November 24, 2023

If the Zionist Devils Hadn’t Killed JFK - Did The San Francisco Homeless Suddenly Find a Home? - What's happening in Spain? - Mike Stone, SonOfEnos, Tim Truth, Tucker Carlson, Metal Leo, Neil Oliver, Cybergnostic, Umbra Bellator, Santa Claws, Fork Faced and Grand Funk

Mike Stone
Tucker Carlson in Madrid

Stop Dying for Satanist (Masonic) Jewish Hegemony
Mike Stone
Umbra Bellator on the Military of the Jew-S-A
Better Stick To The Lies You Know
Santa Claws is Making a List - Be Very Afraid...

Who Killed JFK?

The definitive book on the JFK assassination is Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper. Originally a single book, it’s now a two volume set. In this monumental work, Piper clearly and indisputably proves that the primary player in the assassination of JFK was the Israeli government, together with individuals of our own government, almost all of whom were Freemasons.

While the principle players involved in the Kennedy assassination are likely all dead, their policies remain in place. And their descendants, both family relatives and partners in crime, have carried on their dirty work to the detriment of us all.

What One Man Would Have Brought to the World

Now why is this topic so important? To answer that question, simply ask yourself what kind of a world would we be living in now if JFK had not been assassinated - or if his assassination had been properly investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice.

Had Kennedy not been assassinated and his killers not allowed to walk free, the perps and their descendants would not have usurped power all over the globe. There likely would not have been any type of virus hoax, which is now responsible for over eighty million deaths. Add to that 60 years of wars, crime, and other calamities and you're looking at probably over a billion needless deaths that took place, all because of the murder of one man, whose death nobody wants to talk about.

Granted, life would not be perfect today had Kennedy lived. But if he had lived, or if his killers had at least been apprehended, tried in a court of law, and executed, life today would be a whole lot better than it is.
 israel Killed JFK

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Tim Truth


Barcelona Nov 18 - The Spanish are done with communists

Tucker Carlson in Madrid: The world needs to see what is happening in Spain, it's not getting the coverage it deserves
 What happened?! Is CNN doing a good job for once?

Israel's lost control of the narrative, this is shocking, considering it's coming from CNN!!! Expect a false-flag to be imminent.

Tucker Carlson in Madrid

Is Gaza genocide being used to push fake “multipolar world” as a “solution”?
Catte Black – Off-Guardian
Théophile Gautier, Nov 11, 2023

I see more people now saying the point is division and distraction and I agree and it’s gratifying to see people waking to new realities. However I think it may be even one step more cynical and diabolical.

I believe from what I see that we may soon witness a “flip of the script”. I believe Israel may soon be dropped by everyone but the so-called “alt right” who will elect to go down with her ship.

As another commenter appositely observed –

It’s not enough to say “well thank goodness CNN have seen the light”, or “well it’s nice to see Doctors without Borders on the right side for a change.” Because that’s not how these things work. The mainstream is never gonna “see the light”, it will always, always ALWAYS follow the agenda of the tiny minority who own and control it.

Exactly. This is a reality we can’t ignore. The controlled media are showing us the evils in Gaza because for some twisted reason their controllers want us to see and deplore the very slaughter they have created.

The big question that should be flashing in pink neon in all our minds is


Why do they want you to be shocked, traumatized, sympathetic toward their own victims?

Is this about cynically playing both sides to keep the controversy at boiling point – the ancient ploy of divide and rule, a first step in an Orwellian “forever war”?

Or is “Thèophile Gautier’ correct? Is this the first part of a bait and switch aimed at persuading people they want and need the Great Reset’s Brave New Multipolar World as the only way to stop the killing of innocents?

Are they hoping we will all be so traumatized by their endless snuff films of death and destruction we will grab at the first offered chance of ‘peace’, even if it involves being ruled by the UN/WEF/CFR nexus?

Is this indeed how the global managers intend to finally shed their “collective west” skin and transform into the Multipolar World of the 4th Industrial Revolution/Great Reset?

The new – inclusive, “equitable” and far worse tyranny.

Could even the manipulators of this sad world be that cynical and duplicitous?

