August 10, 2023

🛻 F250Report- Boomer Fedposter Chimpout and Total Vegetable Death 🥦 2023.08.09

Clint, Mike, and Scorpio discuss current events, philosophy n Sheeit.

Feel free to email Scorpio at


  1. Wow! Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worst, SLAP, niggers! Five fingers to face!

  2. I don't think that I can disagree with anything in the entire 2 hours! :-o

    I always drink a glass of water after rising ...

    then: bathroom-visit, shower, brush teeth with baking-soda ...

    and then prepare a milk-butter-vegetarian meal,...

    so it is usually 45-60 minutes before I EAT after waking-up + immediately drinking a glass of water! ;-)

    :-) :-) :-)

    I Enjoyed this talk !!! much much more + it is certainly Better: than most talks out-there!

    I was about to listen-to: Tuesday Richard-Kary ... heard fetzer, ...
    and immediately Paused ... and listened to This Great Talk instead! :-)

    ... so now I will have-to force myself to endure fetzer ... with hopefully Paul DIS-agreeing with him on drumph!


  3. I just forced myself to listen to the fetzer "stuff" !!! :-o

    Here's a "Thought Experiment" for those who are: "content" ... to "not" "SEE": RACE or WHITE Survival as PARAMOUNT, and indeed OUR: ONLY Consideration !!!

    --> IMAGINE just walking-around and Every "non-WHITE" that you come-across / SEE: YOU say: "Monkey", and They get to call YOU: ANY: WHITE name They care-to ("cracka" "honky" "mo-fo" ... "ray-cisss" "WHITE-soup-remast", whatever)

    Oh, .... I "thought" that YOU weren't "concerned" by "RACE" / Race-Differences !!! ;-)

    You DARE NOT: to even TRY this in REAL Life ... don't You!

    ...... even though actual monkeys ARE indeed quite-NICE ....

    (and MY Dad called ME that, as a child sometimes too! "cheeky monkey!" etc.)

    Please STOP "happily"-DELUDING yourselves that these "non-WHITES" are even HUMAN as WE ourselves view it!

    --> As children even, we ALL could Easily SAY and consider-reasonable: "Sticks + stones ... may break my bones .... but WORDS will never hurt Me!"

    Yet THESE: "Grown-Ups" .... whom WE are foolishly-"PRETENDING" are "Human" ........

    NOW "consider": that even you saying "nigger" (anywhere NEAR them!) .... "REQUIRES" THEM: to Brutally-MURDER Yourself ...... and, that indeed YOU "deserved" it too .... Afterwards !!! :-o

    ----> WHITE "intellectual" drumph-arse-licker sell-out "boomers" like fetzer ....... DISGUST ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    .... just "saying" !!! ;-)

  4. Yes, the con-stitution .... should NOT even be applied-to: "non-WHITES" !!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    ni88ers should NEVER be allowed anywhere NEAR: guns, "free-speech" etc! :-o

    --> I am very "Liberal" when it comes to "blacks" / "non-WHITES":

    -----> FREE very very VERY Late-Term (even / especially into: the 100th-200th Trimester!) "Abortions" for ALL "blacks" !!!

    For .... Surely ALL reasonable-Caring-Folks would AGREE:

    That ALL: "children" ... "DESERVE" to actually-HAVE:

    TWO intelligent fair Loving Parents to Raise them UP for-20-Years, with Healthy natural FOOD, and a GOOD Home, and Education !!! :-o


    and, to be "FAIR" ...... this MUST be the CASE for ALL:

    "non-WHITE" "children" ........ afterall ... "Abortion" is not just an "option" ... but its a RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    --> And simply MUST be "Liberally" and FREELY GIVEN TO: ALL "non-WHITES" to actually ACHIEVE:

    "Diversity"-in-"non-WHITE"-countries : "INCLUSION" & TRUE "EQUITY" !!! :-)

    FREE & (very VERY) Liberal "Abortions" for ALL: "non-WHITES" ...

    D-I-E "non-WHITES" ..... D-I-E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SURELY ALL the Children BORN in the Entire-World DESERVE to Actually-HAVE:

    WHAT WE WHITES ARE Actually-BORN WITH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? :-)

    .... it's only "FAIR" ....... anything Else .... would actually BE: "ray-cisss" now wouldn't it!?

    Those FAKE-"Liberals" .....

    only ever SAY / Give-lip-service-to: "Equity" etc.....


    EVERY Child ever-BORN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o


    "just" Saying! ;-)


    WE could ACTUALLY ACHIEVE: True: "Equity" and "FAIRNESS" .....

    in just ONE-Generation* ........ ;-)

    * And, of course KILLING: ALL WHITES ... would actually-BE: "Racist" ........ because THEN: ALL of the "adorable" niglets in Africa ... would ALL DIE: Torturous-PAINFULLY-Slow-DEATHS ... by-Starvation !!!

