November 15, 2023

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2023.10.14

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Kelleigh Nelson  - Alejandro Mayorkas, Mike Johnson, the Obama-Biden Illegal, Unelected administration - Communists Everywhere

Download Hour 2 - Frosty Wooldridge  - Heading To Armageddon

Download Hour 3 - David Oates  - More Reverse Speech End Times Revelations

64k CF
Rense's site



    Just Johnny + happa-guy .....

    and the conversation Flowed VERY WELL .... it was fun ....

    ... too "bad" Lark couldn't call in to "con-tribute"! ;-)

  2. You know, I don't begrudge you your faiths in christianity. I don't even despise you, though I think plastering a silly fairy-tale story over the concept of GOD, itself, and saying 'that's all you get, that's your one story', is not just ridiculous, but evil.

    I regret that I'm always dealing with people who don't have a complete view of the world.

    That they can't see that Marxist is basically Christianity rebranded. That zapote posts quotes from jews who say 'we can manipulate the goys to steal all their gold very easily' and doesn't immediately realize that Christianity is the tool that enables their manipulations. That you can listen to a crypto-jew like Brian on Fetzer's RBN, and not realize that him trying to depict the fiction, the fairy-tale of biblical narrative, as real-world history is absurd beyond what can be tolerated.

    Or that you can hear a shrill, shrieking madman like in the program you linked, and not hear an insane, and unbearably stupid person. That not only can that individual not gain any perspective on himself, displaying nothing left of human reason, the capacity for introspection, or self-awareness.

    All those in the cult and under it's mind control influence also cannot discern what a repulsive, horrible person this shrieking, insane crypto-jew is, because they're all too busy 'feeding the message'. That's how desperate they are to have their views validated, that if the messenger is a frothing at the mouth, miniaturized rabid smurf, they'll still listen and appreciate it.

    It's not good. Religion should be good, a positive thing that helps people, assists humanity with it's burdens, not increases them. Like money should also help human well-being and be conducive to human improvement. These things are just tools, invented and employed for purpose. To be utilized. If they're used for good purpose, then they make sense. if they've been hijacked, re-purposed, misappropriated to serve evil purpose and the designs of those with evil intent, then they no longer make sense.

    If you can't question something, like christianity, that doesn't make sense because it's lost it's purpose, or was designed to be evil initially, and it serves those machinations of evil instead, here's a couple paragraphs making the effort on your behalf.

  3. I know the problem. Self-identify association causes you to perceive any attack against christianity as an attack against yourself, so anger impairs thinking. I was able to perceive christianity itself as an attack, so disassociated myself from it. I was a lector for a couple years, from ages 12-13, and realized the sermons just repeated every year. We had a priest who was an immigrant who barely spoke english. I could have done a better job as a child. So what good was it, for me to be there against my will? It was easy for to see christianity as an enemy at a very early age.

    Now, you'll admit Fauci, Dr. Vax, is a crypto-jew? I'm not making any gigantic leaps of incoherent logic, to point out this little big-nosed gremlin, with his alfalfa side-part, is actually a jew? Yet, he's labelled as 'catholic', that's what his public persona is presented as. Does the pope come out and say, 'hey, this guy, we don't have anything to do with him'? Or does the catholic church go hand-in-glove along with the vaccine programs, the migrant invasion agenda, the forced mixing of races perpetuated on and responsible for the undermining of western society, the child abuse and pedophelia agenda?

    How far removed from the original font of christianity do you think your individual denominations are from the influence of catholicism? You really believe your little fractured piece of christianity is not under the control of the same mechanisms as the catholic church?

    If the end result of the implementation of an institution like the christian church is so negative, and the foundation of it's premise based on a story that is not just factually inaccurate, but absurd when put in perspective of the facts about human nature, what are you left with at the end? What does Christianity exist as other than a sock puppet Jews can put a hand into and easily manipulate the desperate, deceived masses of followers?

    What are you guys all Mormons or Jehova's Witnesses, to believe that you're separate from the endemic corruption of the foundation of your faith?


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