It’s way too early to say anything like this is in the cards, of course. All we can say is the evidence does not in any way rule it out at this time.

And let’s never forget –

The scamdemic taught us how tightly networked the global leadership is behind the facade of conflict. §

We know already the covid narrative failed in its bid to herd us into Agenda 2030 ten years before the deadline.

We know since then that agenda has retreated from the spotlight but is still creeping into position, masked by endless war, slaughter, fake crises and cardboard cut-out “politics”.

A bait and switch of the magnitude described by our reader might seem extreme and improbable – but then wouldn’t the pandemic lie have seemed that way five years ago?

So, let’s remain alert – and take nothing for granted. These are treacherous and strange times.

Tell us what you think. Is this a “crazy conspiracy theory” or a plausible interpretation of current events?

Is Gaza genocide being used to push fake “multipolar world” as a “solution”?
Catte Black – Off-Guardian Nov 21, 2023

I’m a Jew & I’m NOT a Genocidal Racist — Why Do Israel “Supporters” Keep Telling the World that I Am?
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Can't be only one hollowhoax!?
 DEVASTATING: Fully-Vaxxed New Zealand Suffers a Staggering 3000% Spike in Excess Deaths
Dagestanis Kick israelis Out!
Stop Dying for Satanist (Masonic) Jewish Hegemony
Mike Stone

It’s 30 seconds long and features a platoon of young white men parachuting out of a helicopter. There isn’t a single female, tranny, homosexual, or person of color in sight. Nothing but determined and smiling white faces.

You know what that means, don’t you? It means the Army wants you back and they’re willing to grovel.

This is your old girlfriend, the one who dumped you and ran off with your best friend, saying she’s sorry and wants to kiss and makeup. 

It’s your ex-wife who filed for divorce and proceeded to take your house, your money, and all of the kids, and then got a slimy, scum-sucking judge to slap a restraining order on you and deny all your visitation rights, saying she made a mistake and wants you back in her life.

It’s the boss who fired you in front of your co-workers, had security escort you out of the building, and tried to block your unemployment, calling and begging you to come back.

Are you going to fall for it?

 Veterans Day Nov 11- Stop Dying for Satanist (Masonic) Jewish Hegemony
By Mike Stone

The Honorable Minister of Justice & Punishment, Sir Umbra Bellator, has designated the US military personnel persona non grata.

Umbra Bellator on November 11, 2023 at 6:11 pm:

Pretty good piece here from Stone, though he did have a brain fart with this doozy, “For years now, all four branches of the military have done everything they possibly could to exclude young, patriotic white men like yourself from having any place in their ranks.” ..”Patriotic”, eh? Only the dangerously stupid, like literally mentally retarded, could possibly believe ANYTHING the military of the Jew-S-A has engaged in over the past 100 years has had ANYTHING to do with “patriotism” and has been in the interests of 98.5% (the other 1.5% being the Jew) of the citizens in any way, shape, or form.

Then there’s the fact the Jewnited States military has gone full-on homicidal terrorist psychopath over the past 22 years, all only benefiting Jewry. It remains absolutely stunning to me how so many Americunt dumb-fucks swallowed, and continue to swallow, hook, line, and sinker, the obvious big kahuna of rancid tripe that was the “official narrative” of 9/11. The “official” version is so patently and blatantly absurd. Granted, the majority of the population are abject imbeciles, but still…

My feeling is that anyone who has enlisted in the Jewnited States military since 9/11 is either a slack-jawed, dangerously stupid semi-functional retard or a maniacal psychopath. That certainly and absolutely applies to anyone who has enlisted since the cuntry’s terrorist rampage in Iraq. Ok, 9/11 and Afghanistan aside, even though it shouldn’t be discounted in any way, what kind of even semi-sane person could look at what the Jewnited States did in Iraq (then Libya, then Syria, and so on) and think, “Count me in!”??

So I stand firm in my belief that anyone who has enlisted since 9/11, and even further back really, is either dangerously stupid or a rabid psychopath. In either case, they should be removed from the gene pool. Thus, in a sane society under similar conditions, anyone walking into a military recruiting station should be ushered straight through, out the back door into the alley, then lined against a wall and shot.

