July 02, 2023

Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 - 2023.07.01

Noticing Patterns With Miss Monika Schaefer III

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

80 CF Download

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed ALWAYS Nice to HEAR Monika !!! :-) :-) :-)

    Maybe even Millions of Good-Folk have now Realized:

    That (((those))) (((who))) would so viciously: "Put-Away"/"SILENCE":

    An elderly-lady for simply Appologizing to her Deceased-Mom ... for her youthful-Disrespect: after being ((('brainwashed"))) with (((LIES))) at ((("school")))...

    --> would ALSO just as viciously and Enthusiastically: "Silence" and "Replace' them as well !!! :-o

    POISON-DEATH-jab for YOU too Goy, you aren't D.I.E.*ing Fast-enough !!!

    * "Die-versity" "Inclusion" and "Equity"


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