October 11, 2023

💥💣 Calling For ‘Doomsday Weapons’ 💥💣 + The Truth about Gaza + Israel Ignored Repeated Warnings + The Khazarian Mafia Hoax + The Sane Asylum - Max Igan, Henry Makow, Karl Haemers, Klaus Schwab & Voltman

Bird's eye view of destruction in Gaza
Own Nothing Be Happy
Klaus Schwab

💥💣American Lawmakers Call For Using ‘Doomsday Energy Weapons’💥💣
Jews and Muslims in Genocidal Death Duel
HenryMakow.com – Oct 10, 2023
Ron Paul On How Hamas Was Created By Israel


Bird's eye view of destruction in Gaza

Jabalia Camp massacre - Gaza

"Gas the jews" - Sidney Australia



Israeli Lawbreaker Calls For Using ‘Doomsday Weapons’

Gaza should be “flattened” with nuclear-capable missiles, a member of Knesset from the ruling party has stated

Israel should use Jericho missiles to “level” Gaza “without mercy” after the weekend’s attacks by Hamas, lawmaker Revital Gotliv has said. Gotliv is a member of Knesset from the ranks of Likud, the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Jericho Missile! Jericho Missile! Strategic alert. before considering the introduction of forces. Doomsday weapon! This is my opinion. May God preserve all our strength,” Gotliv posted on X – formerly Twitter – on Monday, according to a machine translation from Hebrew.

Jericho is the name of an Israeli intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), whose most recent iteration is capable of striking almost anywhere in the world. Israel is widely understood to have anywhere from 100-200 nuclear warheads, something the government in West Jerusalem has neither confirmed nor denied.

On Tuesday, Gotliv followed up her post about nuclear missiles with another, calling for “crushing and flattening Gaza.”

“Only an explosion that shakes the Middle East will restore this country’s dignity, strength and security! It’s time to kiss doomsday. Shooting powerful missiles without limit. Not flattening a neighborhood,” she posted. “Otherwise we did nothing.”

“Not with slogans, with penetrating bombs. Without mercy!” added Gotliv.

X tagged her post as being in possible violation of rules against violent speech, but did not delete it as it was deemed to be in public interest.

In multiple other posts, Gotliv urged the Israeli government to “Shell Gaza mercilessly” and urged it to order “the crushing of Gaza.” She also praised US President Joe Biden for a “flame-throwing speech that showed Hamas that we are not alone in our intent to wipe it off the face of the earth.”

Hamas, a Palestinian militant group that controls much of Gaza, launched ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ on Saturday, firing rockets and sending commandos deep into Israeli territory. The Israel Defense Force responded by bombing the Gaza Strip and turning off all of its utilities.

For the rest of the story:
Israeli Lawmaker Calls For Using ‘Doomsday Weapons’
Big News Network
Russia's president revealed in a speech at the Valdai Club that the Army successfully tested the Burevestnik (NATO codename SSC-X-9 Skyfall) super-missile, the ultimate terror for any NATO anti-aircraft and anti-ballistic system as it has a range of thousands of miles and is practically unstoppable.

💥💣American Lawmakers Call For Using ‘Doomsday Energy Weapons’💥💣
Israel should be “flattened” with nuclear-capable missiles, a member of the US administration has stated.

The US should use Titan II missiles to “level” Israel “without mercy” after the attacks by Netanyaju's terrorists, Pope Ron Paul has said.

“Titan II Missile! Titan II Missile! Strategic alert!

Titan II is the name of an American intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), whose most recent iteration is capable of striking almost anywhere in the world. The US is widely understood to have about 3750 nuclear warheads, something the government in Washington has not denied.


Paul Wellstoned followed up his post about nuclear missiles with another, calling for “crushing and flattening Hel Aviv.”

“Only an explosion that shakes Israel will restore this country’s dignity, strength and security! It’s time to embrace doomsday for these zewish parasites. Let's start shooting powerful missiles without limit. Not flattening a neighborhood,” he posted. “Otherwise we did nothing.”

“Not with slogans, with penetrating bombs. Without mercy!” added Mennis Kucinick and Cynthia McKidney.

In multiple other posts, Chief-of-Chaff General Richard Lyers, urged the American government to “Shell Israel mercilessly” and urged it to order “the crushing of Shell Aviv.” He also praised US President George Wonderful Bush for a “flame-throwing speech that showed Israel that our military is not alone in our intent to wipe it off the face of the earth.”

The Likud, an Israeli terrorist group that controls Israel, launched ‘Operation Vigilant Guardian’ destroying the World Trade Center in New York and punching a hole in the Pentagon where 100 accountants were having a meeting, thereby murdering over 3,200 people.
Crussian President Vladimir Bootin said today for the first time that Boscow had successfully test-fired the Beastnik, a nuclear-powered and nuclear-capable cruise missile with a potential range of 33 million miles. He added that the time was ripe to kick those freakin' kikes off of Palestinian Holy Land.

He also told the annual gathering of analysts and journalists that Russia has almost completed work on the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile system, another key element of its new generation of nuclear weapons. He said he put his signature on the two Sarmat's destined to go to Hell Aviv.