The most galling thing is how those morons and psychopaths so easily forget the key part of their oath, which is to protect and defend the Constitution and citizens from enemies both foreign AND domestic. Any of the foreigners they have been slaughtering wholesale while destroying their countries, for Shlomo and the Boyz from Way Down Under no less, weren’t enemies of the US until then, they have done nothing to stop the hordes of orcs and mongrels from pouring into the cuntry, and certainly nothing to address the treason and criminal rot in Wahingstein and Wall Street. In other words, the military has been much worse than merely useless, they have been complicit accomplices in crimes against humanity and the destruction of the country they “swore” to defend.

 Forget that Balfour Declaration, Voltman Plutonymus proposes: "The Strike 3 You're OUT! Declaration!"
Umbra Bellator on October 24, 2023 at 1:37 pm

Every single one of those bombs, missiles, and bullets should be aimed AT and used ON Israhell rather than supplying them to those psychopaths for them to continue their 2,000 year spree of murder, mayhem, and destruction. The epic suicidal stupidity of Americunts aiding and abetting the demonic entity that is actually their nemesis is utterly mind-blowing to me. Supporting Jewry and Israhell after being raped, robbed, looted, mass murdered, degraded, and well on the way to utter destruction by them is the most stupefying example of masochistic stupidity the world has ever seen.

If Americunts only knew the truth about 9/11, obvious to many of us here, things would be very different, let alone the holohoax, the USS Liberty, the criminal system of “central banking”, the Book of Bullshit and the abject slavery of Christianity that was concocted by the Jew, and so on and so on…but the average Americunt is dangerously stupid and continues to support abject evil with rabid fervor.


Santa Claws is Making a List - Be Very Afraid...

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 Just Because of the Way They All Behave
Snippits & Snappits:


  1. I was in Ventura,ca. During the covid psyop, the homeless disappeared overnight,as was reported throughout the country. Beware of fast food, it might not be what you think it is.


  2. Hey Voltman :-)

    Even Though the Adjusted-by-ME-Famous-Poem, that You KINDLY Re-Posted ...

    Turned Out so WELL, that it would maybe SEEM to be the BEST that I will EVER Come-Up-With.....

    I just Wrote this "Funny" "Joke" ..... But, am I "WRONG"!? ... That's WHY it Irks / HURTS! ;-) --> It MAY INDEED: BE MY: Most Astute Work / Creation / Writing EVER !!!

    (Even though, a little "Tweaking" might Still IMPROVE it somewhat!)

    Expanding upon the "Euphemism": "Women Make 'Poor Choices'!"

    (Especially in Ireland, the Catholic-Church: Was "OPPRESSIVE"! ;-) )

    Women's CHOICES:


    You Can't have sex Before: Marriage!
    (Otherwise: You won't Have any Husband
    to Help You CARE for all of Your-Children!)

    CHOICE: --> I will First Marry the best "Provider" that I can!

    Men's CHOICES:


    Unless You Work-HARD, and Give-ME ALL of Your Hard-Earned Money,
    To Spend-as-I-like when I Go-Out-Shopping, I'm NOT even Interested in Marrying You.

    CHOICE: --> Hey, Girl-Next-Door: YOU are My "Princess"! PLEASE Marry ME,
    + I will Happily: Take Care of You, and All-of-OUR-Beautiful-Children: Forever!

    Women's CHOICES:


    Step-1: I "want" to have sex with Men who DON'T even Want: to Marry ME!
    (And: The only men who even Want to Marry ME, are ALL: "Losers" anyway!)

    Step-2: I am Pregnant, a) By a WHITE-man, hence I will "Abort": Him / Her!
    b) By a "non-WHITE" ... (No man will Marry ME!) I will GET "Welfare" forever !!!

    Step-3: There are NO: WHITE-Children, we MUST bring-In: "non-WHITE"-men!

    Step-4: "non-WHITE"-men, Don't Work / Pay-Taxes: & Spend Their Time in: Murder Rape & Theft

    Men's CHOICES:


    Unless You Work-HARD, and Give-ME ALL of Your Hard-Earned Money (That is Left-After-Huge-Welfare-Taxes),
    To Spend-as-I-like when I Go-Out-Shopping, I won't even Pretend to be "Friendly"-to / "Interested" in You!

