November 12, 2023

Scorpio/Sledge recording 2023.11.11

Mike and Scorpio discuss the latest bullshit and more from a Skype call.

Feel free to email Scorpio at


  1. 35 minutes in ...

    (((alex cohen))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    --> You COULD have "MENTIONED" THAT BEEEFFOOOORREEE guys !!! ;-)

  2. Good show. Sorry I get worked up about other casts, then direct my criticism broadly at everybody. I usually don't get angry listening to you guys, at least.

    Like Fetzer's Carnival Crew constantly referring to South African apartheid, suggesting that making blacks live in their own societies is a crime against god and sanity, while putting the country into a state of civil war and white genocide is just and decent. Also, the parallels between whites in South Africa just wanting to have their own societies and Israeli's dropping bombs to totally exterminate their neighbors are blatantly obvious. Practically identical. How does that guy take himself seriously?

    You were talking towards the end about how western society has been led into a trap, of idealism, and I want to expound on that a bit. I believe organized religion is designed to suppress the truth about human nature from people. It's ostensibly about 'love, forgiveness', but doesn't even attempt to address or call attention to the side of humanity that is jealous, envious, spiteful, and malicious.

    I think a lot, LOT, of human behavior is directed by ugly motives like envy. That envy is what fuels, among the other ethnic groups, the unanimous undercurrent among them that causes them to support white genocide. In my own personal life, I know I've had to isolate myself from human interaction because I am much more intelligent and attractive than other people, and that makes me a target. People hate my guts, even my family, all the time. One person, my squad leader in freshman year of marching band, once, had the courage to admit to me that she was mean to me because she was jealous of me. White people openly hate other whites that have superior qualities to themselves. The Jews don't have to work that hard, whites are naturally inclined to dispose of and depose their own leaders, and those with leadership qualities. It's like king-killing is built into their mentality to the point that a hobo with a regal bearing gets taken down for it.

    Don't know what to do about it, being seemingly ingrained into human nature itself. It's an important, almost overriding, part of human interaction that is not taken into account. People prefer indoctrination that teaches them to ignore the truth about themselves.

  3. How the fuck did you missed that one PB23?

    You go on and on about organized religion and some how you actually avoid that one?

    Do you think that we are imbeciles?

  4. You go me trying to (((Google))) (((Alexa Cohen)))
    now but there are jut so many
    does ayone have the doxx?

    also @ 1:10 "at the end of the day is there really any difference between Dane Wiggington and Greta Thunberg"
    sure there is Greta dog whistles at us that she is "J woke" πŸ™

    πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

  5. That boomer crap made me turn off most shows.

  6. @zapoper

    I had to skip most that episode. The 'hyper-active screeching smurf' personality I just can't tolerate. I didn't leave a comment here, I honestly couldn't listen to most of what that guy had to say because he was so annoying.

    I left a comment on bitchute saying 'This is the part of the movie where the curtain falls away and the imposing monster of christianity is revealed to be a tiny shrieking jew?'

    Which Fetzer deleted. I go on and on about how horrible organized religion is because I had extremely brainwashed parents who were so excited about the idea of me becoming a priest, that they basically ruined the course of my life to make sure I'd have almost no other choice. I see little to no difference between outright child sacrifice, and the abuses society lets parents inflict on their children in the name of religion.

    I think western society quickly escalated into an environment where child-abuse is basically ingrained into the culture, parents abuse children, government abuse children, the human environment abuses children, specifically because organized religion had already paved the way. In a society that claims to value human rights, you have an entire system predicated on denying children basic decency, targeting them as the most vulnerable and easiest to victimize. A whole list of invisible rights trampled on and forgotten; to be among their own kind, to not be fed poisoned, to not be coerced with products or ideas harmful to them, to have the chance to have their own minds, express their own ideas, to be secure in the kind of 'bubble' that surrounds the innocence of youth until they can reach adulthood.

    The system in place is the opposite of that, and the backbone of that system is it's religion.