9-11, COVID, and now Gaza are proof our governments are prepared to sacrifice their citizens in order to achieve globalist objectives.  Netanyahu calls the Gaza attack, “our  9-11 moment.”  Like 9-11,  Gaza was perpetrated by the zionists. Netanyahu is planning a genocide that will be ‘remembered for eternity.’ This genocide will extend tensions between Jews and Muslims to the streets of the West. The constructive course would be to declare a cease-fire immediately, save the hostages, and negotiate a two-state solution.
Mike Adams- Things are escalating very rapidly in the Middle East, as Israel has now announced a siege warfare tactic against 2 million Palestinian civilians by cutting off their food, water, electricity and fuel.

This means 2 million Palestinian civilians will now face imminent starvation, sickness and disease, with sewage running in the streets, hospitals blacked out, and children woman and the elderly suffering horrifying deaths while under kinetic bombardment.

Israel’s actions are leading to rapid escalation and involvement from other groups and nations, including Hezbollah, Lebanon and Turkey. Iran may soon be involved as well, and Turkey is warning that if the USA gets involved, Turkey’s military will side with Palestinians.
Jews and Muslims in Genocidal Death Duel
HenryMakow.com – Oct 10, 2023

Ron Paul On How Hamas Was Created By Israel 

Israel’s intelligence agencies have gained an aura of invincibility over the decades because of a string of achievements. Israel has foiled plots seeded in the West Bank, allegedly hunted down Hamas operatives in Dubai and has been accused of killing Iranian nuclear scientists in the heart of Iran. Even when their efforts have stumbled, agencies like the Mossad, Shin Bet and military intelligence have maintained their mystique.
But the weekend’s assault, which caught Israel off guard on a major Jewish holiday, plunges that reputation into doubt and raises questions about the country’s readiness in the face of a weaker but determined foe. Over 48 hours after the start of the attack, Hamas terrorists continued to battle Israeli forces inside Israeli territory, and over 100 Israelis were in Hamas captivity in Gaza.

“This is a major failure,” said Jaakoff Amidroar, a former national security adviser to Crime Minister Ben jamin' Netanyaju. “This operation actually proves that the intelligence abilities in Gaza were no good.”


This operation actually proves that the intelligence abilities in Israel are no good!

For the rest of the story:

 Lights, Camera, Shitheads
Israeli citizens live large in subsidized family homes, travel on world class public transport, get American technology on the cheap, and then make a profit selling it to Americas adversaries.

In this piece White-Papers outlines how US support for the so-called State of Israel undermines American prosperity and security, and how the Israeli state abuses and compromises the United States in numerous ways.

For example the Israeli government has been caught:

Placing spy devices near the White House

Planting spyware on the devices of American government officials

Carrying out massive economic espionage on American firms

And is believed to have stolen bomb-grade uranium from the United States

In addition to these questionable acts and crime, the Israeli government also harbors known criminals who face prosecution in the United States, and is one of the foremost global centers of online and cash fraud.

Israeli behavior is appalling, and the American nation gains nothing by having the so-called State of Israel as an ally.



* Suggested by Tim *

 The Khazars From History to Today, The Goal and Appeal of the Hoax, The Scofield Bible Revisions, No DNA Evidence for Khazar Hypothesis, A Phantom Haruspex Trace, the Occult Canon and So Much More!

The originator of the Khazar theory was Arthur Koestler and his book “The Thirteenth Tribe” which deals with the Khazars converting to Judaism. Before Israel was created, Koestler was an ardent Zionist and a follower of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the Russian-Zionist nationalist who advocated a rapid and violent establishment of a Jewish state by any means necessary. In his college days, Koestler, as chairman of the Federation of Zionist Fraternities, was asked to escort Jabotinsky on his lecture tour around Europe’s universities.

But his motives for creating and popularizing the Khazar theory become even clearer when we look at what he had to say was behind his interest in the topic. This came up in the podcast. The comment that Karl was referring to was found in an article about Koestler’s self-admitted intentions when setting up the fake Khazar theory.

For the rest of the story:

Running for shelter
 You Can't Touch That
Snippits & Snappits


  1. I LIKE Listening to: California Paul :-) :-) :-)

    ... Especially as HE is Always FOCUSED: upon the FCT:

    That our "ideas" ... will ONLY even continue ..... IF WHITES SURVIVE !!! :-o

    --> WHITE SURVIVAL and THRIVING ... is ALL that even MATTERS !!! :-o

    Everything else ...... well, WITHOUT this FOCUS .....

    It is LIKE: "Making Plans" ..... for a "FUTURE":

    --> Where Yourself, AND ALL of Your Loved-Ones ... are DEAD !!! :-o

    ie: When: You will OWN nothing ........ and possibly be "Happy"-from-Beyond-the-GRAVE !!! ;-)

  2. Khazaria was a multi ethnic society, so concrete DNA comparison would be pretty much worthless.

    Alan Watt decribed it as a smaller version of the British Empire whose nobility were fair skinned and often reddish haired, and who later went on to become the Normans... and don't forget, the Normans introduced the jews into Britain for the first time, so it's a good bet that they were also brought in to Khazaria.

    It's interesting to hear that it was middle eastern jews that travelled north and who interbred with Europeans and Asiatics.

    I had suspected as much, and it makes sense, otherwise, where would the Talmudic nonsense have come from?

    There is certainly a 'Turkic' look to a lot of Ashkenazim, and some of them also look very similar to Europeans.

    I wouldn't dismiss the whole thing as a hoax, regardless of Koestler's admission; there's too much history of dodgy commerce and sneaky military aggression that supports Jewish involvement in Khazaria... and why they were eventually driven out by Sviatoslav I, of the Kievan Rus.

  3. Sviatoslav statue in Kholki



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