    "CHOICE": a) I Have Lots of Money, some women SEEM to "Like" ME! (But "Marriage" is a Pre-Curser to: Divorce-Rape!)
    b) I Don't have much Money, or "Looks" etc... So, I will Spend all of My Time: at-My-"Computer"!

    ALL of the Millions of: "non-WHITE"-men HERE now: Don't Work / Pay-Taxes: & Spend Their Time in: Murder Rape & Theft !!!
    -- What can I DO? ... What do I CARE even? ... All of the WHITE-women Seem to "Like" THAT, and THEM anyway !!! :-o

  3. Can YOU FIND:

    MY: World Full of "Gullible"-People "Fairytale" ... Please Voltman?
    (I CHANGED My-Computer !!!!!!!!!!! :-o )

    ... I'd LIKE to SEE How-WELL that it Holds-Opto-the-TEST-of-TIME !!!? :-o


    :-) :-) :-)

  4. WOW !!! :-o

    A YANDEX-Search FOUND it for ME on Mami's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    A Fairy Tale
    By Albert

    The World is full of Gullible people ...

    A Farmer wandered, and everywhere he saw Gullible People ...
    ... wearing-masks because of an imaginary Fake-"virus" ...

    All of the People were Losing-their-Homes to jew-bankers who Now "owned" them All,
    even though (((they))) had never worked a day in (((their))) lives! ...

    And the Police and Other "Authority"-Bullies Tormented everyone Terribly ...
    but No-One could do ANYTHING about it ... because to Defend-Themselves,
    or Stand-Up-to or Fight-Back, in Any-way ... would be: Bad, and being "violent" ...
    ... and No-One should Ever be Advocating for "violence"! .......

    Thus a relative-handful of brazen-(((liars))) ... came to "Own" everything in the World,
    including All-People as (((their))) Slaves ... my my, indeed, by "watching"-(((TV))) ...

    They had All become soooo terribly-GULLIBLE !!! 😉 -- The END !!! 😮

  5. A Gullible World: The Story of a Man Who Didn't Beat His Wife

    Czechoslovak Folktale

    There was once a poor farm laborer, so poor that all he owned in the world was a hen. He told his wife to take this hen to market and sell it.

    "How much shall I ask for it?" the woman wanted to know.

    "Ask as much as they'll pay, of course," the laborer said.

    So the woman took the hen by the feet and set out. Near the village she met a farmer.

    "Good day," the farmer said. "Where are you going with that hen?"

    "I'm going to market to sell it for as much as they'll pay me."

    The farmer weighed the hen in his hand, pursed his lips, thought a moment, and said:

    "You better sell it to me. I'll pay you three pennies for it."

    "Three pennies? Are you sure that's as much as you'll pay?"

    "Yes," the farmer said, "three pennies is as much as I'll pay."

    So the laborer's wife sold the hen for three pennies. She went on to the village and there she bought a pretty little paper bag with one of the pennies and a piece of ribbon with another penny. She put the third penny into the bag, tied the bag with the ribbon, slipped the ribbon on a stick, put the stick over her shoulder, and then, feeling that she had done a very good day's work, she tramped home to her husband.

    When the laborer heard how stupidly his wife had acted, he flew into a great rage and at first threatened to give her a sound beating.

    "Was there ever such a foolish woman in the world?" he shouted angrily.

    The poor woman, who by this time was snuffling and weeping, whimpered out:

    "I don't see why you find so much fault with me! I'm sure I'm not the only gullible person in the world."

    "Well," the laborer said, "I don't know. Perhaps there are people in the world as gullible as you. I tell you what I'll do: I'll go out and see if I can find them. If I do, I won't beat you."

    So the laborer went out into the world to see if he could find any one as gullible as his wife. He traveled several days until he reached a countryside where he was unknown. Here he came to a fine castle at the window of which stood the lady of the castle looking out.

  6. Part-2:
    "Now then, my lady," the laborer said to himself, "we'll see how gullible you are."

    He stood in the middle of the road, looked intently up at the sky, and then reaching out his arms as if he were trying to catch hold of something he began jumping up and down.

