July 05, 2023

Beyond the Official Narrative with Richard Kary 2023.07.05

Richard is joined by his Wednesday co-host David Scorpio.

64k CF Download


  1. Brian is indeed "entertaining" ;-)

    I agree 110% that the jews ARE indeed the World's Foremost "Problem" !!! :-o

    Brian's INSISTENCE on the Word: "Communitarianizm" ...

    Highlights the bizarre LIMITS: of us 6-foot-or-so-Short-Lived-Humans, and our so-called: "Intellectual"-Capacities !!!

    HINDSIGHT is always 20/20 ...

    And, Looking BACK: over Lifetimes of Experiences ... one can SEE "Patterns" .....

    Picture/Imagine: a website where the item which you Click: MOVES to the CENTRE of Related-to-that items ...

    --> WE simply MUST: Place the TOP-Priority of Our "Focus" ...

    ----> In the CENTRE of OUR World-View .....

    --> ALL of OUR "ideas" ... will be GONE ... with the "Replacement" of WHITES world-wide !!! :-o

    OUR Focus ... as "WHITE" is the WHO of Everything about US and what has "Meaning" + IMPORTANCE to: US ...

    --> MUST be: the SURVIVAL into-the-FUTURE of the WHITE-Folks !!! :-o

    And, yes: jews and (((their))) shock-troops-invader-"non-WHITES" .... simply MUST be "Removed" from OUR Living Spaces .....

    as "Freedom of Association" is the very CORE of OUR: SELF-Defence ......

    And WITHOUT the "Right" to DEFEND-OURSELVES ... when we are DEAD ...
    --> We will HAVE: NO Other "Rights" (or Existence even!) Whatsoever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    jews and "non-WHITES" are Hounding us down to every tiny corner of the World ......

    Yes, they are invading and flooding OUR Lands .... to TRY to STEAL our Stuff ....
    But, fundamentally what they are Terribly-BRINGING with them:

    Is a BURNING-ENVY of What WE ARE, and what they can NEVER themselves BE ..........

    Thus, they can NEVER be "satisfied" ....

    and, even AFTER they have "Burned-Down" & DESTROYED: The entire World ......

    they will STILL not be satisfied (or even "introspective"! -- not that WE will even CARE, at that point!) .....

    This is thus an EXISTENTIAL Battle ........

    --> And this EXISTENTIAL Battle ...

    of WHITES as opposed-by: "non-WHITES" ...

    ----> can NOW .... SANELY ... BE: OUR ONLY: Priority + Focus !!! :-o

  2. David Icke is live on Alex Jones NOW


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