December 12, 2023

Major Turning Point, Pro-Palestine Protests, israeli Bullshit, Cyber-Plandemic, Climate Hoax, Depopulation, Jade Helm 15, Internet Lunatics, The Sane Asylum - Redacted, Eyes Is Watchin, Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Wardo Rants, Yukon Jack, Dave Gahary, Handsome Truth, & Flood!-1 on The Perfect Triangle

European Union Takes Control Over British Military!
"We must kill those who insist on murdering civilians."- Elon Musk
"Antisemitism is a natural reaction to being around Eskimos."
Giuseppe The G-Man
* Suggested by Albert *

BOMBSHELL: Israel Admits VAST Majority Of Their Humiliated Gazan Hostages Are Innocent Palestinians!
Pro-Palestine consumers are protesting in the streets and with their wallets, boycotting corporations that support Israel, including Disney, Starbucks and McDonald’s. The Drum delves into the possible implications of the boycott movement and asks what, if anything, brands should be saying right now. 

decree said...

Its interesting DW mentions Gerard Menuhins "Tell the Truth and Shame the devil" because i just mentioned it these days on SFR telegram.

 "Gerard Menuhin in his book ‘Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil’ makes a case for Adolf Hitler being the only statesman in the modern era who could have liberated the enslaved people of planet Earth from the clutches of organized world Zionism."

Alex Jones EXPLODES the internet and reveals plot against Elon Musk

European Union Takes Control Over British Military!


"We must kill those who insist on murdering civilians."
- Elon Musk 

 Lunatics on the Internet
"I personally think the oak trees would vote better than women.
They might bend on some issues but they won’t break."

Is this a MAJOR turning point for AMERICAN LIBERTY?
Cool Cat
December 9, 2023

Antisemitism is a natural reaction to being around Jews.

I used to get it myself, I would be arguing and some Jews would butt in and then repeat the same bullcrap on the MSM, like a time I was at the lake talking about the climate hoax and some rude Jew troglodyke got in my face about global warming.

You see the problem is the stupid Jews think they are always right, and they are simply branded by the narrative like the climate or the holohoax, that MSM narrative is “reality” – and they have not studied it, so they don’t know, they are just branded by the Jew media – which they trust – cause they are Jews themselves.

You can see this right now, many supremacist Jews will defend Israel no matter what, and it is obnoxious as well as evil, and can not understand how you can criticize Israel ’cause Hamas attack. And if you tell them it was a false flag, that just outrages them. So you soon learn that truth and how a Jew thinks are  not correlated.

It is a Jew frequency. Jews lie because the Jew frequency is being in a state of deception all of the time. I am not sure the lower Jews are even aware of this. It is either genetic or cultural or both. They seem to be hive minded.

Anyways, long before I ever heard of antisemitism I did not like Jews, I did not even know what a semite was, I just thought, wow these Jewish people are real loud mouthed assholes.

How to Eradicate Antisemitism – Dec 8, 2023
"G & P play clips and discuss the continued collapse of the United States into a jew-ravaged 3rd world shithole, and the 21st century Sodom and Gomorrah. The NNP fantasy presidency is becoming more and more appealing."

* Suggested by Albert *

Gold Silver & Bronze! In the Munchies category
Noor al Haqiqa recommends:

Old reliable site.
If Americans Knew

In memory of what was.
Palestine Remembered
Firth Of Fifth - Steve Hackett

Genesis Revisited Band & Orchestra: Live At The Royal Festival Hall

"It was a fantastic experience for both the band and myself to play alongside an orchestra and to feel the power of the sound this extraordinary combo created. It sounds equally compelling on both film and audio. I'm proud to release this exciting product." ~ Steve Hackett



  1. Northern Nevada Paul (formerly: Paul-from-California ;-) ) is Getting REALLY GOOD at "radio" !!! :-)

    Paul Really IS a nice-Guy! ... Almost as nice as: Adolf-Hitler! :-o ;-)

    :-) :-) :-)

    Paul is even nice to Callers now !!! ;-)

    I'm SURE that Paul will AGREE (Because (((michael-weaner))) was: LOCAL-Talk-Radio in SF, before being (((syndicated-nation-wide))) ...)

    That (((weiner's)))-"routine" was "cleverly" "Hard-Hitting" ...... including: being very RUDE & censorous of Callers .....

    .... And yet, ultimately: WHAT a ((("gate-keeping"))) (((fraud))) (((he))) really WAS/IS !!! :-o

    What was the (((spiel)))!? "Political-NUDITY" or something! ;-)

    Maybe it was "Psychological-NUDITY"?

    ----> I really really REALLY LIKE: The way Paul KEEPS the FOCUS: upon the SURVIVAL of the WHITE-Race !!! :-)

    .... Whereas .... for year-after-year (((wiener))) mis-directed (((his))) Listeners to "clever"-((("ideas"))) !!! :-o

    I THINK that Much of Paul's Laser-Like-FOCUS: Is from Realizing and LEARNING-the-Hard-Way:

    That (((weiner))) and other BS-((("artists"))) SEEMED to be Saying "conservative"-things/"ideas" ........

    But, were in-FACT: ONLY EVER: Seeking to DEFLECT the FOCUS of WHITES: AWAY from even the very-POINT: Of OUR-very-SURVIVAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    EVERY Listener .... even while "THINKING" (As the "Libtards" at Work would always go-Nuts when (((he))) came-on-the-radio!): that (((weiner))) was "Hard-Hitting" and "conservative" ...... ALWAYS really-KNEW: That sooooo MANY: VITAL-to-WHITE-Interests/Survival TOPICS: Were Flatly: "Off-of-the-Table" for Discussion !!! :-o

    Hence the (((CRAZY))) Levels of "SCREENING", Shouting-OVER, and Cutting-OFF of callers!!! ;-)

    There was even a jew-from-NY called "Jimmy" ..... and, though a GREAT (for THOSE-days! ;-) ) Caller ...... (((weiner))) soon BLOCKED (((him))) from calling-in ....... because (((jimmy))) was obviously: Taking-AWAY: from (((weiner's)))-"Limelight"! ;-)

    Well, Paul USED to Check-Out: The Mami's Comments! ....

    So I HOPE that HE SEES this one ..... and is Happily-ENCOURAGED with some POSITIVE FEEDBACK! :-)
    ("A little encouragement, goes a looong way!" ;-) )

    To CONTINUE to HONE his GREAT: Style + Message !!! :-) :-) :-)

    (Richard Kary is too ... "boring" .... in Presentation-Style .......
    -- And, as long as Paul NOW GETS: Sufficient: Air-TIME / Audience-Exposure ...
    --> Paul is BETTER OFF: WITHOUT Kary !!! :-o )


    :-) :-) :-)

  2. Polish MP puts out Hanukkah menorah candles with fire extinguisher

  3. Love the way the uniforms are clearing a path for him, rather than dragging him out in handcuffs.


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