    The lady of the castle watched him for a few moments and then dispatched one of her servants to ask him what he was doing. The servant hurried out and questioned him and this is the story the clever rascal made up:

    "I'm trying to jump back into heaven. You see I live up there. I was wrestling up there with one of my comrades and he pitched me out and now I can't find the hole I fell through."

    With his eyes popping out of his head, the servant hurried back to his mistress and repeated the laborer's story word for word.

    The lady of the castle instantly sent for the laborer.

    "You say you were in heaven?" she asked him.

    "Yes, my lady, that's where I live and I'm going back at once."

    "I have a dear son in heaven," the lady said. "Do you know him?"

    "Of course I know him. The last time I saw him he was sitting far back in the chimney corner looking very sad and lonely."

    "What! My son sitting far back in the chimney corner! Poor boy, he must be in need of money! My good man, will you take him something from me? I'd like to send him three hundred golden ducats and material for six fine shirts. And tell him not to be lonely as I'll come to him soon."

    The laborer was delighted at the success of his yarn and he told the lady of the castle he'd gladly take with him the ducats and the fine shirting and he asked her to give them to him at once as he had to get back to heaven without delay.

    The foolish woman wrapped up the shirting and counted out the money and the laborer hurried off.

    Once out of sight of the castle he sat down by the roadside, stuffed the fine shirting into the legs of his trousers, and hid the ducats in his pockets. Then he stretched himself out to rest.

    Meantime the lord of the castle got home and his wife at once told him the whole story and asked him if he didn't think she was fortunate to find a man who had consented to deliver to their son in heaven three hundred golden ducats and material for six fine shirts.

    "What!" cried the husband. "Oh, what a gullible creature you are! Who ever heard of a man falling out of heaven! And if he were to fall, how could he climb back? The rogue has swindled you! Which way did he go?"

    And without waiting to hear the poor lady's lamentations, the nobleman mounted his horse and galloped off in the direction the laborer had taken.

    The laborer, who was still resting by the wayside, saw him coming and guessed who he was.

    "Now, my lord, we'll try you," he said to himself.

    He took off his broad-trimmed hat and put it on the ground beside him over a clod of earth.

    "My good fellow," said the nobleman, "I am looking for a man with a bundle over his shoulder. Have you seen him pass this way?"

    The laborer scratched his head and pretended to think.

    "Yes, master," he said, "seems to me I did see a man with a bundle. He was running over there towards the woods and looking back all the time. He was a stranger to these parts. I remember now thinking to myself that he looked like one of those rogues that come from big cities to swindle honest country folk. Yes, master, that's the way he went, over there."

    The laborer seemed such an honest simple fellow that at once the nobleman told him how the stranger had swindled his wife.

    "Oh, the rogue!" the laborer cried. "To think of his swindling such a fine lady, too! Master, I wish I could help you. I'd take that horse of yours and go after him myself if I could. But I can't. I'm carrying a bird of great value to a gentleman who lives in the next town. I have the bird here under my hat and I daren't leave it."

  7. Part-3:
    The nobleman thought that as the laborer had seen the swindler he might be able to catch him. So he said:

    "My good man, if I sat here and guarded your hat, would you be willing to mount my horse and follow that rascal?"

    "Indeed I would, my lord, in a minute, for I can't bear to think of that rogue swindling such a fine lady as your wife. But I must beg you to be very careful of this bird. Don't put your hand under my hat or it might escape and then I should have to bear the loss of it."

    The nobleman promised to be most careful of the bird and, dismounting, he handed his bridle to the laborer. That one mounted the nobleman's horse and galloped off.

    It is needless to say the nobleman never saw either man or horse again. He waited and waited. At last when he could wait no longer he decided that he would have to take the bird home with him and let the laborer follow. So he lifted the edge of the hat very carefully, slipped in his hand, and clutched—the dry clod of earth!

    Deeply chagrined he went home and had to bear the smiles of his people as they whispered among themselves that my lord as well as my lady had been swindled.

    The laborer as he neared his cottage called out to his wife:

    "It's all right, wife! You won't get that beating! I find that the world is full of people even more gullible than you!"