    It is easy to blame 'boomers' for perpetuating the kind of system that makes open warfare against kids. It's irresponsible to look at the vampiristic system that feeds on human misery and targets kids for it's most evil plans, and not question at a fundamental level, every institution that caused that kind of situation to be created.

  7. "That boomer crap made me turn off most shows"
    t. boomer

    I'll agree that it's "not all boomers", but spend any time around these narcissists and you will hear how they are responsible for everything good but everything bad that has happened to society on their watch is not their problem and definitely not their fault. Hearing that shit gets old, especially from the generation who controls the majority of the wealth and voting power.

    I was a substack subscriber and have followed Kike Sludge going back to renegade. He's a wealth of knowledge and always saw through the bullshit. That said, how the fuck did you let a guy named Alex Cohen bullshit you for three years? I don't buy it for one second.

  8. " I go on and on about how horrible organized religion is because I had extremely brainwashed parents who were so excited about the idea of me becoming a priest, that they basically ruined the course of my life to make sure I'd have almost no other choice. I see little to no difference between outright child sacrifice, and the abuses society lets parents inflict on their children in the name of religion."

    If what you wrote is true I do have empathy for what you went trough but at the same time you have to understand that not every person has had to experience all that shit in their lives. This is particular to your life experience in this plane of existence and do enjoy your karma. LOL


    Read 'em and weep, gents. I'm 43. Believe me when I say, ageism discrimination is a really big thing.

    You have an entire underclass of citizens in children, who have no real representation, no way to voice their own opposition, no way to form any kind of defense, or know they should form some kind of defense.

    Then you have a system which hits them before they're out of diapers. 101 Vaccines to cause autism and other defects, commercials weaponized to get them addicted to GMO food that will stunt them physically, schools which force them to co-habituate with foreign ethnic groups who are hostile to them, an education system that actively punishes intelligence by making the smart 'rush ahead' and become the youngest in their peer group, a learning process that is 98% propaganda, then topped-off with a system of spirituality which programs them to forgive and forget, jesus died so they could experience this wonderful, perfect existence. You wouldn't want Jesus to have died in vain, would you?

    It's really a sick, sadistic process to have in place against the youth, for it to be an unusual thing to have discontent expressed, that it's the case that I make myself the 'oddball' for condemning. That's my perspective, it's weird you aren't all denying the legitimacy of a spiritual institution, whose continual existence and increasing influence would bring about these kinds of results.

  10. "then topped-off with a system of spirituality which programs them to forgive and forget, jesus died so they could experience this wonderful, perfect existence. You wouldn't want Jesus to have died in vain, would you?"

    I don't know in what fucking world you are living in but the world I live in I see Hollywood jews going against Christian values.

    I'm not even religious but I can tell that this is detrimental.

  11. I'd say it's not that uncommon. We're not talking blue unicorns, here. If a jew quits his faith, he's out of the tribe, right? A lot of christians take their faith that seriously. My roman catholic family did, I have no contact with any of my family except my dad because I am not catholic.

    So I'm not a jew, but I'd like to think I got the full jew experience.

    Factually, my parents ingress on my life and the social awkwardness it caused, earned me the ire and emnity of the entire city. I was trapped in this town most of my life, but the last 10 years I was a prisoner in my home, trash being thrown in my yard, firework rockets shot at my house, swerved into by cars on the road. I was being gangstalked by an entire town without any government involvement whatsoever, only because all these people who barely knew me at all except for a name hated me beyond any reason or compassion.

    So as a matter of fact, I'm more jew than jew, man.

    Luckily, I've moved to the other side of the country to my own little island, and I quite like it here. Especially compared to my life before. I don't miss one thing.

  12. Well if you are happy now then I am happy too. Let's leave it at that.

  13. I knew what you were going to say. I was already going to type as my response
    'would it make you happy if I quoted the bible?'. I think the internet can be used as a telepathic device. I also realized you noticed I spelled enmity wrong. Thanks for not pointing that out, very embarrassing.

