December 23, 2023

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2023.12.23

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - Fritz from the chatroom joins the Fetch

Hour 2 - Guest: Pastor Eli James

Hour 3 - Caller participation

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  1. I wish I could have the kind of retarded, sub 80, african I.Q. that made me assume that any display of any kind of learning or intellect whatsoever had to be the doing of 'transdimensional beings'. Just kidding.

    I'll be over here using the raw power of my mind to telepathically communicate with animals, except people - they have no minds. Peace.

  2. Alright, I realize the heavy irony of that statement emitting from someone who claims to have encountered extra-planar existence.
    I would highly suggest that the cyclical, ritualistic abuse and entrapment into enslavement of societies as imposed by the rich, the people who control money, is neither divinely inspired nor compelled by directive from the master of the underworld.
    It's just stupid people, being as stupid as they possibly can, given the extent of the allotment of stupidity their positions afford them.
    Next time I meet them, I'll check back in with how bored they are of the limitations of the human condition. Humanity isn't as important as it assumes itself to be, I'd further suggest.

  3. The richer people are in contrast to the poor, and the tighter their grasp on the reins of methods of social control become, the more they can afford to be stupid, and the stupider the agendas they can foist on society can become. It's an uninterrupted pattern of hierarchical sociopathy that dates directly back to the destruction of Greece and the inception of Christianity. You don't have to have dark communion with the nether realms to do the triangulation on their coordinates, at this point. Both God and the Devil would be bored of them, and find them not just tedious, but stunted. The rich retards abusing humanity with their stupidity aren't on the forefront of communication with extradimensional entities, I can assure you.

  4. Dammit, Jim, I wish Scotty would get that fuckiing teleporter fixed, already. We’ve got one for immediate extraction.

  5. Take a valium Bones. Scotty is realigning the dilithium crystals so it will take a while.

  6. This guy is more worried about Christians than Jews

  7. Not true at all. I merely think christianity is a jew/freemason construct to keep populations pacified and oppressed. I agree with the quote that christianity is the worst thing to happen to the west.
    All organized religions are backdrops to the secret society, who use the most dedicated and insane cult members as initiates into their ranks. Fact.
    All religions, including those rites of the freemasons themselves, are practiced ceremony, empty tradition with no real significance, and do not in fact open portals into other dimensions.
    Entities from other dimensions are, from reputation, very picky about the portals they frequent. The suggestion that the machinations of man, are heavily influenced by the activities of extra dimensional entities is bogus fabrication to lend an air of mysticism to those whose methods and means are entirely mundane.
    They aren't fkng wizards, Harry. I can tell you that, because I know magic.

  8. You see what's happening here?

    These alt media ringmasters are in a competition, to say the stupidest thing they can imagine to possibly say, like tossing rings out into the crowd.

    I get so incensed that I rage onto this blog, pointing out the absolute lack of reason present in every alt media podcast, even knowing it acts as like a bait-trap, to lure in dissenters to post their useless opinions on the very sites being run by their adversaries, pushing the propaganda as hard as they can. I am incredibly irritating to them, like sand in an oyster, depositing pearls in their minds.

    And the responses I get from the contortionists, bearded women, and fish-men, is that the stupid bits are their favorite part, and I should sit down and shut up.

    Great show.

  9. Shut the fuck up dude. You are behaving worst than jews and it's Christmas eve. Please give us a break.

  10. Oh Hi,

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Is Fritz the guy with the complete William Roberts archive?

    If he is I'd be interested in getting a coy of the archive.

    Or anyone that has it can find me at .



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