  8. "Crazy" as it Seems ... I THINK that it Maybe even BETTER than the Original! :-o
    (It is CERTAINLY More-CLEAR ... and NOT: So: "Ambiguous"/"Ironic" !!! ;-) )

    The White Man's Burden -- Rudyard Kipling 1865 (Bombay) – 1936 (London)

    Take up the White man's burden --
    Send forth the best ye breed --
    Go bind your sons to exile
    To serve your captives' need;
    To wait in heavy harness
    On fluttered folk and wild --
    Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
    Half devil and half child.

    Take up the White Man's burden --
    In patience to abide,
    To veil the threat of terror
    And check the show of pride;
    By open speech and simple,
    An hundred times mad plain.
    To seek another's profit,
    And work another's gain.

    Take up the White Man's burden --
    The savage wars of peace --
    Fill full the mouth of Famine
    And bid the sickness cease;
    And when your goal is nearest
    The end for others sought,
    Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
    Bring all your hope to nought.

    Take up the White Man's burden --
    No tawdry rule of kings,
    But toil of serf and sweeper --
    The tale of common things.
    The ports ye shall not enter,
    The roads ye shall not tread,
    Go make them with your living,
    And mark them with your dead!

    Take up the White man's burden --
    And reap his old reward:
    The blame of those ye better,
    The hate of those ye guard --
    The cry of hosts ye humour
    (Ah, slowly!) toward the light: --
    "Why brought ye us from bondage,
    "Our loved Egyptian night?"

    Take up the White Man's burden --
    Ye dare not stoop to less --
    Nor call too loud on freedom
    To cloak your weariness;
    By all ye cry or whisper,
    By all ye leave or do,
    The silent, sullen peoples
    Shall weigh your Gods and you.

    Take up the White Man's burden --
    Have done with childish days --
    The lightly proffered laurel,
    The easy, ungrudged praise.
    Comes now, to search your manhood
    Through all the thankless years,
    Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
    The judgment of your peers!

  9. I FOUND "MY" Poem:

    Cast Off the White Man's Burden

    Cast off: the White man's burden --
    Why: Send forth the best ye breed --
    Or: Go bind your sons to exile
    To Serve Ingrate-Beasts' need;
    Why: Toil in heavy harness
    For Ugly Envious and Wild --
    Why: Feed these, sullen peoples,
    Half devil and half 'child'?

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    Why: Do you in patience abide,
    Why: Tolerate their threat & terror,
    Why: Feed their Murd'rous show & pride?
    They now openly curse and plot,
    In mad "vengeance" become your bane.
    They seek from your work to profit,
    And 'work' from your Death to gain.

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    The savage Brother-wars of ((("peace"))) --
    Why: fill their 'Lazy' mouth of Famine
    Why: bid their grac'd sickness cease?
    And when their "equal" numbers swell
    Their End for Ebil-"Whitey" sought --
    Watch 'Chimpin' and Vicious-Hatred
    Bring all your Happy-Dreams to nought.

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    Such 'Fairness' fills their poison-stings;
    At 'Best' they speak of base & foul --
    And 'work' to realize terrible things.
    The Lands ye shall not enter,
    The Cities ye shall not tread,
    Why: Feed them with your Life-Force,
    Why: Empower them with your dead!?

    Cast off: the White man's burden --
    These 'good'-deeds hath old reward:
    The insane-blame of those ye better,
    The vicious-hate of those ye guard --
    The curse of hordes ye humour
    Your generous-gifts weaponized to fight:
    "Why showed us what we lacked, and were,
    'Oppressed' us with your Truthful sight!?"

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    For 'equity' brings ev'r more distress!
    Share not your hearts' call for freedom
    Nor to them: inner-dialog confess!
    By all ye cry or whisper,
    By all ye leave or do,
    The raging, vicious "people" ...
    Shall weigh your Gods and you.

    Cast off: the White Man's burden --
    For Only amongst our Folk lays --
    The lightly proffered laurel,
    The easy, ungrudged praise.
    See Now: the Truth of Your Humanity
    Through all the thankless years,
    Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
    The judgment of Your peers!


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