. This should be cause for ridicule, it doesn’t mean we hate our elders, even though they are retarded. It it not divisive, because they are not on our side, and therefore no use to us. You can’t fight an enemy if you don’t know who that enemy is.

  22. Well there's a bunch of brainwashed twenty somethings out there too and I find them scarier than any old geezer. LOL

  23. I just checked out Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. At 79 years old they both look like zombie extras out of the walking dead series. LOL

  24. @Sean, you're right... it's clever programming; mainly the TV, but also the cushion of a contract for life job, followed by a comfy pension; they are still living in the 20th century.

    The demons, who are running this shit show, know exactly what they are doing... we need to keep upping our game, because these entities have been pulling these stunts, over and over, for millenia.

  25. @Zap: The 'chav' teens, here in the UK, make the twenty somethings look like choirboys; these fuckers are ruthless... they'll stab someone in the torso for his or her phone.

    The 'chavs' are a criminal underclass in Britain... the 'pressure from below', Marxian lumpenproletariat... who are given every encouragement to procreate by the welfare state.

    It's all very Fabian Socialist, in nature. Criminal activity by this ilk is punished by a slap on the wrist, or a minimal prison term (just enough time to forge networks and learn more ropes)

  26. Jumbo -

    you are spot on with both comments. Very insightful and accurate.

  27. @Scorpio: This is the thesis that I was referring to about the Cimmerians... full of interesting stuff -



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