November 18, 2023

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2023.11.18

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Guest Hosts: Patrick Chenal and Mallificus Scott

Hour 1 - Guest Donald Jeffries

Hour 2 - Discussion between the hosts

Hour 3 - 9/11 discussion with a caller

80k CF Download


  1. Sure - when Fetch does a show, the summary is always "News and Current Events". I take a day off and we get this nice hour by hour description. So if Fetch does the show, it is "eff it", want to know, go have a listen - if someone else does the show, it is like, hey, hour 1 - great guest. Hour 2, the hosts were like women in a hair salon, and in hour 3, there was a phone call!

    On my next show, I want to see a cool hour by hour summary...

    All aside, cool for Patrick and Malificus to take the show. By the looks of it, they did very well...

    Now click on these captias for 40 or 50 times and maybe we can get his post to go through.

  2. You go through so much information in one hour that I can't summarize it.

  3. For the record, "Chanel" should not be in "quotation marks". Patrick is using his real name, Patrick Chenal. His brother, Leo Chenal, is a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs. Patrick has a rather fascinating family history storyline that could probably make for a good segment.

    Good to have new voices out there and Patrick is one of the good guys.

    Malificus - the guy is from Cornwall so 'nuff said.

    Amazes how many Cornwall listeners there are to ITEL...I bet I would have a hard time walking out of a pub if I went to visit these guys (and there are a few)...


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