    'What you do to the least of my brethren, so you do unto me'.
    -penisbreath mcgee.

    I should just say that in lieu of my own personal diatribe about institutionalized child abuse, you think?

    I have a youth of forced indoctrination, and I'm pretty good at remembering things. I've lived in confinement for years, solitude my entire life. I've had plenty of time to think about things.

    I mean, a woman in a cast today explained she believed people who told her an oncoming semi-truck dematerialized and became intangible to pass through another vehicle and avoid a head-on collision.

    That's great, that she can believe that. I like to believe latent powers of the mind, in the subconscious, like telepathy, are indeed very real. The world of the mind is perhaps more impactful than the reality we perceive directly, and that animals are the pathway to understanding more about our own perceptions and how we mentally construct our interpretations of the world.

    So I am fine if you want to believe christianity and the other religions are valid philosophies, and not created as the original controlled opposition organized as it's own black magic spell against human consciousness. chrsitianity is certainly not the story of gilgamesh; part deux. Ankh Hide You.

  14. Wasn't there a shitload of gold bullion that went missing in wtc seven on 9/11?

    Giuliani had an office there too... and then I heard he received a knighthood afterwards.

    My local member of parliament received a knighthood after his chairman's role in the parliamentary working group for the MENA region prior to and during the colour revolutions in North Africa... when the Tunisian gold reserves disappeared, lol.

  15. @ powder bowl '23

    "..... Like Fetzer's Carnival Crew constantly referring to South African apartheid, suggesting that making blacks live in their own societies is a crime against god and sanity, while putting the country into a state of civil war and white genocide is just and decent. Also, the parallels between whites in South Africa just wanting to have their own societies and Israeli's dropping bombs to totally exterminate their neighbors are blatantly obvious. Practically identical. How does that guy take himself seriously?

    You were talking towards the end about how western society has been led into a trap, of idealism, and I want to expound on that a bit. I believe organized religion is designed to suppress the truth about human nature from people. It's ostensibly about 'love, forgiveness', but doesn't even attempt to address or call attention to the side of humanity that is jealous, envious, spiteful, and malicious.

    I think a lot, LOT, of human behavior is directed by ugly motives like envy. That envy is what fuels, among the other ethnic groups, the unanimous undercurrent among them that causes them to support white genocide. In my own personal life, I know I've had to isolate myself from human interaction because I am much more intelligent and attractive than other people, and that makes me a target. People hate my guts, even my family, all the time. One person, my squad leader in freshman year of marching band, once, had the courage to admit to me that she was mean to me because she was jealous of me....."

    What a GREAT Comment !!! :-)

    --> I just SENT that Excerpt to a Friend! ;-)

  16. My story from today is miniscule ..... but ....

    I was in the supermarket, and I picked out: 4 big-bell-peppers because they were Really-Cheap, and will make TWO: Meals of sliced BP with cubed cheese! :-)

    I also put some lettuce + cabbage leaves from the HUGE: to be Thrown-AWAY: bins right there .....

    and so Young-WHITE-Guy working in that area TRIED to DO the:

    "You can't TAKE anything from the bin ...." routine ... :-o

    Fortunately .... Myself just immediately LEAVING-his-vicinity ... without even establishing "eye-contact" .... was ENOUGH to Avoid any more of "that" ....

    ... and the girl at the check-out was NICE + Friendly ..... and even though I CLEARLY: just had a BIG-Plain-yoghurt + the FOUR BIG Orange-Bell-Peppers ...

    She ONLY rang-up THREE! :-) :-) :-)

    (Maybe SHE KINDLY-thought: This guy is on a LOW-budget! -- So why not give him a Break! ;-) )

    --- I don't "GET" our WHITE-Folks !!! :-o

    Soooo much concerned with (((BS)))-"ideas" ......

    --> But, hopefully jews DO get us !!! ..... and KNOW that: WHEN the Mind-Control-SWITCH ....... Finally !!!! ... turns-the-OTHER-way ......