    As ONLY: WHITE-Farmers Grow FOOD to FEED: Millions upon Millions of HUNGRY-Children in Africa !!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fukushima was indeed a massive psy-op to cover up actual industrial waste pollution. You remember that mainstream reporter that went there to get 'the real scoop' and had his arm chopped off by the Yakuza? The actual nuclear event either didn't happen at all or was hugely overblown to sell fear. Species in the oceans are being extincted, like flying fish. I don't travel the seven seas to confirm for myself, but even great rivers like the Mississippi are now so polluted only bottom feeders like carp that can literally eat garbage survive, and all 'food fish' like perch, bluegill, bass etc. can't.

    Now, you successfully trolled me into commenting so I gotta call you out on something ofc. Your trite portrayal of lifetime actors as leading 'boring lives' travelling from hotel to hotel and eating filet mignon, specifically. Then they go to their super boring fundraisers where after the general public leave they indulge in their sex-ritual, human sacrifice, raping children to death parties that the fundraisers really pay for. You can't paint the narrative as being both things. You're attempting to trivialize that which cannot be trivialized, and it's a strange stance to take. That you can't see why democrats are all these anti-white, white hating, chinese or negroids in high positions of political power and are all aligned in terms of agendas of secrecy and white genocide and slavery, is real questionable in terms of your own narrative.

  7. The FBI executed an old & disabled Trump support who spouted off threats on the internet. I suppose that gives youall a boner.

  8. There is no Operation "White Sprite" or did i get a typo, im not native english...

    Good show though, like grandma said just eat everything but in moderation, the dose makes the poison(which still excludes heavily processed industrial foods, they are always not nutritious and harmful).

    I was being sarcistic with my earlier comment, im sorry for using a slur, i never use "nazi" normally.

  9. @Decree - it's "white Stripe" or "The White Stripe Project"

  10. My favorite thing about The nut Job Jeff Rense it was one of the pictures of himself on the website and it was him looking to the side with this crazy hair and his glasses on the bridge of his nose looking all intuitively every time I seen it it made me laugh my head off
    thank you.
    Clinton from Ontario

  11. why do you hate your elders so much

  12. Hey Mike, look in the mirror speaking of "having no concept" and a waste

    of time. You can't even put two sentences together without saying "you know

    you know, like basically, but more you know". Why not say I know/think?

    Sure is tiring and ruins the flow of speech especially for an old boomer.

    You should listen to yourself and Dave back sometime. I know.. Don't not listen

    to the showah but come on man.

  13. Thanks for this show, and to you Zap for posting this.

    Tesla supposedly said that no one knows the shape of the earth. I know that ridiculing FE scores but there are things to it. I looked into this in 2017, looking for a giggle. But found out that there are lakes that span over 100km, and do not de-or incline even 1mm, water does not bend. Stars are in the same position every night, one can see ships 50km out in the water etc. Then Eric Dubay had a thing on one of his videos claiming that the Southern routes, as in flying from Santiago (Chile) to Australia do not exist. I happened to have flown on the Santiago-Auckland flight in 2005, so I posted my comment and Eric Dubay immediately deleted my comment. That showed me he is a liar, probably paid for what he does. And if one looks at the FE map, such a flight would take days, not 12 hours as I had experienced.

    From that moment on I ended up in the "No one knows the shape of the earth" camp and do not even waste time on this issue. That FE turns out to be a time waster, it is a macro issue one can not change anyway. You guys focus on micro issues and I like that. We can decide what to eat or what to do.

    And Clint is right, simply never see a doctor. They can be like car mechanics, next thing you know they talk you into chemo therapy due to you having consumed too much pig meat. There is John Rose promoting truth as in solid food vacations eating fruits and veggies, and on the other hand there is this Snake Diet guy on YT who also seems to be right, and he does not really care what you eat. As long as you fast.

    Looking forward to the next show!

  14. Alex - Good to hear from you bro. Send me an email and I'll send my new Skype.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @ around 1:03 Clint brought up a possible scenario that I've been thinking about for a while which is that they would reinstall Trump for the downfall and blame it all on him.

    The thing is that they don't even have to reinstall him and start a war with China and or Russia to bring America to its knees. All they have to do is create a civil war and blame it on Trump even if he is in jail like Scorpio thinks is what's gonna happen.

    I mean the USA populace (and in all industrial countries) have never been so divided than they are today. It's kind of obvious that they created that division on purpose but to what end? Well it could be for a civil war.

    Back around 2008, I used to say: "The USA is the last stand, if they fall, we all do".

    So many possible scenarios.

  17. Does Jeff Rense still live in Oregon?

    I'd love to see a picture from a super duper sleuth from there who would capture a photo of him while he is shopping at whole foods with his surgical gloves and mask to avoid shedding.


  18. About Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    The bombs exploded 600 meters above ground level so the fission material dissipated from the heat of the blast in the ambient air and went up stream creating radio active rain in surrounding areas. If the bombs would have exploded on the soil, then the radio active material would have lasted much longer.,-nagasaki,-and-subsequent-weapons-testin.aspx

    P.S. Yes, I've seen fake footage of atomic bombs too. lol

  19. Alex - my email is always in the opening description of the shows - you must have missed it.

    Again, good to hear from you - please email me


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