January 06, 2024

Actions have consequences

 Wendytheredhead says "fedsurrection, what say you?


  1. I sure miss those food fights between Wendy and the Evil Gerber Baby over at Whooli's!!

  2. this is the main problem here, stop focusing on Joe, he did not steal anything, and he does not rule anything now as potus, its all the people behind him, they stole and they now rule the country. Joe is just an empty shell enabling jews using this trojan Biden. Stop pointing at him, point at his team, which is 100% dual citizen and jewish.

  3. this is the main problem here, stop focusing on Trump, he did not steal anything, and he does not rule anything now as potus, its all the people behind him, they stole and they now rule the country. Trump is just an empty shell enabling jews using this trojan Trump. Stop pointing at him, point at his team, which is 100% dual citizen and jewish.

    Same shit. Different day.


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