    --> WHITES WILL indeed: "Get the job DONE" as regards "jews" .....

    "Just" in the very SAME way that: Bomber-Harris ... and the OTHER: "Greatest"-"Heroes":

    Mercilessly: Literally FIRE-Bombed the "Shit" out of ALL: of the Innocent GERMAN: Women, children, old-folks, invalids etc! .... :-o


  17. Northern Nevada Paul Easily came out the "Presidential" WINNER in this Debate ... with a trumptard christard musician ... ;-)

  18. The only thing Mike should feel bad about is losing his web archive... like Scorpio says, we can all be fooled by these scumbags, especially when they are younger; it's in our nature to try to re-educate the younger generations because we realise that they have been damaged by the ZOG culture they were brought up in... however, in hindsight, this Cohen character obviously has the faulty genes intrinsic to all 'tribesmen' and there is no curing that.

    Another red flag to me was his constant banging on about donations, especially considering that his input was generally detrimental to the show.

  19. Some damaging information on persons you might THINK you know inside the truth movement.

  20. Mike: "I didn't see it" YUH KNOW,LIKE I didn't see I was working with a JOO.
    You must be dumb as a box of rocks,to have the nerve/ 3years of childish
    behaviour and your SORRY? How old are you?

    Which part are you sorry for Bankman fried? You are full of it.You were not
    "fooled", YUH KNOW, just a bad actor.

    LIKE, YE KNOW, BASICALLY my military background let me down and I'M sorry

    you all lost money YUH KNOW?

    Sounds to me you are choking on something what was the reason (truth)
    YUH KNOW, YUH KNOW LIKE, YUH KNOW LIKE, why Cohen split with military Mike?

    Still waiting! YUH KNOW...give it up we see you, YUH KNOW? (carolina)
    YUH KNOW why you got connected..... soooo tell the truth,KOP?

    Dave: It's kinda LIKE (but isn't) YOU know it's LIKE YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW BASICALLY.

    LISTEN, let's be honest as apposed to lying, I wanna talk about ("giggle")YUH KNOW?

    Anybody hear swallows?? (me)
    The absoulute YOU KNOW, KNOW ,LIKE ,LIKE which frees the perpator of their speech

    because.... you KNOW and its, like sorta, you know is great, cause it takes the onus
    off ones self (legal) just sayin.

    Talk is cheap in the souls dark nite sometimes you walk by faith and crawl by sight.

    Good Riddler impession Mickey, I would suggest a , cruise.

    Im sorry you can't get a gig in the mainstream media as yet,don't give up.

  21. Hey, Sketchy, y'know, I mean, ah, I'll be honest with you, y'know, hey look, basically, ah, y'know, ah, I mean Jesus Fuckin' christ! at the end of the day, ah, I hope, ah, I hope I don't sound retarded, y'oh?

  22. At Eric, rhythm of the heart,rhythm of the soul/ basically, (don't I sound clever)?

    Well done /grinpositalakigus. That is greek basically, YEH know, you nailed it.
    Do you have what it takes to be a military op Eric?
    Basically,YEH know,like, honestly...these are the simple requirements to be in
    the clown show radio land the end of the

    No Mike, you don't sound retarted, do the Riddler laugh again with Clit!(grin).

    Unemployed voice actors will do anything for a buck,wouldn't you?

    PS, you noticed/brilliant!

  23. The only truth is nature.. and, all is being revealed.

  24. If anyone is still interested Clint made a few lengthy posts on the F250 telegram explaining what has occurred recently from his perspective. For those who were unable to access the audio from earlier posts it might be worth reading. Things are rarely as they seem...

  25. @ Tim

    ... I've been Listening to Your Link ...

    I just got upto: 46-minutes ... "I hope I 'make-sense' ..."

    NO you DON'T even MIKE:

    EITHER: DEATH and being Brutally-MURDERED: by jews & jew-puppets is "Not a big Deal" .....

    In which case ... WHITE-Folks "Reciprocating" with-Their-FULL-Intelligence ... is ALSO EQUALLY: No big-Deal .......

    OR "Killing" IS indeed an IMPORTANT: LIFE "Detail" ......

    ... and, thus .... WHITE Folks TRULY TRYING to Effectively DEFEND Themselves .....

    Is indeed STILL: Very VERY "Legitimate" !!! :-o

    "Logic" .... Doesn't seem to be: One of Mike's Strong-Points! ;-)

    It was poor radio .... but it became unlistenable: Brain-POISON !!! :-o

  26. @ Panzerfaust

    ... at least YOUR link was only 30-seconds! ;-)

  27. Jobe: A person stealing another person's site negates all else.

  28. Its sad that anyone gives this fake crap a minute of their time or energy.

  29. mike sledge exposes clint (alex cohen(

    apparently someone removed the link......., dont do that

    albert logic aint your stromg point either

    if his name is alex cohen why is anyone listening to the guy or posting his side????????

    dont aid (((them((( lol...

  30. anon3334: "So, is everybody who donated to F250 going to get doxxed by this kike Alex? How could Mike and Scorpio trust anyone named COHEN???"

    this is a very good question, its THE question

    anon8189: @anon4619: "there was a fair bit of zog excusing going on, in the anon3334: So, is everybody who donated to F250 going to get doxxed by this kike Alex? How could Mike and Scorpio trust anyone named COHEN??? this is a very good question, its THE question

    Tue Nov 14, 12:09:39pm

    blauweoceaan: anon8189: @anon4619: there was a fair bit of zog excusing going on, in the scorpio sledge recording, yes there was and neither one of those guys knows enough about Jews to be letting them off the hook. And if they were so confident that Alex was a "good Jew" they should disclosed his racial status to their audience from the beginning. It was dishonest of them, all three of them."


    1. Well, there's a reason 'Mike' calls himself Kike Sledge lol. He apparently took the Alex Jones impression a little too far ( jewish ex-wife and children).


  31. "Good God - Frick and Frack are at it again." LOL, so true Scorpio! Which one are you? LOL

    I left this site as an admin because of Scorpio. He is a narcissistic snake in the grass.

    He will tell you I was removed, but Zap knows the truth. Scorpio is not an honest boy.

    That's on him and I don't really care.

  32. Perhaps the Chinese creative types were taken out by the opium? It's not uncommon for those types to fall foul of addictions.

    The Chinese are significantly leading the field in student performance results... they certainly seem to be driven to succeed.

    About Amsterdam: The city was created by Jews fleeing Iberia (previously from Venice), look at the map of the old city... it's laid out in the shape of a minora.

    Amsterdam was built on an archipelago of sandbanks using wooden piles, in much the same way that Venice was built... and the London docks subsequently.

    Most original Amsterdammers have jewish blood in them; Dutch Jews have been intermarrying with the Dutch Europeans for hundreds of years, also out in the provinces... it's as very Jewish country. The Royal bloodline has also been infiltrated.

  33. not many jews in the outer provinces jumbo, most of em in the big cities in the west, called holland

    like in america

  34. LOL those dollars raining down on Scorpio at his computer are jew dollars! LOL He tells you he operates The Scorpio International Holding Company LLC (Limited Liability) no honor there...

  35. I always thought that Clint Jewwoodendoors was a fuckn' AHole and now I know I was right. His freakn' radio voice sounded like a pussy millennial yuppie type whose balls never dropped. The eternal victim jew shyster always telling people to give him their money because he deserves it and they don't. I never gave him a penny. I knew when Scorpio left there was something wrong I only stayed To listen to Mike. The pussy millennial yuppie type whose balls never dropped never had a funny bone in his body on his shows He was the most egotistical asshole I've ever heard, and his so called personal help or so called prepping info shows were the most childish immature shit I've ever heard. Figures he would do this to Mike as he was so out classed.

  36. no love surface web

  37. if clint is a jew named alex cohen


    why and how this happened

    explain the proces..!


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